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14 years ago


When I have had similar problems, an easy fix was to pull the old hard drive and pop it into the new PC as an additional storage drive.

14 years ago

I called and kept it short and sweet. And tried to enunciate to counter act the yummy beer 🙂

14 years ago

I’m sort of phone illiterate, so here is my call-in: like “peak oil”, what about “peak corn”? So much that we depend upon is corn-based, what would that be like if a massive corn outage occurred?

14 years ago


Donating the computer is great, but please remember to fully wipe the drive before you do this. I don’t just mean to format it. I mean use a program to erase and overwrite each sector to prevent data recovery. Two good programs are “Eraser” and “DBAN”, and both are freeware.

14 years ago

Jack, Microsoft is certainly proprietary software in everything they produce. I switched to a Mac back in June and I love it. Where do you figure you would need to spend $4-$5K on software?

14 years ago

I’m interested in knowing what you use to edit the mp3’s. Those specs are nice considering the price. Can’t beat Gateway for their value.

One idea for the show…Medical issues for short term and long term survival. I don’t mean so much for the disabled, but more if something happens or anything that would go beyond your basic first aid kit. Things your able to store in bulk and things that are more than likely not found anywhere else (such as an AED for those with heart problems).

Basically, what should we store in bulk as far as medical supplies goes? What SKILLS do we need beyond basic CPR and first aid skills? What are the possibilities we may go short periods without adequate health care and may be left to treat some things our self. Red cross and others might be around, but also over worked and over crowded with long wait times.

14 years ago

I’m with you on Vegas, I played with the Apple product but after one bite I found it a little too sweet. Vegas is heavy ended at first to learn, but once you’re into it you just fall in love with it. It seems like you can do anything you want, and then there is more. Sony has some good products there, Sound Forge, Acid music… great stuff.

Johnny Genlock
Johnny Genlock
14 years ago

I left a message, but a lot of background noise at the restaurant wifi site. My question was two-part:
1)Mushrooms, . . I have heard you can get a crop of the shrooms in as little as 28 days and have protein food (to supplement other foods, hopefully). What do you know about them. What resources are available for learning and producing?
2)In a bug-out situation, who do you take with you and what are the rules? There are a lot of chores and 24 hours of the day to keep secure. What kind of friend (other than family) do you take? Why? And what should the rules be?
(This should give you a lot of room for situation ethics comments) [And I wouldn’t have brought it up if I haven’t been in a situation where somebody(s) turn into a frigkin “box of chocolates” on you.]

Justin in Boston
Justin in Boston
14 years ago

Another voice mail left Jack… regarding Jury Nullification you mentioned the other day.

I butchered the acronym as I was on the spot and the page wouldn’t load, but FIJA.org is
“Fully Informed Jury Association”… not what I mumbled in my haste.

Feel free to call me Justin “Oops”.

14 years ago

Jack, here’s an idea for a show. The Discovery Channel’s “Dual Survival” is a raging hit and TSP has interviewed Dave Canterbury, but you have yet to talk to the barefoot half of the show’s cast, Cody Lundin. I think that would be a hoot.

14 years ago

I left a question. Hopefully it’s clear, sometimes a speak a little fast.

14 years ago

Guess Linux is too communist for ya? 🙂

But OpenBSD/FreeBSD/NetBSD/etc are surely the libertarian’s OS, no?