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12 years ago

Of these folks had stocked up, they would have been put on a DHS watch list and ridiculed on Doomsday Preppers…

Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson
12 years ago

Some of my more liberal friends use this terrible tradegy as proof that we must have more funding for government agencies and programs to offer aid during times of natural disaster, ignoring the idea that personal responsibility and even a few simple preparations by those involved would have protected these citizens from the worse of the storms effects. Some extra firewood, a little food, some bottled water, and candles and working flashlights, and a basic emergency plan between family members and the chances of injury and panic would have been greatly reduced. Is it really that difficult?

12 years ago
Reply to  Jim Wilson

That’s true, Jim. However, it is “government” that is providing security, keeping looting to a minimum. It is “government” that will be removing water from the subway & getting public transportation up & running again – a major reason there are gas shortages. It is “government” that will be coordinating reconstruction with the Port Authority, Con Edison & the multiple other private & public factions all trying to operate in the same area. Next, “government” will be analyzing storm data & considering new building codes based on research. They’ll be studying the need for infrastructure, like sea walls, & funding that infrastructure’s construction. I could go on, but won’t.
I understand it’s easy to chastise the government when you live on 5 acres in the middle of the woods in Kentucky, but when you live in a modern vertical city (one of the greatest U.S. inventions) the government’s role becomes becomes absolutely vital.

12 years ago

Whoops. Mistake by Jack, but surprise for us. New 13 in 13 site looks good already. (listen carefully to the intro section)

12 years ago
Reply to  Jasper


Hank Curmudgeon
Hank Curmudgeon
12 years ago

Listen to the Red Cross’ excuse du jour… http://youtu.be/Qj9KBd8TtlI

Hank Curmudgeon
Hank Curmudgeon
12 years ago

If you want to donate I’d suggest donated to First Response Team of America, a small group armed with bulldozers, dump trucks and generators who clear streets and power hospitals. http://firstresponseteam.org/

12 years ago

@Jack – If you think people would be standing in line for gas if not for the awareness of a strong police presence you are out of your mind. Your response is dismissive of the National Guard, NYPD & a number of government first responders. I hope none of them are listnening right now.

And yes, the modern vertical city in monument to American innovation. “what’s that? there’s no more room to build? Fuck that, we’re Americans, we’ll build UP!” America’s big cities are the economic engines that have made us the strongest economy in the world. We give you people the economic “cover” in a world economy to live in your small towns with puny economies & talk about the Constitution & freedom & your right to bear arms, & how terrible the government is; the very government that oversaw the growth of these vertical economic powerhouses that finance the worlds greatest military. The truth is, if it wasn’t for the economic prowess of the modern U.S. city, you people would have been run over by Japan in WWII. If you want to ignore that, I don’t think you fully understand American greatness.

12 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Troll alert…

12 years ago
Reply to  Mike

“…..if it wasn’t for the economic prowess of the modern U.S. city, you people would have been run over by Japan in WWII.” This is too much. The fact that our military in the WWII years was composed in the main by young men who had grown up with an agrarian lifestyle, a way of life that was rugged but created strong characters and an ability to endure hardship, certainly had more to do with the outcome of the war than the economic prowess of a major city. Plus, women from the farms and small towns did their part working in defense plants. Woe unto us if we ever have to solely depend for our safety during time of conflict on those who have only experienced city life in their background – couch potatoes or effete boys and girls whose main stress comes whenever they go to the local fitness center

12 years ago

excellent podcast today. Good to hear the “real ” information from the community.

12 years ago

Ok Jack loved the show but I am beginning to think you have our house bugged! lol

Exactly what we were covering this last weekend after surfing the web to see what really was going on with sandy victims. Starting to revaluate all our preps. Asking the question How well would we really fare? How well would we be able to help others? How long would the aftermath last?

Living in a small town outside portland oregon with several bridges to cross to get here I am guessing we would be on our own for a very long time if we lost any of the bridges. We really need to go over things with a fine tooth comb.

I too have been waiting to see how the red cross handles themselves this time around. & that was the other topic we covered this weekend. I’d say you are a demographic master!

12 years ago

As I was listening to how much better things would be if a community were prepared before disaster struck, to get prepare and help your neighbors prepare, it reminded me of the Teton Dam Breaking in 1976. Before there was a FEMA.
Over 2,000,000 cubic feet per second (57,000 m3/s) of sediment-filled water emptied through the breach in the dam. Cell phones where still being developed. With little warning, most downstream made it to higher ground. They followed evacuation orders. Only a couple hours notice. Helped each other.
Over 80% of the structures were demolished in these small towns. Gasoline plant near sawmill exploded, thus many heavy logs pouring downstream with the flood waters.
95% of the people were LDS and were taught to prepare for disasters. Local university on higher ground had its own power system, etc. Took in people, fed them, place to stay. National Guard and Red Cross (I think it was different then) came in to help along with resources from the LDS church.
Before night people where checking on their neighbors, making sure everyone had a dry place to stay, food. I think only the university had power. Next day they were out accessing the damage, starting the clean up process.
I understand the more people packed tighter in an area, the more people you have to take care of, logistics are tougher. Different disasters have different needs.

12 years ago
Reply to  Jake

And I should probably put a religion disclaimer on the youtube video, but good stuff nonetheless.

John R
John R
12 years ago

Just wanted to give you a quick update of whats happening in the Long Island area,
FEMA reps have been on many of the popular local radio stations giving out information, telling where they will be. They have been in several towns, going from one town to another helping out people who need it the most. There have also been tankers giving out free gasoline across the area in rations (10 gals max per person)
The Red Cross has been operating at the local volunteer fire departments in my town for the last few days serving hot food and giving out clothes and other necessities.
I have seen much communication from the authorities being put out to everyone via local television news media, radio stations, facebook and twitter.
Just sharing what I’ve seen for myself in my area of long isand.
John R
Mastic Beach, NY

12 years ago

In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil,
but a foolish man devours all he has.
-Proverbs 21:20

Thank you Jack for being a light to shine on this old Proverb.

12 years ago

How is FEMA getting out information on TV and radio if nobody has power? The people who need help don’t have access to electrically powered media. Just asking.

The Bee Whisperer
The Bee Whisperer
12 years ago

Jack and I am totally with you about being against the Red Cross. when my grandfather was in World War 2 his Berrics burn down when he was in Japan.
the Red Cross said they would coming in rebuild it. we got back to the states he noticed that there was money missing out of his paycheck. the Red Cross at taking money out of his paycheck for the reconstruction of his Berrics that burned down. my father came back from Vietnam. when he got off the plane he saw the Red Cross handing out coffee and donuts. the coffee was donated the donuts were donated in the people handing them out we’re volunteers. but the Red Cross was asking for a dollar for them. 80 percent of all the money you you donate to them goes to their headquarters. the president of the Red Cross makes a half 1,000,000 dollars or more a year. that means every dollar I give only 20 cents goes to help victims. I have been a beekeeper now for over 12 years and have work all over the world and would never ever take money out of those in need it. the Red Cross is a joke and I feel that they should be banned.

Sarah @ The Claiming Liberty Blog

Regarding companies that would rather throw away food than give it to folks . . . When I was a kid in central IN, my dad was the chief of the volunteer EMS. When we had ice storms or wind storms that would take out power (often for days), it was common practice for citizens to bring their food (that would otherwise go bad) to churches that had big commercial kitchens and gas service. That way, the food could be cooked, lots of people could get fed, and folks could feel good about doing the right thing. Maybe they just don’t know how to think like that in big cities. I donno. It’s really sad though.

"Top" W. Kone
12 years ago

I have an answer why these places don’t have back up generators to preserve the food in the stores.

When I was interning for my Emergency Management degree I did a stint with a chain store that also has food, part of my duty was to review and suggest changes for their Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). I noted that they did not have generators as part of the plan for the stores, just the distribution centers.

It was explained that they had looked at the numbers and decided that the cost of buying and maintaining generators for each store was far greater than what a generator could “save”. Especially when you can write off the lost food/goods and insurance will repay. But at the distro centers, it was worth it.

They don’t have generators because they are stupid, but because it costs more. If the power goes out, they can bring in a generator in 24 hours. If they can’t get a generator to the store, odds are all the other stores are in the same boat and you won’t lose customers. (and if you can’t get the generator in, you’re not going to get in replacement supplies.)

Scott A
Scott A
12 years ago

Hope you can access this info, it is some live on the ground reports from people trying to assist in NY and some of the challenges they are having.

12 years ago

Hurricane Sandy, recent wildfires in our area, etc. has provided opportunities to gently bring up the subject of preparing for disasters. Although I am truly sorry for those who have been deeply affected by these disasters, I am grateful for the chance to make suggestions to those in my sphere of influence on how they can be prepared when the next local weather event hits. Instead of being considered a radical prepper, my suggestions are met with a thoughtful,”hmm.” Several have returned to me later to tell me about specific changes they’ve made in their household. Only small steps, but at least some of them are getting the message.

David Clark
David Clark
12 years ago

I’ve been catching up on TSP since I got back to work and wanted to share a little about what I learned from Sandy. I live in Central Jersey and was lucky because everyone in my neighborhood avoided major property damage and personal injury. We didn’t have power, except generators, for 12 days so I learned a lot about where the holes are in my preps. My wife is now asking her parents that instead of buying us things for Christmas that they contribute towards a wood stove. She now sees the value in everything I have done to prepare our family and wants to participate more. My neighbors, the wives not the husbands, all want lists of what goes in a go-bag after seeming what my wife has in hers so there will be less people next time that need help and instead can provide help when the next thing occurs. One thing I wanted to note is that man who was consoling the man who lost his house is the Governor not the man’s neighbor. He is not a perfect man but he tells it like it is and isn’t afraid to f-up. Keep up the great work.

12 years ago


Can you post a link (or post on FB) of the excerpt from your unfinished book that your read around minute 19 of this episode? That was absolutely incredible and needs to be emailed around! (Yes, we’ll still buy your book if/when it’s published!! ☺ )