
Growing Wild Edibles and the Transitional to a Fall Garden — 11 Comments

  1. Great job Jack! Really enjoyed the information you shared, keep up the video work when you can, and would love to see videos from the BOL. Again thanx!

  2. Hey, Jack,

    Just wanted to chime in about accidentally eating something too hot…it’s actually more effective to eat something oily – like nut butter or coconut oil – to soothe the burn. Water actually pushes the heat of a pepper into the delicate mouth tissue, making it even more painful, which is why it took you 30 minutes to start feeling better.

    FYI, in case it should ever happen again. 😉

  3. Jack,
    I totally feel you man, Aug 15 2010 I had to walk away from my garden, in full production when my Fiancé and I moved from So Cal to South Dakota. I miss my garden and have no hopes of putting anything in here until May. I too knew that I would one day(any day with little notice) I would be walking away from all of my hard work and leaving it behind for god knows who to do god knows what with what what I sweat and bled to create. But like you said It was a learning experience and we ate from it when we needed it most (7 mo out of work, 3 of those living on our preps) So agian thank you Jack… You have helped us to “Live that better life when times get tough” I don’t know what we would have done with out our preps and our garden!

  4. Can somebody print the spelling of the wild edibles mentioned in this podcast? I can’t find 3 of them on Google – they sounded like:
    “erronia” (tastes like a cranberry),
    “sorrell” and
    “sumec” (a tree).

  5. Great videos Jack. Please don’t forget to show your method on separating the seed from the amaranth, as I have some heads drying now and would love some help.

  6. I like your video’s as a nice mix, thanks.
    I have Hopi Red growing all over the place; do you mix the seed heads with cereal or bread mix?
    Where did you buy the fig tree also?

  7. @Foxy, I use the Hopi Red mostly when very young as a vegetable. The seed/grain is pretty good but things like “golden giant” produce a lot more. I do mix amaranth grain with breads, especially beer bread it gives a great toasty flavor and is so nutritious. I did up some half white half wheat beer bread with amaranth and sunflower seeds (both from the garden) that was so good and grainy. I put some in pancakes the other day, YUM.

    Call me crazy but I like to just eat some time to time, like a spoon full raw. I also like it on oatmeal and it is good in granola mixes if you do it in like clumps otherwise small stuff just goes to the bottom.

    I have not mixed it with cold cereal but I bet that would be good, I just don’t eat much of that.

    Fig? Nothing dramatic they came from Home Depot, 9.99 each!