Get the Song – What Have You Done
Greg Yows and I collaberated on this project. I played the song on a few episodes last week and we are now formally releasing it. You can get the song for free at Gregg’s site, Revolution Rock and Roll
The song came about as Gregg and I were working on “The Revolution is You” for the TSP custom theme. I had an idea to write a song that started in the American Revolution, up through WWII and to our current day.
Gregg took the song a little bit darker than I first imagined, in his words,
“I didn’t want to do another sappy ballad that takes advantage of our troops”.
After his first pass I added in the verse I call “the reckoning verse”, I felt the song needed a sense of justice at the end. The lyrics are below and again you can get the digitally mastered track for free at
What Have You Done?
Written by Gregg Yows and Jack Spirko
Preformed by Gregg Yows
well I had to leave my family
when the shot heard round the world
called up those British bastards
that put me to the sword
I died a lowly subject,
of a king and monarchy
yeah I’m the first American,
who made this country free
what have you done
with my country?
what have you done with the founding truths,
I gave my life
so you could be free
and this is how you repay me?
I hit the beach a runnin’
with an M1 in my hand
before I knew got to cover
I was face-Down in the sand
now I’m proud to die on D-day
and I’d do it all again
but time has shown me death in war
breeds politics and sin
I keep lookin’ down to see it all go wrong
my blood mixed with the dirt
that Yankees call their home
well I never woulda done it
if I knew what they would do
to the land I fought and died for
the land that I gave you!
now I look down on leaders
who look down on the sheep
who take their printed money
and buy a big TV
my blood was spilled for nothing,
you people aren’t free
and all the rights I gave my life for
just a memory…
now the patriots are standing guard
on just the other side,
they’re rootin’ for us all
who live free because they died
to those of you who turn your back
on the land in which you live,
when you go to meet your maker,
what answer will you give?
I love it!
Sort of a mash-up of Richie Haven’s Handsome Johnny:
Dylan’s Masters of War:
I downloaded mine. Shared it with some family and Friends. good stuff
Dang, Jack! I was just checking my site stats and wondering what happened. Then I found your link here. Thanks, man. And thanks to all the TSPers out there!!!
Nice work! I’m always on the lookout for something that’s not mass produced and heard on the radio 5 jillion times daily.