Episode-2650- Updates and Listener Feedback for 4-30-20
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Today on The Survival Podcast I answer your questions on CoVid Treatments, getting outside, vacuum sealing, hydroponics, aquatics, gardening, economics and more.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- Quote of the day – “How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
- Yep, I bought a sports car, here are the specs, why I bought it and why I am not afraid of “economic collapse”
- Rendisivir is promising, all of the sudden hydroxycholorquine seems to work and TDS continues to be the fastest spreading virus
- Two doctors have told the truth about the real data on CoVid, rather then debate them the solution is to attempt to silence them
- Gonna give my immune boosting regiment for any RNA virus one more time
- Tactical redneck says take a fricken walk in the damn woods, I totally agree
- Getting the best results when vac sealing
- Trouble shooting nutrient deficiency when growing hydroponically
- My peppers are sucking butt, the leaves turning yellow, what do I do now
- CoVid is killing the dying, no I am not talking about people, I am talking about industries
- Of sumps and hydroponics, and heck while we are at it aquaponics too
Resources for today’s show…
- Follow Life With Jack on Instagram
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- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- VA Secretary Says the Negative Reports on Hydroxychloroquine were Misinformation
- Turkey claims success treating COVID-19 with broad use of hydroxychloroquine
- India exports 50 million hydroxychloroquine tablets to U.S. for COVID-19 fight
- Remdesivir Just Became The First Drug to Show a ‘Clear-Cut’ Effect in Treating COVID-19
- FDA is Moving at “Lightning Speed” on Remdesivir
- FDA reportedly will approve COVID-19 treatment remdesivir
- Critical study of Gilead’s Covid-19 drug shows patients are responding to treatment, NIH says
- What if Colleges Don’t Reopen till 2021
- Video of Two Doctors Challenging the CoVid We Must Lock Down Narrative
- Hey Jude at SongFacts.com
- Hey Jude – The Beatles
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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If those two doctors were working for a hospital or a government agency, they would be fired! They have their own clinics. Still, it would not surprise me if the government punished them through Medicare or HHS programs. The truth is very unpopular these days. It will cost you to tell it.
I admire them tremendously.
Jack, glad you know how to enjoy life. Have fun with the car!
There is information for both sides. I’m sure everything will continue to be fine and in the end the truth will continue to be firmly in the middle.
I find huge flaws in the rebuttables but I respect that you are at least now bringing sources and data to the discussion. I don’t have time to get into this today but the short one on the doctors is they are largely ignoring the antibody testing, I find the rebuttable a failure but I do find it at least logically presented well done.
I understand why you can pretty much ignore link #2, It is mostly a statement of authority. However, link #1 does have a video from Chris Martenson, an actual PhD in a science field that would have force him to deal with statistics, and friend of TSP, who finds the statistical analysis is poor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKeiCPwy0K8 You can watch starting at 13 min 35 sec Dr. Martenson discuss the problem, which has a name (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_bias). Though I have sympathy for the conclusion, because there are other countries that have done better analysis, the reasoning of these physicians is flawed. Also, a simple dismissal of argument has a name (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_the_stone).
Chris I know and respect but he is still IGNORING largely the fact that we now KNOW, not think, we now KNOW the denominator is at least 20X the reported number. With that the death toll goes to under 1%, period, there is not selection bias in that, it is dealing with reality.
And again the docs are not saying go back to normal and do not socially distance. You can live in total fear or something with a 99.5% survival rate if you want, I am not going to, nor will I advise other to do so.
Lets say the death rate really was 2%, you still better get the economy going NOW if you don’t the deaths from poverty, crime, depression, etc will still absolutely exceed the deaths from CoVid. That is the point being made and there is NO WAY around that point, none.
Let me make it clear, really clear.
New York City has a population of 8.6 million people. We are making decisions about these lock downs based on the following numbers. 313,000 cases and 18,900 deaths.
Two factors are being ignored there. One the absolute failure of keeping it out of elder care facilities, where people with Covid were sent back to those facilities inflating the death rate beyond any other state in the union. This is not subject to debate, this happened, we know it happened, we do not think, we know this happened.
Two and far more importantly, the actual case count in NYC is now known to be at least, what? Do you know? Does Martinson tell you this number, does he or does he ignore it? The number is now officially 24%, I didn’t invent that number, that is the officially stated number by Cuomo this last weekend, 24%. Want to do that math?
8.6 million and 24% of that gets you 1.96 million cases in NYC. So we have almost 2 million cases and 18,900 deaths. How do you make a good decision based on a discrepancy of that magnitude in say Georgia or Florida?
The selection bias on data here is IGNORING that data. Again and NYC and NJ are both inflated due to terrible failures with elder care facilities. They ignore the real death rate is well under 1%, they ignore the choice to destroy the economy is worse then accepting the deaths you are going to get. They are ignoring that all pneumonia deaths are being labeled Covid even though it has always been the leading cause of death in the elderly.
Getting right into the real numbers the real death rate, the real impact and the actual truly at risk demographics is not selection bias, fucking ignoring it and using a fake case number to artificially inflate the case fatality rate is.
The denominator is now known to be minimum 20x, the percentage of asymptomatic cases is known to be the vast majority, asymptomatic spread is now highly suspect to be possible but at least known to be very improbable and very low as a percentage. PA and other states have been caught red handed inflating the death rates. Doesn’t mean a lot of people did not die or it is something to ignore but if you want selection bias the people who are actively calling for further destruction of the economy (which Martinson built his entire empire on) are the ones ignoring facts that can’t be ignored at this point.
Hey Jack I was looking for the vacuum sealer you recommended. Thanks alot!!
This one https://www.cabelas.com/product/home-cabin/kitchen-dining/vacuum-sealers/pc/104798880/c/104739480/sc/104668380/cabelas-commercial-grade-vac-sealer/2742410.uts?slotId=8
Congrats on the new car! A year ago we bought a Charger SXT (same engine specs) and we love it. You got a better deal though… 24k? We bought used for 14k, although if I could have got new for 24k that would have been the thing to do (the car was otherwise 36k new, way too much).