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6 years ago

In Michigan times like this make me jealous of your temperature.  A few days ago we got 6″ of fresh super heavy snow, and it snowed this morning, and it is snowing now.  Pretty unusual even for us, but it’s 18 degrees and a barren wasteland outside.


But then in Summer when I’m grumbling that it’s getting into the 90s and I hear you say it’s 110+ and you just can’t go outside I realize maybe it’s not so bad up here.

6 years ago

Did I miss something why are you getting rid of your ducks? I thought you’d said previously that ducks are easier to raise than chickens?

Ted Kehl
Ted Kehl
6 years ago

When you top your Oaks, try and do it in the winter to prevent Oak Wilt.  It’s a fungus spread by a bug.  Real bad in Texas from what I’ve heard.

A knowledgeable & honest tree service should advise you of this.  A less reputable one won’t as if it get’s wilt, it will be dead in 1-4 years and they get repeat business.  🙁

6 years ago

What was the name of the place you mentioned ordering trees from in this episode that wasn’t Bob Wells Nursery?