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4 years ago

If those two doctors were working for a hospital or a government agency, they would be fired!  They have their own clinics. Still, it would not surprise me if the government punished them through Medicare or HHS programs. The truth is very unpopular these days. It will cost you to tell it.

I admire them tremendously.

Jack, glad you know how to enjoy life. Have fun with the car!

Nathan Kirby
Nathan Kirby
4 years ago
4 years ago

I understand why you can pretty much ignore link #2, It is mostly a statement of authority.  However, link #1 does have a video from Chris Martenson, an actual PhD in a science field that would have force him to deal with statistics, and friend of TSP, who finds the statistical analysis is poor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKeiCPwy0K8  You can watch starting at 13 min 35 sec Dr. Martenson discuss the problem, which has a name (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_bias).  Though I have sympathy for the conclusion, because there are other countries that have done better analysis, the reasoning of these physicians is flawed. Also, a simple dismissal of argument has a name (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_the_stone). 

4 years ago

Hey Jack I was looking for the vacuum sealer you recommended. Thanks alot!!

Chuck in NH
Chuck in NH
4 years ago

Congrats on the new car!  A year ago we bought a Charger SXT (same engine specs) and we love it.  You got a better deal though… 24k?  We bought used for 14k, although if I could have got new for 24k that would have been the thing to do (the car was otherwise 36k new, way too much).