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Sean in Florida
Sean in Florida
7 years ago

Hope you have a great birthday tomorrow Jack. Thank you for all you do and have done to help so many to learn, build new skills, and achieve more Liberty in their own lives. Thank you brother.

Sean in Florida.

7 years ago

Lol….Got over 20 rods, a boat, an ice shanty, a pier cart and more gear than is really right….but this gal just hasn’t found the right beer.

7 years ago
Reply to  mdoe37

Ok! I guess I’m off to Siciliano’s Market….they’ve got both in stock!

As an aside, I live just outside of Grand Rapids, Michigan or 2017 Best Beer Scene. http://www.10best.com/awards/travel/best-beer-scene-2017/ lol

Spensor Trace
7 years ago

With respect to this quote: “I am so sick of politics & economics & people being screwed by the state — how about we just talk about fishing today. Yea they make you buy a license to do it but those are pretty cheap right?” — PERSPECTIVE: A fishing license is a prima facie evidence of BigGov over-reach. Please recall this DEFINITION: “A License is government granted permission to do that which is illegal, immoral or a tort.” The fish are claimed property of BigGov & license is designed to thwart your primordial, God given right to forage for a living.

7 years ago

I agree to a point….. but it’s ironic how we use licenses to fund the fish and game, so they can pay a game warden to check our licenses. Hmmm.
Personally, I think it’s my god given right to kill one elk, one deer, one antelope, catch 5 fish a day, and kill game birds without some douche at the capitol telling me I can do it.
I agree it’s not as agregious as other state nazi tactics, but it’s still a revenue source that is unwarranted.

7 years ago
Reply to  Spr61

Maybe common sense would have been a better term than god given. The limits I set fourth are enough to sustain. If some dipshit thinks it’s reasonable to take 1000 deer a month or gill net all the fish, then I guess we would need to find that guy and have a “side talk”. Police our own ? Maybe the “frozen fish” technique ?

7 years ago

great show Jack…reminds me when I was 16 in Michigan and since a creek hit the road edge I realized I could float my canoe in there to a “private” lake with only two houses on it (I had checked Michigan law before I did this and you are right about the water rights). I caught the biggest slab black crappies that day with a friend. The lady comes out and asks us “how did you get in here” and we just said we paddled up the creek in the canoe. She was a bit puzzled, but let us fish. What a great day.

Nick in Mongolia
7 years ago

Growing up in Alaska I’d never even met a fish/game warden, much less ever being asked for my license or checking the number of fish I caught. It’s not too bad now, but not nearly so carefree. Fast forward to last week on a camping road trip through northern Mongolia, one evening a fellow camper gave us a gift of 5 fish (some type of local grayling I think) caught from the stream we were all camped by. He gave them as a gift because he didn’t really know or have a good way to cook them, and he thought I was Russian and cooking fish. I asked him (well with my wife’s help since my Mongolian is still terrible) how much a license costs here, and he just smiled, shrugged, and said “don’t have one”. It’s not QUITE anarchy (for all I know it’s just foreigners need permits/licenses), but the frontier ‘feel’ and relative impotence/distance of the State made me feel a little like being that kid fishing the lake by my dad’s cabin in the Mat-Su Valley again.
(BTW we were probably as unprepared as he was for cooking fish, but I MacGyvered the whole cleaning/cooking operation with a cheap pocket knife, a plastic food container cut apart for a makeshift cutting board, the little packets of oil and seasoning from a package of Ramen noodles we brought, and our little butane cookstove. The presentation wasn’t the prettiest, but still turned out awfully tasty…)