Episode-1223- Starting the Journey from Grasshopper to Ant (orig epi 298)
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Today we dip into the archives again. Episode 298 was originally published on Oct. 15th, 2009. By that time the TSP philosophy and components of it like the inverse relationship between impact scale and probability were well fleshed out.
Today will will lay out 20 steps to take as a person who has just decided that it is time “to do something” but isn’t quite sure what that “something” is. Even though today is done with the new person in mind I think it will help everyone sort of recenter on the core of what is the most important things to make sure you have accomplished.
I have also created a special commercial free version of today’s show for sharing with others who you want to get thinking about preparedness. That version can be found on our forum here.
Tune in today as we discuss
- Start with the old fable of the grasshopper and the ant
- The first thing you do is assess the situation and stay calm
- Journal your spending and your eating
- Write a plan for debt elimination and begin creating an emergency fund
- Put together a basic documentation package
- Assemble a BOB for each family member (cheap and fast the first time around)
- Inventory your pantry over a week or two (how much food do you have at your low point)
- Begin storing up a 30 day supply of food you will eat anyway
- Begin assembling a low cost 30 day long term storage supply
- Determine where you would go if you had to leave and go at least 50 miles from home
- Make plans for how you would help elderly parents or other family members
- Update your resume and be prepared to loose your job on any given day
- Avoid focusing on any individual coming event or scenario
- Plan a garden and start getting ready to plant (depending on the season)
- Learn about disaster commonality (it is not about the disaster it is about loss of support systems)
- Learn about disaster probability (Personal-Localized-Regional-State-National-Global)
- Determine your most probable “personal”, “local” and “regional”
- Start window shopping for “country land” or an “urban homestead”
- Think of the children, won’t someone please think of the children (seriously think of your children)
- Assess your “normal preparations”
- Take ownership of your plan and your life
Resources for today’s show…
- The Year 1223
- Join Our Forum
- 13Skills.com
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- Shop for TSP Silver
- TSP Gear
- PermaEthos.com
- Bulk Ammo – (sponsor of the day)
- Safecastle Royal – (sponsor of the day)
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
Also remember we have an expert council you can address your calls to. If you do this you should email me right after your call at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with expert council call in the subject line. In the body of your email tell me that you just called in a question for the council and what number you called in from. I will then give the call priority when I screen calls.
Our Expert Council is Made Up of…
- Kerry Davis – Dark Angel Medical – Emergency Medicine and Life Saving Care
- Bryan Black – ITS Tactical – All Things Tactical, E&E, Lock Picking, etc.
- Frank Sharp Jr. – Fortress Defense Consultants – Weapons, Tactics and Security
- Darby Simpson – DarbySimpson.com – Livestock and Farm Management/ Homestead Consulting
- Ben Falk – Whole Systems Design – Permaculture (Specializing in North Eastern Climates)
- Paul Wheaton – Permies.com – Permaculture (Specializing in North Western Climates)
- Tim Glance – Old Grouch’s Military Surplus – Bug Out Vehicles, Military Surplus and Communications
- Stephen Harris – Solar1234 – All things Energy
- Chef Keith Snow – Harvest Eating – Cooking
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Did I miss step one or did Jack skip it?
@Rich the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper is #1
This is a special episode for me. After listening to this episode I decided to start actively prepping. Only two months later I lost my job.
In those two months I was able to do a lot.
Food preps help. Budgeting helped. We were already debt free except the mortgage.
I read and learned a lot about prepping. Now I have a full time job, I will be going to nursing school, we have six months of food storage. We both have awesome term life.
Thanks Uncle Jack
This has always been one of my favorites, I have listened to it several times with different people over the years
In addition, this episode put me in the right mindset.Having the right mindset was key when I lost my job. I will never forget this episode.
Your picking some good ones. Nice to revisit what got some of us started.
Nice to beable to listen and re-think things again
Thanks for all you do!
I use this whole format that is laid out here in my talks, topic, and home work for my Survival Group here in Wyoming. Great stuff as always brother Jack.
id like to have this episode in book form.
This was the first episode I listened to. I remember thinking how simple the lesson of the grasshopper and ant was. I wondered how we (as a people) had forgotten about hard work and preparedness. This one set us on the right path. My husband had been listening for a few months and was trying to get me into it…I’m so glad I listened. Our lives have changed, our debt is gone and I am now able to stay at home with our two boys and build our homestead. Thanks!
“Sooner or later it always rains” – Jack Spirko
So True!