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Ethan L.
Ethan L.
4 years ago

The best approach to civil disobedience in my mind is to just go back to life as normal (as best as possible). Showing up on the capitol steps with a sign and an AR slung over your shoulder is going from first step to last without the logical middle parts.

The government can mandate and order all it wants. If everyone just shrugs off the threats and maybe hires a good lawyer, we’re back in business with or without Uncle Sam’s help. Sure, wear gloves and masks, and of course wash your hands and keep safe distance. But these things shouldn’t prohibit natural functions of economics and social movement.

There’s a bug-a-boo of fear over this and millions are now out of work. Food production is shutting down and some large cities are basically under martial law. We can get to a point when the cure is worse than the disease, and we’re approaching that point. Time to kick the fear and oppression to the curb and take a ‘kill or cure’ approach. If we don’t at least try, then any upsides won’t matter.

And now I’m doing my part and am heading off to work.

Richard Hauser
Richard Hauser
4 years ago

The park closings are not because people are walking in the woods, it is because of stupid people.  The parks in NJ were open, they just asked people not to have kids play on the playsets. To remind people they wrapped them with police ribbon.  People then just stepped over the ribbon and had their kids play anyway.  So they closed the parks.  I’d like to rely on personal responsibility but in this case one person’s stupidity doesn’t just hurt them, it hurts others. The NAP doesn’t apply here.

Jim Hardy
Jim Hardy
4 years ago

I want to disagree that what we have been doing is necessary wrong.   The argument that mathematics dictate that results would have been the same without social distancing has some issues.

The first issue is that much of what has been done was to slow the contagion rates to the point where they are manageable.   Even with drastic measures many hospitals and health care systems like laboratories have been inundated.  Mathematics may correctly estimate that eventually the number of people infected would be similar with or without lock downs which may be true, but it does not factor in the success of healthcare professionals to treat patients with the maximum positive outcome.

As with any illness, treatments improve with time.  We may not be able to stop this virus, but by slowing the infection rate, we can have time to improve treatment and mitigate the damage and death.

It is also not true that we do not have evidence that quarantines work.  There is an entire science about infectious disease and the control of them, and that science is not mathematics, it is epidemiology.  We have evidence of the spread of infectious disease going back over 100 years.  If you study the history of the Spanish Flu you will see they were dealing with many of the same issues we are dealing with now.

So far as the moral questions of whether it was worth the cost in terms of dollars to save as many lives as possible, we have realize it is not a simple question.  Not closing down and allowing the virus to run amok could have had a much worse social and economic impact, but that is like all unknown, speculation.

It is plausible however that had lock downs not been implemented and  the virus overwhelmed the healthcare system, it would have created public panic and a breakdown in social order.



Jim Hardy
Jim Hardy
4 years ago

The problem as I see it is we have very diverse cultures.  Some places people are highly responsible and voluntarily act responsibly.  Other places the culture is different and people go out of their way to act irresponsibly.  What do you do in areas where people refuse to do social distancing or have any concern for the health of the overall community?   I have even seen reports of people purposely trying to spread the virus.  Where I live, you cannot really tell there is anything going on when you go out.  People are shopping, construction is going on, but people respect social distancing and act responsibly.   However, I moved here from a city where people act completely different.

Jim Hardy
Jim Hardy
4 years ago

OK you want numbers, here you go.  According to the article..

“Sweden has opted not to lock down in the wake of Covid-19, and Swedes have instead followed similar social-distancing measures to those adopted in the seven US states I focused on.  Sweden ranks slightly ahead of its close neighbors, ”

Slightly?    Really?

Sweden:    Total cases 17,567     Deaths  2,152    Deaths per 1m population  213

Denmark:  Total cases  8,210     Deaths  403     Deaths per 1m population   70

Norway:     Total cases  7,444      Deaths  199     Deaths per 1m population   37

Worldometers 4/24/2020



4 years ago

That is what the deaths per 1 mil pop statistic is for.   Sweden has 3 times the deaths per 1 million in pop than Denmark and 5 times Norway.  If you do not think that is statistically significant then you need to question your own credibility.

Jim Hardy
Jim Hardy
4 years ago

They say that it is hard to get a man to see the truth about something if his job depends on not seeing it. I am afraid that is the point we have come to.   There are lies damn lies and statistics, or mathematical models if you choose.  The bottom line is that epidemiologists know more about epidemics than mathematicians.  The Swedish experiment has been a failure. And you are more concerned with maintaining your cult leader status than speaking the truth.


Nathan Kirby
Nathan Kirby
4 years ago
Reply to  Jim Hardy

Jim you hit the nail on the head with cult leader. Jack is and always has been this way. It’s just a damn shame people blindly follow him with such fervor. Right or wrong if you don’t agree with Jack, he will only pick out a few of your points to keep up his side of the argument.

Nathan Kirby
Nathan Kirby
4 years ago

Amid all the information on here you do some times provide great gems of knowledge. In spite of some of the truly nonsensical BS you spout. When it’s based on farming and practical things I find a lot of useful information, but when it comes to some subjects you have the same mentality as a butt hurt boomer. I have been listening long enough to hear you shine and to hear you be extremely two faced. I’ll keep checking back to get information that will help me improve my life and the quality of my life, but I don’t have to agree with your some times disconnected views. Like you have said in the past Jack, I don’t have to agree with you all the time.

Nathan Kirby
Nathan Kirby
4 years ago

Penalty, off sides. You are picking one point again Jack. I agreed with a person that you have a cult like following and pointed out this exact thing only to have you prove me right. I then answered your question as to why I come here and you then start the name calling insisting I have a paper asshole. Looks like you should take a step back and look at how you argue, not me.

I come here for useful information and have seen you attack other people time and time again because they question your opinion and don’t agree with you. I have not stated if I thought you were right wrong or a sack of shit. None of that came out of my fingers and entered the virtual world. You extrapolated that and it says a lot about how insecure you are about all of it. I will continue to come back and sift through the muck for my gems to keep and that is all.

Nick in MNG
4 years ago
Reply to  Jim Hardy


Actually, given the sector Jack is in (survivalism) I think he has a lot of monetary incentive to take the OPPOSITE position that he’s taking. There’s a lot of opportunity for people to shill survival products in this environment of fear. So you’re disproving your own point with your assertion that his ‘job depends on him not seeing it’.

I take this pandemic quite seriously and I’ve done so since January since before we got back to Asia. And while I think some of the recent studies like the Stanford study are terribly flawed (refer to Chris Martenson’s video starting at 5:40 here- https://youtu.be/R8Pv77R3g1E), we cannot ignore the damage from the economic fallout. If handled badly (which I think many places have both from a practical and liberty standpoint), that economic damage can easily translate to more lives lost and misery than the pandemic.

Epidemiologists and business owners need to pool their skills & knowledge to see the bigger picture, because it’s seldom that people from either profession has sufficient background in both to chart the optimal course. Note that I said ‘optimal’… not ‘pain free’ or ‘risk free’. Hanging one’s expectations of the latter two is not realistic, and I fear too many people are carrying this mindset.

Lawrence J. Smith
4 years ago

The George Straight movie you made reference to is “Pure Country.”  In addition to that thought- provoking comment, it did produce two good songs.

Roy Ramey
Roy Ramey
4 years ago

Agreed, great movie, great soundtrack!

4 years ago

Funny how people are committed to justify the lie rather than argue with Facts.

No one knew what they were dealing with at first, the models were crap, I knew it at the time, but no one knew what the actual models would look like either.
Now, we know that it was nowhere near as bad as we thought it was, it’s not killing healthy by the millions, it’s killing sickly people by the thousands.  We also know that it’s too similar to other strains of Coronavirus to be a novel Coronavirus and likely is just a strain we never sequenced before.
I’m in Southern California, and there’s a lot of people who go back and forth from China monthly.  There was a virus that went around December and January that seemed to be mostly from that community, it didn’t overwhelm the hospitals, it wasn’t the Walking Dead, but it wasn’t fun either.  I believe it was Covid19, and yet California is on lockdown still, with almost completely empty hospitals.  You know, so that we don’t overwhelm the hospitals… makes a ton of sense, right?