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12 years ago

On the community aspect.. interpersonal dynamics within intentional communities are what makes or breaks a community.

As a society, we’ve largely lost our ‘tribal communal’ skills, and with increased wealth our dependence or ‘need’ for each other.

Many would like to ‘master plan’ an intentional community.. but that’s not a community, its a fiefdom.

How do community members come together, and then come to agreement, on how they will act AS A GROUP to form the community they wish to live in? How do they determine/assign responsibilities and privileges? How are disagreements settled?

The technical stuff is easy. The communal (people) stuff is hard. So people like to focus on the technical (the fun stuff) and ignore the hard part… (IMO)

12 years ago
Reply to  Insidious

Cohousing has been dealing with these intentional community issues for several decades, and is worth looking at. (IMO)

12 years ago

Check this link.

This guy has several books on chickens and he’s got a low tech system going with 5 gal buckets.

12 years ago

I’ve been researching fodder systems for a while and thought I would share my two best resources found so far:

1- http://www.qcl.farmonline.com.au/files/48/20/01/000012048/Hydroponicfodder.pdf
This is a highly scientific look at fodder for beef cattle and an analysis on the claim that you don’t actually get much benefit on a dry matter basis compared to the pure barley grain. Great solid data in this report! My conclusion, I think that you may actually loose a bit of dry matter value in an average home production setup but this is assuming you are ok with feeding pure barley grain. I prefer to feed my ruminants grass 🙂 and am ok with a little loss in this area.

2- http://pacapride.wordpress.com/?s=barley
These are blog posts documenting the successful path of trial to full production on an alpaca farm. David, who runs this blog, has been super responsive and available to the gobs of questions that have been thrown at him. Props to him for his reader support. There are 3 or 4 posts with nice pictures. Give his blog a look and ask hims some questions.

12 years ago
Reply to  bbuubb

Great links!

I keep bumping the DIY fodder system down on my to do list, but I think I might have to get it going as soon as I wrap up my current projects. I figured it would be a better project for the winter season anyway, as I had all the greens I needed for the rabbits during the summer.

I’ve been wondering if the quail would like it as well, seems like an interesting experiment.

Here’s another link of a guy in Tasmania that put a fodder system in and essentially cut his rabbit feed bill in half. Well, double his number of rabbits for the same amount of money.

Cliff notes version:

Feed cost:
Pre-fodder system
$760 / 3 weeks for 110-130 rabbits, $1.94-$2.3 per rabbit per week
Post fodder system
$760 / 3 weeks for 210 – 230 rabbits, $1.10-$1.20 per rabbit per week

I can’t see a diy system like this costing more than $50-$100 depending on what materials you already had.

12 years ago

As a home brewer – am wondering if one could malt their own barley with some variation of this.

12 years ago
Reply to  SmurfHunter

For malt you want sprouts, not grass. I made a small bag of malt once (for baking) by roasting rye sprouts in the oven (it took a while) and grinding them in a coffee grinder. I made the rye sprouts the same way you’d make a jar of bean sprouts. I bet you could find equipment to make the sprouting and roasting easier.

12 years ago

To use more of our natural gas, human power and alternative fuels instead of oil we should make our electric cars able to run on a monorail maglev toll-way system with a computer control system to keep space between cars to travel to far away destinations. An electric maglev monorail system could use natural gas, passenger pedal power & renewably generated electricity and the electric/highway/natural gas right of ways. We could also use the system to transmit electricity from any generated power from wind and solar farms to the cities. It can be programed to automatically exit you at your destination with fully charged electric batteries of your car to take you to your final destination. We can use a system like a toll system to charge for system maintenance, electricity, taxes, WIFI, etc. used to get to your destination. Regenerative breaking can be used to help keep power up and charge my batteries. Better to build an electric transportation system and Smart Grid than another oil pipeline to increase employment. This system could also be used to speed cargo pods to final exits and loaded onto a final delivery truck. The shortage of long haul truck drivers also wouldn’t be needed if this system was in place. I would have MY car to travel to my final location at high speed not relying on cabs, buses, etc. This seems like it would solve a lot of our transportation problems. GREAT SHOW!

12 years ago

Jack, my blood pressure was slightly elevated, but it went down with 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil per day. It looks like a lack of omega-3’s and vitamin D has a role in causing most of the “diseases of civilization” we suffer from today. They also noticeably improve everyday health.

Of course, Paleolithic man had no need for these supplements.

Matthew Sailors
Matthew Sailors
12 years ago

The idea of Permaville is great in many respects, and its general concept — each community being able to sustain itself with reliance on a general grid — is something I believe will save lives and liberties. I do have questions, however: I am an unyielding believer in the power and natural rights of the individual over the collective, and that charity comes from the heart of individuals giving of their own agency. In Permaville, will all these “protected wilderness areas” Mr. Newhouse speaks of in his website be closed to man’s footprints, and who designates these areas? (See the United Nations’ Wildlands Project or Agenda 21 for what should be avoided in this regard — not that Permaville is that, but I mean to avoid the idea of “nature over man.”) Mr. Newhouse says on his website that the “community” in Permaville will “share wealth” for the benefit of the poor, etc. Does he mean, by “share,” “redistribute” by municipal gov’t program, or individuals’ voluntary charity? Is Permaville created by private contract and cooperation at the local level, or does Mr. Newhouse believe the state/fed. Gov’t should be involved in creating “sustainable communities” (back to avoiding an Agenda 21 scenario).
Again, I love the idea of Permaville, but the old questions of who, what, when, where, how, why (and by whom) are still necessary to be asked. A free community with sustainable rerources can be built only by free individuals with their natural rights protected — this is, in my view, true Permaville.

Matthew Sailors
Matthew Sailors
12 years ago

Thank you for the clarification, Modern Survival. I agree that one’s private property is his castle. If like-minded individuals freely linking arms to form a self-sustained community is all Mr. Newhouse means when speaking of Permaville, then I am all for it. In that case, he is echoing philosopher John Locke (and thus our Founding Fathers) when he spoke of the “social contract.”

To your last paragraph, Modern Survival, (and regarding Agenda 21), I hope that, since we are speaking of SELF-sustained communities, I would exhort not only you but everyone to pay attention to your town/city councils, zoning plans, park proposals, etc. for any programs that borrow from or are part of Agenda 21 (particularly through the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, or ICLEI).

“In the United States, over 528 cities are members of ICLEI, an international sustainability organization that helps to implement the Agenda 21 and Local Agenda 21 concepts across the world. The United States has nearly half of the ICLEI’s global membership of 1,200 cities promoting sustainable development at a local level. The United States also has one of the most comprehensively documented Agenda 21 status reports.” — from the well-documented Wikipedia article on Agenda 21

We may not have much say over what the feds do, but we can work towards making our own versions of Permaville by holding fast to our municipal/ county gov’ts from oppressive intrusions.

God bless, and thanks again.

Brian Newhouse
12 years ago

Hey Matthew and Jack,
Thanks for your responses. I actually hadn’t heard of Agenda 21 before your posts. It seems like a top down approach to help people on a local level be more self-sufficient but still maintain some kind of global authority. Interesting, but sounds kind of vague and a bit contradictory – help people become self-sufficient but maintain authority? Hmm.

I’m not trying to impose whether people should or shouldn’t be able to walk on certain parts of their land and I’m not trying to create a fiefdom where I can be the boss. We live in an age where we have to pay to live. I just want to live in a place where I don’t accrue debt by being alive. I think many people share these sentiments. In order to shift away from this centrally-controlled, highly-dependent society, we have to consider the raw elements we need for survival – water, food, sanitation, etc – as well as the more advanced elements like electricity and technology.

Because we are all the same animal, the elements are the same. Where ever you live, you will need food and you will need some form of transportation. But how you decide to grow food or move around is up to the people living in that community. Permaville is simply a guide to say, if you are interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle, here are some questions, strategies and solutions you could implement in your community to make your life easier.

Thank you for your comments,

Brian Newhouse
12 years ago

It didnt let me reply to your latest post, Jack. this is in response to that post…

Thanks for the good info on Agenda 21. Surely, people need to be conscious of the government’s agenda – basically reject anything coming from any government agency. All government arms are connected and are each conspiring to lead us to a centralized world government/Agenda 21.

I would think the first part of our defense should be to, as you mentioned, fight and reject policies under the guise of “sustainability” or any other “eco-agriculture” BS backed by large corporations or government agencies.

And the other part of our defense should to move our ass and install a myriad permaculture projects in our homes and communities and educate the masses on the benefits of permaculture, ie water, food, energy and financial security.

The challenge often comes down to education and/or money. People need to be educated on permaculture and people need to learn how they can make a living by moving toward a permaculture lifestyle.

I tried to write Permaville so someone off the street could read through it, answer the questions and by the end of the book have a complete knowledge of over 180 potential installations, know how to write an element installation and maintenance plan, learn how to configure a budget and estimate the specific products or income – ie chicken eggs, vegetables, energy surplus – they would produce after their installation. This “course” is modeled off the already functioning Permaculture Design Course.

Money is the other major obstacle for moving forward. If people take their PDC seriously, or follow through as they read through Permaville… I think people could bank the knowledge and management tools necessary to make a living doing this. Then it’s just a matter of putting your money where your mouth is and move forward with your plan.

As you said, “if communities want to be sustainable they should focus on what to do rather than what to restrict.” Make a plan, invest, install, maintain and educate.

What other obstacles are keeping people from getting involved in permaculture?

12 years ago

I wanted a place like Permaville, and thought this place would do. The people and environment were great, but some are too progressive for this libertarian, and they don’t allow guns, but they’ve done the hard work of making it work out, so I recommend taking a look at it.


The Farm is profiled on CNN Headline News (HLN) throughout the month of December on a new show called “Making It In America”
Check their web site for more information.

The Farm is an intentional community of families and friends living on three square miles in southern middle Tennessee.
We started The Farm in 1971 with the goal of establishing a strongly cohesive, outwardly-directed community. We want, by action and example, to have a positive effect on the world.

Over the last 40+ years, The Farm has become well known for many things, from natural childbirth and midwifery to healthy diet and vegetarian cuisine, creative arts and alternative technologies to its partnerships and assistance to native cultures.

We choose to live in community where we share our lives and fortunes, good times and hard times. We feel that we can be stronger and more useful together than we could be separately.

Coming Up:
Farm Experience Every Month Starting Feberuary 2013
Check out our calendar for the full event schedule

12 years ago

P.S. The Farm started as a hippy commune, but it’s not anymore. Everyone lives on their own land and have paying jobs or businesses. They teach classes on ecology and things perma.

12 years ago

I agree @Jack, I’m just suggesting tweeking a good thing to make it better yet, rather than starting from scratching and taking another forty years to perfect it.

12 years ago

I have been researching/involved with fodder systems for a while now. I’m in the NON-CORN ETHANOL business and I ahve a quote from a gentleman that claims 4 10×40 shipping containers will yield approx 4-6 tons of cellulosic material PER DAY.

But I guess BIG OIL will somehow find a way to claim fodder systems and corn are similar and we should not be converting fodder to fuel either.

By the way Jack, loved your show providing business ideas. I presented the same aquaponics idea to my uncle back in 2010. we built a demonstration model and then funds became too tight for us to continue.

Chris W
Chris W
12 years ago

The “Progressive” vs. “libertarian” question in intentional community should be an expression of what the bioregion can support, not the mindset of whichever people happen to settle it.

12 years ago

Here is a youtube video of a farm that offers organic veal using this “fodder” method but uses the cows heat to germinate the barley sproated grass so its kinda of a self contained system.


12 years ago

I’ve been feeding sprouted grains to my birds (parrots) for years. I soak the seed or grains, (oats, barley, millet, wheat) overnight, then drain and rinse them in taconics ( plastic containers designed for transporting small rodents. they have holes on sides and in lids). Then I let them sprout without any further attention for a day or 2 other than stiring them up in the morinings when I feed. I’ve never tried to get them to grow like you would wheat grass, but am working on a way to do that now since I’m planning on getting a hog to raise and would like it “pastured” and I don’t have enough land to do that at the house. Soaking the grain overnight really gets the sprouting process started quickly.

Teresa Hord
12 years ago
Reply to  candybabye

Hi Candy,

You might want to look into American Guinea Hogs. They do wonderful on pasture. I have information about them on my blog http://quartzridgeranch.wordpress.com/2012/12/06/raising-american-guinea-hogs-fencing-housing-food-and-water/


12 years ago

Interesting show but I was puzzled when you and your guest talked about the interest budget being $414 billion. That was fiscal year 2010 when the average Tbill rate was higher. Fiscal year 2012 the interest cost is $225 billion. That will rise again when rates go up, the CBO estimates FY 2017 budget to be $566 billion which is really really big, however the $1.5 trillion per year number you guys were talking about is quite a bit off.


12 years ago

I was really excited to hear the info on growing fodder. I had just had a conversation about rising rabbit feed prices and feeding rabbits without pelleted food. Trying learn what I could about fodder, I came across quite a lot of info and videos. I would like to pass along what seemed the best info for growing fodder for a small homestead setup. I found it at half-pint homestead. They put out some useful videos and if your don’t want to build your own, they also sell kits.



Teresa Hord
11 years ago
Reply to  Ken

We are getting our rabbits in a week or two. We already grow fodder for our farm and they will get it too. Our plan is half fodder and half pellets for their daily ration and then some alfalfa hay for roughage.