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Mark Rose
Mark Rose
15 years ago

I don’t know much about Brazil either, but I do know they have a growing technological base. Embraer, a big regional plane manufacturer is based there.

15 years ago

I dont know that much about commercial farming but I would think that a big reason to plant large fields with just 1 crop is the equipment needed for different types of crops would add more cost to their operation, thus causing higher food prices. I guess I would rather pay higher prices for this reason than paying higher because of a shortage.

15 years ago

the US has been screwing itself in the backside for decades..
The chickens are coming home to roost as Dr Churchill suggested.
We are reaping what we sowed in biblical terms


15 years ago

I am a new listener so this was my first show. I just wanted to comment that Monsanto, etc. isn’t there to make food more plentiful, but to weaken our immune system in prep. for reducing the population. I don’t know if you have done shows on this since I am new. . . I dont this think there is much benevolent in what they are up to.

15 years ago


I am a farmer (140 acres in western OR raising sweet cherries, wine grapes, and hay) and your notion of 1 acre plots on a farm is romantic, but not very practical. I think your assumption that large farms are, by nature, degrading to the soil and the environment because they have large fields of single crops does not hold true for everybody. We have 20 acres of cherry trees which are all in one block. If this were not the case we could not farm them efficiently. Our grapes are also in one large block to reduce trellising costs and make farming them efficient.

Despite these large blocks we farm in a responsible fashion- green manure crops over winter, use of ‘organic’ fertilizers, and mulching rows.

1 acre plots are neither efficient, nor are they practical if you want to survive as a farm. All that hand labor will kill you, or cost too much.

Love your show!