Great Post from ITS Tactical for Veteran’s Day
My good friend Bryan Black at ITS Tactical put out a great post today for Veteran’s Day called “5 Simple Ways to Thank a Veteran Today“. Please drop by and give it a read and leave a comment if you have a moment.
I particularly like the suggestion to buy them lunch or dinner. Recently I tried to buy a solider an upgrade on an airline (Airtran) and was delighted to find that they gave him the upgrade for free anyway. Big props to the gal at Airtran that made that happen.
The point is little things like the stuff in Bryan’s post mean a lot. While your are reading his post give a thanks to Bryan in the comments at his blog. Bryan is a disabled Navy Vet who trained with naval special warfare. He went to school for SEALs and completed hell week which I know is one if his proudest accomplishments. An injury prevented him from completing training but he is certainly a warrior to the core.
He does a lot for veterans at his site all the time and deserves recognition for his contribution to the military community as a whole. Hope you enjoy his post and more importantly I hope you act on it when you get the chance. Remember Veteran’s day is a good day to thank a vet, however, it certainly should not be the only day that we do so.
Click Here to Read 5 Simple Ways to
Thank a Veteran at ITS Tactical
I only wish with solders swearing to defend the Constitution would please READ it. God Bless each and every one of them, and Thanks.
Thanks for giving us a heads up on Bryan’s post. I never pass up an opportunity to thank a Veteran, not just today but everyday. And Jack, THANK YOU for your service!!!!
Jack, As one vet to another, Thank You for your service and how you still strive to serve today with Information without hype is a beautiful thing.
Most of the Veterans where I work are quietly thanking each other but our big day is memorial day for those who have gone before us.
Thanks also for sharing your friend’s site as well.
One of the people I work with mentioned after thanking me for my service, that he needed to make sure that he thanks his father for his service as well. Hopefully more will get out there as well.
Freedom, Thanks, health and prosperity be yours.
Jack you are wise beyond your years. The false recovery is coming.
Karl in Oregon