Episode-69- Getting your spouse on board with survival planning
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Today’s show was created by quite a few, “how do I get my spouse” (or girlfriend, boyfriend, fiance) on board with preparing and doing what needs to be done in order to live that better life? Honestly that question has been asked by almost as many women as men, hence if you are on either side of the equasion then you are not alone. Rather then typical show notes I will simply provide my 21 rules discussed in today’s show and suggest that you not only use them in conversation but ask you spouse to take 40 minutes to listen to this episode and perhaps some others as well.
The 21 Rules of Getting a Spouse On Board with Survival Planning and Prepping are.
- Demand or insist upon nothing.
- Ask for help where you are weak and your partner is strong.
- Demonstrate a command of the facts and threats, don’t alarm but inform.
- Arrive at all decisions as a team, at least if it is in anyway possible.
- Don’t put your “pet items” at the top of any proposed priority.
- Explain that this is for the good of the family.
- Focus on saving money and elimination of debt as step one.
- Explain the investment value of food and saving money, leave bullets and band aids for later.
- Talk about a “better life style” for less cost and why you want that for both or you.
- Discuss the future and not waiting until you are 65-80 to really spend time together.
- Do not get over excited; don’t dump too much at one time.Start with a simple vision and a few small steps.
- Make the discussion about “us” not you, not them but truly both of us.
- Don’t expect a perfect result and a totally on board agreement.
- Do have a single small step to suggest and ask if you can do it together.
- Try to get your spouse to suggest a second small step and embrace it and do it with them.
- Work on creating a common vision of a truly happy and sustainable life.
- Don’t focus on what you don’t mean (cammo, militia, communes, etc.) just answer concerns that are offered.
- Be positive about the future for your family, compare prepping to life insurance.
- Ask “what would we do if” and listen to the answers you get and discuss them.
- Talk a little, get them talking and listen as if your life depended on hearing every word, because it does.
- Share my show with them along with this particular podcast.
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show.
Jack, thanks for doing this show. While I think a supplemental podcast would be better (a show dedicated to introducing a spouse or significant other to the concepts behind the show), I think this is the kind of thing many of us need to get our spouses behind us.
Great show today Jack, Thank you for the tips.
Hi Jack,
I’m trying to sign up for posting abilities on the blogs but am not having any luck. I tried from both my mac and my pc but still nothing.
Let me know what I need to do. The posts so far are FANTASTIC! What a great bunch of folks.
Also, I can’t thank you enough for doing these shows. We’ve been with you for the last couple of months and always can’t wait to hear the latest podcast.
As far as the swearing goes, sorry man, but I love it. You sound like a regular person 😉 and sometimes, I literally laugh out loud when listening. Love that you inject some humor into this stuff!
Best to you!
Wish I had heard this before I started suggesting things to the wife…. Oh well… Time to use parts of it now. Thanks for the tips Jack.
You just post comments on the blog you don’t need to sign up or anything. Your first comments go into moderation and may be delayed. In any event you are good to go now.
Now for the forum you do have to register.
Liked the pod cast a lot and good to get the “old jack” back. I think the weekend away let you calm down from the economic stresses!!!!!
Hi Jack,
1000 thanks for doing this particular show. It was really heartfelt; and I loved your comments about a spouse having “the heart of a servant”. That’s what my wife and I are for each other, and your shows are really helping us get our act together on so many levels.
Jack, you seem to be a very talented speaker! I burned a CD of this podcast for my wife today. (you mentioned in today’s episode) She listened to it and we started to talk, and she was very receptive of at least part of “the plan”. This is a huge help and I can see the ball starting to roll the right direction.
Oh, by the way, the first thing she said to me was, “you are a knucklehead”. (because the main things I care about are camping gear, guns, ammo, you know, the COOL stuff like you said)
I need ideas to get my husband on board. He ridicules things like this. We are in a pretty good position without trying but I would like to store some food and do more with gardening and preserving. I would like to experiment with some permaculture but he’s into pesticides and spraying and I’m concerned about all that getting into my permaculture attempts, which I’m sure he will ridicule. I have to store secretly so I don’t get ridiculed. Any ideas on dealing with him?
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