
If You are Ordering Silver from TSP Mint, Please Read This — 28 Comments

  1. i didn’t even get the email in my spam folder, I didn’t get one at all

    • Did you read what I posted about yahoo, please read the last sentence in the second to last paragraph. I am telling you it happens all the time.

  2. I received a confirmation instantly through my gmail account. The new coin is awesome!!!

  3. I am using Outlook connecting to my personal domain, and checked my Junk E-Mail and Inbox, and I did not receive a confirmation since my order. I’ve received other emails from them so they are not getting blocked or filtered.
    It sounds like it is an issue to be worked through.
    I can log into the site and look at my account and see the order status as Pending.

  4. Thanks for working on this Jack.

    I went ahead and added the address above to my contacts. But I did realize that I received a couple emails from TSP Mint announcing the new coins. The emails came from the address you specified, service @ Not sure if that helps or just clouds things. But hopefully adding them as a contact will work.

  5. I didn’t receive a confirmation either. It does show as pending on the site with an order number. I checked my spam folder and have always gotten emails from them on my previous orders. I use for email.

    I ordered at 1 am est and went to bed and sent my check on the way to work so I hope it all goes as planned.

  6. Same issue. No email. But on website. Have yahoo. Not in spam. Lol one day the mint will be a real busness but till then, silver is silver….

  7. I have noticed the same problem since they moved to the new server. My first order, I received the emails (old server) , but the last two orders I haven’t gotten any receipts. I have an order pending, that should ship soon, I was waiting to see if the shipping notice makes it before calling .


  8. I have yahoo and don’t have a confirmation either in spam or inbox. My order shows up on tspmint in my account so the confirmation shouldn’t be needed. Check is on the way.

  9. Yahoo here too, but not worried. No email confirmation? Don’t freak out. Just log in at TSP Mint and check the status of your order. It’s the same damn thing.

  10. Just a thought Jack,

    I work for an ISP, and maybe the missing emails are being rejected at the destination server due to a SPF (Sender Policy Framework) discrepancy. Most SPF blocking is done before any other spam filtering. If somebody who successfully received the confirmation could forward it to you, then you could possibly see the originating header details and narrow the issue down.

  11. I received confirmation, but I had to put up with “this site may be dangerous! Proceed or back out?” That was for the TSP mint site. I felt confident that I hadn’t fallen into a black hatted virus site, lol. Yeah, Yahoo here.

  12. I got my confirmation with no problem. I guess I’m just lucky, as I waited until this morning to score one of the limited editions.

  13. Holy cow! I was just on Chris’s site and the guy is losing it. Now he is bad mouthing the Sentinel coin, going on about symbolism and over-analyzing it, listing 5 flaws. I wanted to say, “it’s just a freaking chicken…er coin, dude!” (reference too subtle?) 😉

    “The latest attempt is based off of the homo erotic, violent movie 300. The idea is that if 300 men can can stand against a invading army, then what could 55 million do?”

    First off, I hated the new remake of “The 300”. The original was so much better. Secondly, the symbolism is how Sparta valiantly held off the Persian Army, until reinforcements could be mustered and brought into action. The true heart of this epic story is that these men knew that they would die, yet believed the sacrifice worthy, if they could give the Greek army time to muster. It’s a story of unflinching courage in the face of death, in an effort to safeguard their country, their family and their friends.

    Im thinking Chris needs to take a chill pill and “resonate with his inner calm”. IMO

    • I saw that, too. Don’t know if Jack will even acknowledge those statements, but it’s clear to me that CD is trying to drag others down with him. I’d like to think it was just a misunderstanding, but he’s so far out of line with his last post that the truth is making itself known by his actions.

      • Indeed I won’t waste any energy responding to his stupidity he is currently destroying himself so let him do it. Notice how this time he talks about how he learned about honor in the Marines like we should all kiss his ass for his service then in the same post shits all over those who serve.

        You can’t have it both ways, either those who serve are killers and you should be ashamed of your service or if you are proud of it (and you should be) you should respect those still doing it.

        • I’m not sure whats going on (I’m not going to waste my time going and reading his thoughts on his “blog”) but he probably needs to go watch his video series.

          What you described is as Mr. Duane would correctly call Cognitive Dissonance. Hard to take the guy seriously at this point. He sounds like a turd on facebook/twitter who believes everybody should listen to every little thing or thought he has to say. Sure lets just bash things that have nothing to do with you, and conduct put downs, real stand up guy.

  14. No response from e-mail on order
    I do get e-mails about events
    No response when I tried to reset my password

    I have my own domain
    My hosting s/w is with go daddy
    low spam filter – at most it saves a copy in the “bulk” folder

    Online order status shows pending…and my check should be in the mail via online banking within 30 mins of the order…so no real idea if it gets that mandatory must be post marked in 24 hrs thing.

    I would have rather entered the online check info; and I will look forward to that feature in the future.

    When I see the check being cashed I will try an order for the normal Sentinel coins.

  15. I use yahoo. I have not received a order confirmation for this order, But I did receive an order confirmation for my previous order. Go figure. wrote my confirmation number down. Thanks for the heads up.

  16. Like Randall – I too work for an ISP – nada and I’m wide open. Just FYI incase anyone is looking into the email issue, it’s just feedback incase anyone is trouble shooting. Not too worried, I have an order number which I think is the important part on the mints side, then to match it up with payment.

    • It isn’t always that simple, some things happen on the Server Side of things especially that effect automated emails. Even when running my email via my own hosting account it has happened to me before. I now run it though my own dedicated box and that seems to prevent this but even when I was hosting on shared servers with my own domain it did happen EVEN THOUGH my host denied it.