
Got You Guys a Big Discount on Comfrey — 9 Comments

  1. A great discount, and an awesome story to boot! Thanks for this update!!!

  2. Thanks Jack! I was just looking around for some comfrey a few days ago and decided to wait. I’m glad I did and thanks again, great deal!

  3. Oddly enough I burned the tip of my finger on the charcoal grill earlier today. Instantly turned the skin white so I think it was a 3rd degree burn. First thing I did was put a crushed comfrey leaf on it and it’s healing nicely now.. I’m fairly sure this would have been a throbby mess if I hadn’t.

    I took your advice and put some cuttings in around the yard last year and they came back in nicely this spring.. Thanks Jack!!

  4. We were just talking about getting comfrey! What a great deal and get to support a TSP member! Ordering soon!

  5. Excellent. Thanks Jack. I actually did an order with them myself back in early April on ebay. Went great.

    I planted them directly in the ground. Anyone have an idea of when I should see something pop? I live in the Boston area. We’ve had a very warm/dry spring so far.