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Chris Stelzer
11 years ago


Thank you for being a great host and interviewer. I had a lot of fun and hopefully this info will help those in the TSP community. Thank you!

Doc K
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris Stelzer

Chris – I have seen and read about cattlemen who keep their cattle in barns for the Winter and feed hay during this time. If I remember correctly, this is what Joel Salatin does. Their reasons, as best as I can understand, is that the wet Winter soil compacts under the herd. I have always had an issue with this as wild herds of animals do not stay in caves for the Winter; they get out and survive without cover or hay. It doesn’t sound like you do this. Do you have any soil compaction issues? Doesn’t the constant litter and regrowth cycle prevent the compaction?

Thanks for the interview. Very educational! Well done!

John Kitsteiner

The New Mike
The New Mike
11 years ago

Jack do you think the raw milk spraying, is similar/related to Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) produced using cultivation via Milk?

Nate (flippydidit)
Nate (flippydidit)
11 years ago

Jack and Chris,

Great show. I’ve long been looking for information on how to run a sustainable cattle operation on a smaller property (10 acres). My plan is to scale down the operation with zebu cattle. I’ll be buying Chris’s book tomorrow. Thanks for the help!


Chris Stelzer
11 years ago


Thanks for the kind words. I hope this info can help and thank you in advance for buying my eBook.

Nate (flippydidit)
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris Stelzer


No problem brother. We need more experts in our community that are more experience based and less “I have a degree in….” based. I’m tired of listening to people who theorize ideas and want to hear more from those that are doing the work. I’ve got no issue with spending my money on those who take the guess work out of my plans. You’ve got my support and encouragement. Stay safe.

11 years ago


This very issue is a large part of my distain for academia.

11 years ago

There are a few technical problems with what this gent said, however the basic methords are still sound.

Most of the problems are quite understandable, and show a misunderstanding of the underlying chemisty/biology.

Once again, the actual advice is fine, but the explainations were rather broken

The New Mike
The New Mike
11 years ago
Reply to  Entity

Care to fill in the gaps?

Chris Stelzer
11 years ago
Reply to  Entity

I’d be interested to hear where my advice is broken. Please elaborate.

Nate (flippydidit)
Nate (flippydidit)
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris Stelzer

I’m not interested in the “gaps” in technicalities. Chris didn’t need to go into cat-ionic exchanges or soil analysis chemistry. I already understand all that. He did exactly what was needed in his “lay-person” explanation of grazing management. I’m sure if Jack interviews Entity it will no doubt be the most perfect and mistake free podcast ever recorded. Until that day happens I’m glad we have people like Chris that put themselves out there to be nit-picked by others.

Chris Stelzer
11 years ago


Thank you very much for saying that. Grazing management is an art, not a test tube. Decision making abilities are more important than anything else.

11 years ago

FANTASTIC! My pastures are crap. They have been overgrazed for the last 20+ yrs and have had chemicals put on them. (not by us were uneducated when we made the purchase) For the last 2 1/2 yrs have been trying to bring it back. Got some good info on why I have been having troubles. Now that I think about it you pointed out the duh factor. Thanks for that. I expect to see some good changes now. Can’t wait to get the book. Love info on pasture management.

Hi back to Charlie.

Chris Stelzer
11 years ago
Reply to  Roundabouts

Thank you! I’m glad I could help you come to realize your “duh” moment, haha. Grazing management is an art form but hopefully what Jack and I laid out for you will get you started. Let me know if you have any questions, feel free to email me. Chris @ AgriculturalInsights.com

11 years ago

Great interview, Jack and Chris. Thanks, much. I took lots of notes and I’ll be reading the e-book. Silvopasture sounds particularly interesting.

Chris Stelzer
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Chris, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Silvopasture is one of the most exciting developments in sustainable ranching!

11 years ago

Being from a traditional cattle ranching background I was quite interested in listening to this podcast. I’m currently going through Geoff Lawton’s PDC and would have liked hearing more of a beef operation with a permaculture twist. That being said, I really enjoyed the podcast and would love to hear more from Chris.

Chris Stelzer
11 years ago
Reply to  Loren


I think permaculture and grazing/ranching will start to come together as Jack suggested in the podcast. The areas of expertise are so different yet so similar. I’m hoping to help bridge that gap between permaculture and ranching.

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris Stelzer


I’m hoping to do the same. Do you feed much hay in the winter or are you doing a year around grazing program?

Chris Stelzer
11 years ago
Reply to  Loren

I don’t have livestock in the winter. That is another thing, there are so many options to keep and raising livestock. You don’t have to keep animals in the winter you can custom graze or do sell/buy marketing. Sell/buy marketing is an advanced skill but you can learn it.

Rick Allen
Rick Allen
11 years ago
Reply to  Loren

As am I Loren. A real eye opener so far. It saddens me that Ive never even heard the word before 4 months ago. The first time was here on one of Jacks podcast. Since then I cant get enough! Wish I had the funds to attend the groundwork seminar this week. Hopefully next one.

Chris, very informative! Some good stuff, especially about using other peoples land.

Chris Stelzer
11 years ago
Reply to  Rick Allen

Thanks Rick. I hope you got some useful and practical info from this podcast. Jack is a GREAT host and interviewer.

Gator Bee Gal
Gator Bee Gal
11 years ago

Wow! What a great and informative interview. Can all of this be scaled down to one family milk cow and calf on very small acreage? I have 5 acres, half of which is planted slash pine (for the tax exemption) and no pasture. I was thinking about trying to rotationally graze a cow in the pine trees since there is a lot of grass growing there. Not exactly silvopasturing since I think the trees are more densely planted than you would do in silvopasture, but I wonder if it would work?
Thanks Jack and Chris for a thoroughly enjoyable episode!

11 years ago

Hi Chris, Great interview. Just the information I was hungry for. I am excited to start in on your podcasts and take a look at your ebook.

You were only able to present 2 of the 4 healthy performance/health indicators. could you elaborate on the other two or maybe point me to something on your website? This is directly relevant to my animals now. Thanks!

11 years ago

After listening to the interview, and the section on how it is better to not let the grass get to seed, could the seed stage of pasture actually be a natural way of fattening up the cattle for hard winter? Nature using grass seed as a “finishing” grain?

11 years ago

I find it interesting that we are talking about PH levels in urine and whether a stool is too runny or too hard. I have heard yogi’s mention the same with regard to human stools and health. Dr wollach who invented tangy tangerine says that his knowledge comes largely from livestock management and what vitamins and minerals are needed for livestock, yet human health care does not work that way because preventive approaches or general health are largely left out. If PH levels of urine in cows is important, what about PH levels in humans ?

11 years ago

I don’t know if Chris is still answering questions – I have searched for individual minerals for goats. Chris, do you know list of the minerals that people put out for freefeed? Do you know any suppliers? I only find general mineral supplements like Sweetlix.

11 years ago

Answer on where to find free choice minerals- On Chris’s website, see the talk titled-“Trace Elements, Copper.” Posted in the comments is the name of the company–Mark Bader Free Choice Minerals. Web address – http://www.freechoiceminerals.com/feeder.php