
Episode-2560- Raised Bed Gardening for Dummies — 1 Comment

  1. I really love the gardening topics!  I had two 12’x6′ raised beds when I lived in suburbia, and they were ridiculously productive!  I’m now going into my fourth year on five acres with a several thousand square foot in-ground garden and sometimes I swear my two raised beds were more productive!  Before closing the garden for the year I laid out mason twine to make defined beds and walkways to try and get back to the level of order I had in those two tiny raised beds.


    I also completely agree with 4′ wide max!  I made my first beds 6′ wide because I had lots of 12′ boards that I could cut in half, and I thought “6′ wide can’t be that much more…  I’m a tall guy.”  Oh it is…  That middle two feet basically never got used.