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12 years ago

Does Greg have an email address? I didnt see any contact info on his site. I have been following him for a few weeks now and Im glad you brought him on Jack. I still think it would great to hear a show about business prepping and how companies can have assets etc.

dan vamos
12 years ago
Reply to  rob

I just did a podcast on gold and the big banks running scared to the safety of gold…I came to the same conclusions…



12 years ago

Rob you can contact him on youtube or facebook

12 years ago
Reply to  Aaron

I dont have a FB account, and apparently my browser is not supported for youtube……grrrrrr

12 years ago
Reply to  rob

Rob, do whatever you have to do to be able to access YouTube. Without it, I’d never have known the truth of what’s going on in this country, because we’re sure not going to hear it from the MSM.

12 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Thanks Jamie, I can access youtube, I just cant reply for some reason. When I get more time I will figure it out though! I know what you mean about the truth factor.

12 years ago

I have subscribed to Greg lately and I really look forward to his youtube updates. He makes it so anyone can understand them. very good guy.

12 years ago

what a great interview Greg!!

12 years ago

Been a daily follower of Greg. He has great insight and the books are priceless. His utube blog today is why I am here.

12 years ago

What is your take on the following podcast where Greenspan has supposedly said that printing FRN has been stopped?
goto min 33:30

He suggests that being cashless will allow them to control the velocity of money.

12 years ago

What about the part that the Treasury has stopped printing?

Maybe they anticipate that we won’t need the cash due to capital controls, like now in Italy:

Rome – The technical Rome government wants to limit cash transactions in Italy.
From 2013, citizens may pay amounts in excess of 50 euros only by credit or debit card. That the Council of Ministers decided today.
The measure is intended to reflect the money laundering and black money payments to clamp down. Since July, the government has banned cash transactions over 1,000 euros.

12 years ago

Very smart & honest guy, thanks for interview.

12 years ago

So weird, I just received “The Politics of Money” today in the mail. Was thumbing through it at work today, can’t wait to dive into it tonight after the kids go to bed!

Ian Forsey
Ian Forsey
12 years ago

That Greg Mannerino is the man to watch. brilliant interview.

Well done thesurvivalpodcast. More people are going to understand what is going on. And importantly, to become their own central bank.

Greetings from the UK……..

spaghetti and sauce
spaghetti and sauce
12 years ago
Reply to  Ian Forsey

Hi Ian, just wanted to say hi to a fellow Brit!

Ian Forsey
Ian Forsey
12 years ago

Hello spaghetti and sauce
Interesting article.
Thanks for your message. I’m on Facebook should you like to chat.


12 years ago

As always Jack, your economic shows are the absolute best and second to none. Thank you for all you do!

Travis Shute
Travis Shute
12 years ago
Prepper Website
12 years ago

Great interview! Thanks!

12 years ago

Wow now this one really did it!!! Hubby is 100% awake!! No more hitting the snooze button!!!!! THANK YOU This was just the thing to jolt him. He came home from work today all fired up with plans ready to talk about our future and what we are doing. Only down side is I was smiling so much he thought I was laughing at him. No just so dam happy he gets it. Thank you both.

12 years ago

I get notices from both Greg and TSP when updates are made…and I automatically listen to be updated and prepared. I am SO glad that you two finally met! To be able to connect the dots between Greg and Jack and know they are on the same line only solidifies and confirms that I am on the right track to preparing. If I am not able to do anything else each day to prepare, I listen to TSP Podcast and Greg. Thanks to both of you!

12 years ago

I like your podcast, I think that your predictions are right on track. Your advice is worth following

12 years ago

Hey Jack. After this interview I started considering the idea of liquidating my 401K and either buying land or silver/gold. As I was researching the idea on the internet, I discovered that you can also move your entire 401K (without liquidating it) into a precious metal 401K. The caveat is though, that the metal that you buy is stored in a government vault rather than handed over to you. This sounded ok with me right up until I remembered you saying that if a collapse happens, the government will try to seize and socialize everyones pensions. I’m wondering what you think here. I’m guessing you might say that if the silver/gold isn’t in my hands, I can’t trust it to be given back to me in the event of a collapse. No? Any advice?



12 years ago
Reply to  Brendan

I think this issue was covered in a previous podcast. Search around.

12 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

I’ve looked around, but haven’t had any luck. Any chance you can be more specific. Jack – maybe you can lead me there?

12 years ago
Reply to  Brendan

Ok. I respect that. But if I did choose to do it, do you think there is a real possibility the government would seize it in the case of an economic collapse? I think you’re absolutely correct in assuming the dollar will be worth nothing at some point in the near future. What I’m trying to so is avoid taking the tax hit for liquidating, yet trying to get out of the paper money market.

12 years ago

If you purchase his book or any other on Lulu you can get a 20% discount with the code. Enter it all upper case: SEPBOOKS12


12 years ago

Good interview!

12 years ago

I remember reading an article a year or two ago about how $700 billion of the stimulus was unspent and the theory was that Obama was going to inject this into the economy before the election to make him look better and increase his chances of re-election. Could it be that this is what is happening rather than QE3? I am unable to find where I read this now, but I believe that it was darn close, if not more than, a year ago that I read it. Thank you for all you do.

Urbivalist Dan
12 years ago


love the jockey analogy. Greg and the rest of your guests are great, but I always appreciate your voice during interviews.

Keep on rockin it man.

Chris Harrison
12 years ago

Jack, I have to say that this was, without a doubt, one of the BEST shows that you’ve done to date. I’ve listened to it 3 times already.

While I know you’ve been saying many of the same things for the past 4+ years (I’ve been listening for 2+), it gives it an additional punch to hear someone else as switched-on (but not wedded to the system) as you lay out the same overall conclusions of where we’re headed.

Thanks for the great work, and helping so many of us (like me) change our lives for the better.

12 years ago

Good show, I know it’s an older one but I’m catching up.

One point. You and Greg have a little exchange about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and both of you seem to be under the impression that the Vietnamese never fired on the Maddox (It never happened! Your and Greg’s words). This is false. I suggest you take your own advice and really research what happened. Long story short the Gulf of Tonkin incident as it has come to be known took place over a 3 day time span. There was one legit attack, one incident of USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy firing on misinterpreted sonar and radar contacts, a communication clusterfuck that took place between local USN commanders and the White House (McNamara’s staff basically dropped the ball), and the President falsely stating that the second attack had occured before all the facts were in.

Anyway, just a personal pet peeve of mine. Guys like Alex Jones trumpet ‘It never Happened!’ but have obviously never taken the time to educate themselves on the real history.

BTW, USS Turner Joy still survives as a museum ship – if you ever find yourself with a day off in the Seattle area it’s well worth the time to visit (it’s in Bremerton, and you can take the Ferry from downtown Seattle directly to the marina where TJ is.)

12 years ago
Reply to  Steve

This show had a little flavor of Alex Jones to it, which I enjoyed

12 years ago
Reply to  Steve

don’t forget the cruise ship Lisitania and the USS Liberty

12 years ago
Reply to  Steve

It was not just just the gulf of tonkin incident, but the heavy handed criticism of the bankers that I took note of as well by the guest

12 years ago


McNamara’s words on the incident.

August 2nd – ‘no doubt in my mind it took place’
August 4th – ‘It didn’t happen’

12 years ago

So QE3 just happened. If most of the world has a central bank capable of creating money out of thin air, and they are all in bed together doesnt it mean that the game can go on forever? If value of money is perception, and everyone keeps buying each others debt, wont they just keep creating money to keep going indefinately?

12 years ago
Reply to  rob

In honor of the dumbest monetary move we will ever see I am pasting this post, from an author who’s name I cannot remember(from zerohedge.com)…who very eloquently described what we saw today. I once again encourage he/she to come out and take a bow. VERY STRONG LANGUAGE…..

“Hope you didn’t put much money on that bet, Dawg. These fuckers are going to print hard enough to wake the dead. They’ll print like mo’fos, print like mad men, print like fly pimps. Print until their eyes bleed.

They will print via the swaps, via bank bailouts and mergers, via fixed Treasury yields, via real honest-to-God negative interest rates, via loans to banks on no collateral, via payroll tax reductions, and in the end via actual fiat paper instruments which they might very well drop in bails from actual mutherfucking helicopters. They will not give two figs what anyone thinks. Here is why. Because this is the Goddamned end of it my friend. There is no accounting beyond this point. There will be no history of it. No one to take notes of rates of exchange, or of the graft and violence, nobody to worry about the deficit or the GDP or the national debt of any nation large or small under the blazing Goddamned sun. End. Of. It. Does anyone bitch about how Rome totally debased their coinage at the end? Hell no. But whoever did it had enough to hand and grabbed some land with a nice vineyard and sat back and waited for the Middle Ages to start 700 years further on. And that’s what a singularity is about. Anything that passes through is striped of all meaning. Nothing we think is important now will remain so beyond the event horizon. Nobody will remember, nobody will write about it, nobody will be held to any standard. Ever for evar. So yeah, they’ll print like the mad crazed terrorists they are. Because they have nothing to lose, and maybe something to gain. Maybe a dollar. Maybe a day. Maybe a slim chance to escape with some of the loot. Whatever the fuck advantage they see in it, for themselves and their elite crap wanking buddies, they will full-on-full-time-fucking do it to advantage. Watch for it, Dawg. It’s totally on this time, on like Donkey Kong. And when the dust is settled in a generation hence it’s going to have become another unbelievable episode among the ages of men.”