Have You Joined Grandaddys Gun Club Yet
If not why not? It is free, the site is up and running and getting better every single day. Grandaddy’s Gun Club is a idea who’s time has come. The right to keep and bare arms is and has been under attack since the founding of our nation, but today it is different.
Today folks our kids are being taught in government run schools to fear guns as never before. If we don’t act and do so soon we are one generation away from the end of gun rights in America. The young people coming up today will be so conditioned to fear guns they will pose no resistance to the anti gun efforts that have attacked the second amendment since the very day it was ratified.
I feel we have come to the limits of what lobying can do, the NRA is a great organization, despite some differences I have with them, they have gone to bat in DC over and over. But it will not be enough in coming years, again your children and grand children are being taught to fear guns in school. Your tax dollars are being used to condition the next generation to simply fear guns so much that they won’t ever even want to own any. Do you get that?
The only solution is grass roots, to restore the heritage, price, joy and self-reliance mindset that this nation has had as a nation of proud gun owners for over 200 years. Right now there are about 55 million gun owners in America, but to be blunt as we age and pass on, new young gun owners are not replacing us at a level to prevent this from going into deep decline in the next 20 years.
The 20 somethings voting today are already largely anti gun, the 12 year old in grade school today, will be 32 in two decades, think about that, it is time, to reinstall the values that guns represent in our nation, then time is now. This is the best way I know to do it. Please join the club today, here is a video of me explaining how it works.
Hey, I love shooting but none of my guns are special to anyone but me and I don’t plan to have kids at this time. I do support the cause. Is it appropriate for me to join even if I don’t personally intend to participate?
Absolutely and long term we want to establish mentorship programs for people like you and those with no one to guide them.
Jack, the gun Club is a great idea! One thing needs to be changed,that is “only from my cold hands.” it should be”I’ll have their gun when I take it from their cold dead hands.” That is real “shall not!”
This is the only episode next to the Veterans Day special that had me sheading a tear.
Thank you for everything you do
Attila Iklady
I love the idea Jack. Keep up the good work. I am tired of it too. All my guns are important to me, enough to loose my life over it. Its really not the guns, its the arrogant ELITE thinking they have the right to tell me what is best for my family, when they don’t have any plans or cares for the future of child. Of course I don’t want to die fighting my own government. I have a beautiful three year old girl and can’t wait to take her shooting. The dumb average American don’t understand, they won’t stop with guns. Sorry to vent. I know you understand all this. I’m just angry at what is going on to our country. You do a great job and thank you so much. I will leave you with this. “You got to stand for something or you will fall for anything.”