Episode-2511- Freestyle Day on TSP
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Today I am doing a freestyle day, sort of a hybrid between a feedback show and a stand alone show. I did put out a post on the Facebook Group for some ideas and most of will come from it and other stuff is just stuff I want to talk about today. In some ways shows like this are really kind of like throw back days to the first 18 months when I podcasted from my Jetta TDI.
Join Me Today as We Talk About…
- Quote of the Day – “The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun”. Buckminster Fuller
- The coming workshop and why you really want to be at it if you can
- The MSB Sale and the value MSB really is
- How intermittent fasting has made low carb/keto supercharged for me this time around
- An inoculation in advance of the 2020 assclown circus
- What it really takes for a micro greens side hustle
- Fishing as a side hustle and how to stay legal with it
- For fish fans a few new fish tank videos are coming
- Why Nine Mile Farm is going to go heavy on pecan trees
- New ducks are coming, short stint for Duck Chronicles Season 5
- Bullet Proof Coffee – what is it, the good, bad and ugly and the power of MCTs
- Basic prep for hunting season
- The value of a tractor and trailer on a small homestead
- The rising danger of drone warfare
- The secret to a lasting marriage
Resources for today’s show…
- Follow Life With Jack on Instagram
- TSP Facebook Group
- Join the Members Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- TspAz.com
- Superman (It’s Not Easy) – Five for Fighting
Sponsors of the Day
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Re: “G.A.F.” and the ass-clown circus
For years now I’ve used a similar acronym, “D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.”, short for “Do I Look Like I Give A F***?”. ‘Dilligaf’ just rolls off the tongue so much better IMHO. Talk about synchronicity, I even did a comic on this just last month…
I remember first having thoughts on this kind of drone swarm attacks during our 2004/2005 design/build/fly project in college. We had to build a small fixed-wing drone capable of ferrying payloads on the wings and dropping them remotely, and I think we built ours for somewhere just under $1000 in parts. During the competition there were dozens of other teams all flying their own custom-built drones, and my imagination was running wild…
Fourteen years later not only the motors, batteries, and other parts are cheaper & lighter now, but as you said you can do a helluva lot with just the off-the-shelf RC drones & planes that are available now but were not back then. This year for only $80 I bought a new small quadcopter drone that we would have drooled over and paid thousands of dollars for only 14 years ago.
I dislike taking the government’s side on ANYTHING… but when they announced FAA registration requirements for drones over a certain size, I could at least admit there was a very legitimate concern there. Not sure it’ll help, but they’re right to be concerned.