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7 years ago

I just finished writing a letter to my 1 year old daughter about where I was and what I felt on Sept 11th, 2001.

I was 24 years old and I was working at a Ford dealership. I had walked up to the parts counter to get items for the job I was working on. One of the service advisors came by and said that plane and had crashed into the Twin Towers. I asked him if he meant a small plane and he said that it was a jetliner. I went up to the customer waiting room to watch the TV there. I was just in time to see the next plant hit. I had some work to do so I did it but would come back to watch the news. I asked aloud how they would get the people out and it wasn’t more than a minute of 2 later and the first tower came down. I called up home and talked to my mom. I thought I should leave but she relayed to me a story of when she was younger and JFK was shot. She said I ought to stay and get the work done for our customers and then go home. And thats what I did.

Thats where I was when the world stopped turning.

7 years ago

I was 3 days in Germany with the Oregon National Guard, 6 weeks of “Summer Camp/Aka Annual training as back up to the full time Combat Maneuver Training Center in Hoenfels. Germany, backing up the “Red Force/ Opfor”
Conventional comms were not available, so Email to the then my GF to inform my folks as to my status was done.
Essesntially “Alive, okay, like Somalia. will keep in touch as best I can.”

7 years ago

Thanks fir all you do,
May Clan Spirko Live Well and Prosper and any opposition “Freak Out ” in very lame disco style


7 years ago

I think giving your opinion on what happened on September 11 on the anniversary of September 11 makes you an asshole. I think this day should be a day remembrance day of pride in our country, and the day of reflection. Instead you use it to give your opinion what do you think happened and when George Bush said and who should be held accountable my point is you should do that on every other day except on the anniversary

7 years ago

Where was I on 9/11? I had just finished my appointment to schedule my household goods move from Maryland to California. I was still active duty Navy and was stationed at the National Security Agency. When I got to my office, everyone was gathered around the TV. Shortly after I walked in, the second plan hit, and then we heard about the Pentagon. Since the NSA is a pair of tall glass structures that stick out like a sore thumb, there was a very palpable fear that ‘we could be next’. The Director ended up sending non-essential personnel home early. My normal 15-minute drive home took about 2 and 1/2 hours.

Lane Douglas
Lane Douglas
7 years ago

Thanks for the passion regarding Red Cross. If you have any ideas or thoughts that the TSP community could do to continue to expose their inept performance ( not contributing is a given), please continue to talk about the subject. Yes, they piss me off with their inefficient use of funds, if they take in $10, maybe $1 goes to help. Their worst offense is standing in the way of so many others that are trying to help.
Don’t think we can take them down, but let’s cause them some pain.

7 years ago

My own personal rant about the Red Cross concerns blood donations. There is a community blood center in Augusta that handles all of the local hospitals. They do a great job and I am a regular donor there. About 10 years ago, the Red Cross announced that they were opening a blood donation center in Augusta but that they wouldn’t poach any of the regular donors from the local center. Less than a month after they opened, I had my first call from the Red Cross asking if I wanted to donate for them. They called me back a couple of times before they got the message.

Michelle R
Michelle R
7 years ago

I was a sophomore in college. I’ll always remember what days it was. My friends and I always used to watch Monday night wrestling and slept over at her appartment, then drove back to campus Tuesday morning. (We joked that it was our soap opera)

That night I had a weird dream; I stood in the yard of my grandparent’s house, looking up to see four falling stars, surrounded by foreboding. I woke up to hear that the Pentagon was on fire. We all went to the television to see what was going on. Smoke was billowing out of the first tower and we saw the second plane hit. My friend started crying, on the phone with her mother, because she knew her cousin was going to be shipped out over seas now.

Driving back to campus, the dorm was silent, with 20-30 girl just watching the scene. It was about that time that we saw the first tower fall. I can’t remember much about the second half of the day, getting dinner, talking to friends. But I’ll always remember that morning. Some guys wrote a message of hope and support on a bed sheet and hung it from the windows of two adjoining dorm rooms.

Ten years later, I went to a local remembrance ceremony, focusing on first responders, some of whom were from our area. It was emotional, somber and well done. As we were leaving, I heard a woman disgruntledly say ‘Ugh, I thought there would be fireworks’. It sadly amazes me how little some people look beyond their own lives to others that were effected. She was older than me, and didn’t have the excuse of being too young to remember.

Thanks for the great work, Jack.

Eric S
Eric S
7 years ago

can you post the link to the Anonymous video that summarizes 9/11 in under five minutes?

7 years ago
Reply to  Eric S
Mike Sylvia
Mike Sylvia
7 years ago

Ripped off from James Corbett – The Corbett Report

7 years ago

Good show Jack.

I worked a night shift on an Army airfield the night before. Woke up and got a run in. Then tried to build a dog house knowing something wasn’t right. The dog house fell apart in a week. Thankfully I ETS’d before I had a chance to fall….

Think to use this song for a future song, Veterans day seems too cliche.

As you know, the soldier doesn’t always have the ability to call bullshit.

Thanks for all you work.


Erin Kennedy
Erin Kennedy
7 years ago

The video is made by James Corbett – he has done a lot of research – followed the money trail, the way the trading was so odd regarding those airlines the days leading up to… the architectures and engineers who give facts regarding the structure etc … the fact that he is such a good investigative journalist and looks at actual sources and material himself and not just hearsay, and is ready to acknowledge if his research is debunked or if new material disproves it… all makes him very worth listening to, he has a very good grasp of geopolitics and is very highly respected.
With all the things that we know the government has done and is currently doing… why is it so hard to imagine they won’t go to any length possible to achieve their goals?

7 years ago
Reply to  Erin Kennedy

You really believe something other than twisted, angry muslims took down those buildings? The flight school records? The passenger manifests? The binladen claim for responsibility? To what ends exactly would the US goverment gain to do this to themselves?

7 years ago

I don’t think it is entirely implausible that a few passports survived. 4 were recovered that belonged to the alleged hijackers and 1 of those never made it to the plane. So that leaves 3 that survived and only 1 from NYC. Considering the amount of wallets, drivers licenses, photographs, credit cards, and other personal effects of that sort that survived the impacts, the fires and the collapses, this is not out of the realm of possibility in my mind. One documentary I saw had a small clip in it of all these items that I mentioned from the rubble and it was far more than I could have imagined that had survived. Certainly, it could also have been planted there. I just wouldn’t be willing to write it off an not possible.

As far as the video, I’m going to pass it on to a pilot friend who flies for Jet Blue. I only met him 2 years ago and this ain’t something that has come up in any discussion. I’m skeptical of the video since it is Ventura’s show, but I’ll ask him about it nonetheless.

Like you, I believe planes crashed into the building. At this moment, I’m not 100% convinced it was who they said it was.

7 years ago

I did not say I believed it. I said I don’t think it’s implausible. I also said to could have been planted. Again, considering all that survived, it is in the realm of the possible for me. Plenty of items survived from the planes. All they found from one woman on flight 175 was her credit card. One slipper with an AA stitched in it is in the 911 museum. Again, this is not out of the realm of possibility, at least not in my mind.

Yes, I have been to NYC. Many many times. I live in NJ. I saw the remaining smoke and dust on my way home from work that day. I visited the site the immediate Saturday after and stood on an observation platform to see the pile. The problem with the 3 blocks claim is that I have seen numerous sites say 2 blocks and 3 blocks and also it found on Vessey Street. I don’t think where it was found it(if it in fact was) is actually known. But if it was found on Vessey St, that could have be almost directly under the towers, if you look at an old diagram of the area at the time.
In addition, 3 blocks in that area of Manhattan is not 3 blocks like the majority of Manhattan. Most blocks in that area are irregular.

I’m not trying to prove you wrong, but prove it was possible. Weird things survived the crashes and collapses(do a Google search for 911 artifacts and it might surprise you). As to how and why, it’s likely not explainable by anyone, like how a bible was singed to a piece of metal and recovered. Frankly, its easier for me to believe that the passport survived the crash, than it is to believe that someone saw it, picked it up and handed to a street cop before the towers fell. The entire ordeal is quite unbelievable and many things defy reason and explanation. And that is why I believe not that it actually happened, but is possible. I do share your skepticism, however, in this and on the day as a whole.

7 years ago

Not sure why you have a problem with the term “conspiracy theorist”, because the truth is… you are one. Frankly, you’d have to be RETARDED to think that people don’t “plan or plot secretly” (source: http://www.wordnik.com/words/conspire) and rather oblivious to not theorize about whether or not it is happening with the many things that happen in our lives that affect us.

And of course all the explanations that I have heard for 9-11, including the official explanation are all “conspiracy theories”. Wasn’t the official story something about a few muslims conspiring together to crash planes?

With that said… “believing” one story or another would be stupid. Developing an opinion or opinions of what the most likely causes are of something would be a better option.

And here is another James Corbett video that speaks directly to this subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jyY6rqP_3Q

7 years ago

I was just about 5 minutes from my job when I first heard about the first plane hitting. I was also a volunteer firefighter on Long Island at the time. Once things escalated and the second plane hit I told my boss I was leaving. He didnt argue with me. I went home, kissed my wife and 1 year old son and told her Iloved them both and that I was going. I drove to my firehouse, grabbed my gear and got on the truck with my fellow firefighters to head into NYC…..you all know the rest. No, I will never forget that day for as long as I live

7 years ago

I was in first grade on 9/11/01. I remember my mom picking me up from school, and my dad driving 200 miles with a Chevy Suburban loaded down with ammo and MREs to make sure me and my brother were prepared for the war and collapse that were certainly coming *that week.* I vaguely remember not knowing exactly what was going on, being 6 years old, just having the feeling that something big happened.
He was an old school ’80s survivalist, gas masks, guns, and ALICE packs but where’s the water storage? I never understood that old school brand of survivalism with heavy emphasis on guns and gear but no organized food storage system or even a damn water filter.
I still have some of the gear he gave us that day and use it when I go camping.

Andrew Ortwein
7 years ago

How long does the equipment last for crypto mining?
I’m sure it has a finite life.

7 years ago

I’m interested in the Crypto Gulch. How do I sign up through you?

7 years ago

Regarding Versaland..I was going to email the Johnson County board to help defend Grant Shultz when I stumbled upon the other side of the story: http://dracohill.org/blog/grant-schultz-facts-to-consider/ I was just wondering to the validity of their claims that he is not taking care of the property, has no need of workers to help him harvest non-existent trees, that the owners have paid for the “hundreds of thousands” in renovations, that he did not pay his rent last year, and if he’s essentially renting the farm what right does he have to change the zoning? If anyone has any info just wondering where the truth lies. Thank you!

7 years ago
Reply to  Samarium

Grant is claiming that he can’t harvest his fruit due to the county’s 12 mos moratorium on Retail Orchards, but Justin Rhodes shot a video at Grant’s farm in July and there wasn’t any fruit anywhere on the property that was harvestable. None of the trees he showed Justin were anymore than head tall and he was struggling to find a single berry to taste. About the only thing he seemed to have an abundance of was Japanese beetles, which he kept eating. Justin seems pretty skeptical during the entire video. In the owners court filing he’s fifty thousand dollars behind on his rent.
Justin’s vid

7 years ago

For anyone who wants to go further down the rabbit hole an article in Europhysics News about the towers collapsing…


7 years ago

I’m a bit behind in listening to the podcast so I’m a little late in posting this reply. Here is what I was doing at the time the planes hit the World Trade Center. While it’s just the minor efforts of an office worker (more direct action came later), it was significant for me.

I was an Army enlisted guy working at a joint operations unit at an air base in Georgia. I had just finished my morning run, showered, and had put on my usual work uniform (at the time, it was the class B uniform). I was walking through the little cubicle farm when I saw two Air Force officers hanging and chatting around the television we had in the center of our area. They didn’t seem tense at the time, just interested in what was happening.

Out of curiosity, I strolled over to them and listened in on their conversation while glancing occasionally at the TV. The officers were talking as if it had been an accident so there wasn’t much concern. Only minutes later, we saw the second plane hit. We all were startled by this, obviously. We all realized the impact of this without a word passing between us. In fact, I had not said a word at this point.

Still silent, I sighed and walked away from the television as the officers remained fixed to its screen. I walked over to the entrance to our emergency operations center (EOC). All of the computer work stations s had been disassembled for maintenance the day before and the components were still piled on the floor (the computers were still intact, but they were not connected to the other peripheries). I knew we were going to need those computers very soon. The EOC was going to be activated.

Pardon me. I had to step away from the computer for a moment. I had lit a cigar (yes, at eight thirty in the morning) as a way to try settling myself down in order to write this narrative. It only partially helped. Memories of the day and events afterward (the faces of friends I lost later among other things) came flooding back and I broke out into major sweats and nausea. I had to put out the cigar, step away, and sit in front of a fan for a while. Eventually, I had to pray to the porcelain god. I’ll continue now.

Still clutching my gym bag, I went back to the shower room and changed back into my sweaty gym clothes. They would be more appropriate for the work I was about to do. I then returned to the EOC, turned on one of its televisions (it was already on a news channel; I think it was CNN. People were jumping from the windows of the Trade Center at the time), and began reassembling workstations.

The Pentagon was struck as I worked. A thought flashed in my mind but did not yet have enough substance to really stick. I had friends working there and couldn’t really think straight at the time. I wondered if they were okay.

I had finished about half of the stations when I had to stop and stare fixedly at the TV. The first tower had started to collapse. I remember standing in the middle of the room, frozen stiff, as I watched it fall. “This is a Clancy novel,” I thought to myself, remembering the events from ‘Debt of Honor’ which I had read years ago. “Can this really be happening?” Only minutes later, reports of the fourth plane crashing in Pennsylvania came onscreen. I recovered from my paralysis, hung my head, and continued working.

I was almost through with one workstation and had two stations remaining when my boss, an Army lieutenant colonel, and his non-commissioned officer in charge, an Army master sergeant, came into the EOC. We all watched quietly as the second tower fell. After we caught our breaths, the colonel said there was some classified message traffic which needed to be picked up and asked if I would drive to Atlanta to receive it (my security clearance was high enough to do so at the time). I recall glancing at my unfinished task and saying I would do it. The sergeant said he would finish reassembling the computers for me. I nodded and left the EOC.

I grabbed my bag from my desk and changed one more time. I picked up the key to our government car and stepped outside. The entire base had changed in only two hours. The base had been quite lax during the two years I had worked there. You could almost say it was a civilian complex. There had been civilian security at the gates – more of a formality, really – and everything had been laid back. As I exited the building into the morning sunlight, I saw Air Force security police (SP) patrolling the base’s roads in HMWWVs with light machine guns mounted on them. The main gate was now manned by the SPs, as well. In a moment of dark humor, I thought, “The Air Force has remembered that it is part of the military again.”

I got into the car and drove away. Of course, I had the radio tuned to a news station as I traveled. I had been going for about ten minutes when the station gave an update on the day’s event and then, contrary to its usual format, began to play a song. This song, which I had heard before, but in which I had never placed a great deal of significance, was ‘One Voice’ by Billy Gilman, a child country singer. I think he was about twelve at the time. Listening to the boy’s voice I as I drove, I finally felt the crushing weight of the day so far. My eyes welled up and tears began to flow. I don’t even remember the rest of the drive to my destination.

The remainder of the day was a blur. I cannot recall much more than picking up the message traffic and eventually making my way back to the EOC. I don’t think I even stopped for lunch. Being Atlanta, the return trip took a significant amount of time. The workday would actually end minutes after I delivered the messages to my boss. I returned to my residence (at the time, a rented bedroom a few miles away) in a daze. After firing off a quick email to my friend at the Pentagon (he turned out to be fine but I did learn his father had spent hours digging through rubble looking for his wife…who also turned out to be unharmed), I spent the rest of the evening staring at my television without really comprehending what I saw and heard until much later.

The next day as I entered the front gate on the way back to work, I remember being met by half a dozen SPs and seeing a machine gun nest about twenty meters from the gate. The camouflage netting obscured what I knew was behind it. I was sure there was an alert SP behind an M-60 or M-249 with his sights centered on my face. Obviously, all of my movements were slow and deliberate so as not to give him a reason to pull the trigger.

That was my day. Two weeks later, I was transferred to mechanized infantry battalion and eventually to my original unit, an armor battalion. We mobilized in 2004 and went to Iraq for a year. I then volunteered for another immediate deployment with a long-range surveillance company. Memories from those trips overseas will remain with me forever. I did nothing truly significant myself, but I know several great men who did…some of whom never returned. It was a privilege to serve with them and, on August 15th of every year (the day four of them died), I lift a glass in their honor.

To the TSP community, I hope there is some meaning which you can take form this tale which will be of some small benefit to you. Thank you, Jack, for this opportunity to tell this simple story.