Get The Survival Podcast Android App
TSP has an app for the Android phone! Featuring content from The Survival Podcast, Survive! is your daily guide to living a better life. Learn about self-sufficient living, with instructional videos and daily podcasts featuring topics such as home gardening and permaculture, personal finance, firearms, food storage, and much more!
Yes iPhone users I know you want an app of your very own. We are working on it, for more make sure to stay in touch with Nick over at We are working on something very big together and an iPhone App that includes TSP will be a part of it.
I used this to spend the TSP love to a friend of mine and now her husband is getting onboard as well. Thanks for the App.
This android app is how I hear TSP on most days. I’m always on the road driving a truck so as soon as the new episode shows up I hook the phone up to the stereo and let it play.
For iPhone users, I have been using the Stitcher radio app for playing survival pod casts. It has been working pretty well, give it a try.
I use the Droid App and it works great.
I’ve been using it everyday, it works great! Thank-you Jack!!!!