Episode-2177- Ben Fetterman on Odyssey of the Mind
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Ben Fetterman, better known as Southpaw Ben from the history segment, is a sophomore Plant Science student at Penn State University.
He competed in Odyssey of the Mind for 4 years in high school, including one trip to the World Finals competition and 3 times to the Pennsylvania state finals .
Today Ben joins us to discuss this project but speaks only on behalf of his own experiences and not on behalf of the Odyssey of the Mind organization in any way.
So what is Odyssey of the Mind and How Does it Work?
- Students develop team-building skills by working in groups of as many as seven students per team.
- Students learn to examine problems and to identify the real challenge without limiting the possible solutions and their potential success.
- The creative-thinking process is nurtured and developed as a problem-solving tool.
- Students of all types will find something that will appeal to them.
- The fun of participation leads to an elevated interest in regular classroom curricula.
- Teachers have a program to further provide students with a well-rounded education.
Ben joins us today to discuss he experience with this program and how it can benefit others.
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Jack, about the popping noise…
It sounds like cell phone interference, unless you are hitting a vape pen like a mad man! 🙂
If you have a cell phone near one of your audio cords, the phone will cause that noise when transmitting. Keep your cell phone away from your gear and see if it improves. Helped me when I was using headphones with a cord.
aaron h i wood agree it is sum fr interfernis
Great show!
One of my favorite woman covers of a guy is Echosmith’s cover of Gamma Ray.
Jack the machine gun noise sounds like data coming or going via a cell phone. My last Motorola phone would make that same noise when I was recording video. I solved the problem by going into airplane mode.
I would guess that even having a cellphone transmitting something next to the mic or on Ben’s phone would cause the same things.
Remember Nextel phones would screw with your TV signal before getting anything incoming?
That was suspect #1, hasn’t played out, I’m hoping today’s interview goes better.
Ben great interview! I’m just down the street from you in Woodward and own the IngleBean Coffee Shop in Millheim! Come on in and let me buy you a coffee! I’d love to talk to you about an idea I have and it involves your daily history segment.
Either way great to have another like minded person in the area.