Episode-2075- Listener Feedback for 8-29-17
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Today on The Survival Podcast I take your questions on criminal justice, hurricane Harvey, bitcoin, libertarianism, training dogs, economics and more.
Remember to be on a show like this one just pick up your phone and call 866-65-THINK.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- Victimless crimes with “potential victims”
- A solider in San Antonino reports on Harvey’s impact
- What does it mean that the IRS is now tracking bitcoin
- Feedback on the Tuttle Twins books
- Training a “nippy” puppy
- More on the death of retail
- The potential of Estcoin (Estonia’s proposed crypto currency)
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- The Year 52
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- The Granddaddy’s Gun Club
- Bullhead Fishing Forum – A new little site I started
- IRS Tracking of Bitcoin on ZeroHedge
- IRS Tracking of Bitcoin on Fortune
- The Tuttle Twins Books
- Video about Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. Bans
- 22 Retailers Closing Stores in 2017
- Smarter Every Day – YouTuber of the Day
- Right Now – Chris Gains (aka Garth Brooks)
Sponsors of the Day
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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here is the link for song of the day along with a link to lyrics.
Hey Jack,
The reason Clark Howard says to be sure to use those gift cards is because so many people don’t use them, and lose their value when a store closes, unless there is another one nearby they can go to.
The retail industry loves it when people forget to use the gift cards, as it is pure profit at that point.
On your views about possession of weapons being legal or not. How do you feel about that issue when the power of the weapon has potential for massive destruction ie bombs, nerve gas and the like? My belief is that there comes a point where the potential of risk to the many outweighs the liberty of the few. Especially with the rise of radical idealists who don’t care for the life and liberty of anyone who might oppose them. How far this goes is above my pay grade as they say. But, I am all for some control over things like bombs and the material to make them. Ammonium nitrate and nitromethane (ANNM) are still one of the most powerful improvised types of AN-based explosives. These are available but if you try to buy a truckload of the stuff I guarantee you’ll have someone very interested people at the department of making you sad taking a look at what you are doing, as they should. I shudder to think what would happen if you could buy nukes at Home Depot or wherever. I also believe that every citizen in our country should be allowed to own freely any weapon which might be used against them by the people sworn to protect them in fully automatic weapons, incendiary rounds, and heavy artillery. It’s a fine line and I’d like to hear where you fall on the matter.
I’m only caught up to the part about elections at school being used to teach kids to pick a side. Interestingly enough, when they did that this year at my daughter’s high school, Trump came in first and Gary Johnson came in second. Yep! The libertarian candidate came in ahead of Clinton. While they all had to “choose”, I was thrilled to see that a significant number of kids were actually thinking outside the box.
What is SCash? I see it on Blockfolio but can’t find details.
Do you mean Zcash?
Zcash is what you said in the next podcast but I thought you had said S Cash in this one. I must have heard or remembered it wrong.