
Episode-2498- Listener Feedback for 8-26-19 — 6 Comments

  1. Normally wouldn’t make it a big deal, but since it affects Episode 2500, just wanted to point out that Friday’s episode was 2497, so this episode should be 2498. That gives you an extra day off this week! Looking forward to Friday’s episode!

  2. Damn I had it calculated that way this weekend, then today I was like oh I was wrong. Thanks, Jack

  3. Some info on Bindweed: The reason I looked this up is because I had heard it was used for cancer, I thought bladder cancer but they didn’t state that in the link I shared. So first I posted a natural way to combat the Bindweed, then below that is some info on a medicinal study for cancer.

    Competition: Bindweed is not competitive with tall, shade-producing plants. “In 1985, The New Farm magazine featured a farmer in Fort Collins, Colorado, who used pumpkins and banana squash as a cheap bindweed “herbicide.”(Mattingly, 1985) The farmer, John Mattingly, allowed the bindweed to germinate in spring then tilled the field. In June he planted pumpkins. He fertilized with liquid nitrogen injected through the irrigation water, which stimulated the pumpkins’ leaf and vine growth.”

    “Within a few weeks, the bindweeds were shaded and strangled by the pumpkins so badly that they produced no seed. After pumpkin harvest, he disked down the pumpkin vines. Mattingly suspects that there is a chemical in the pumpkin vines that discourages bindweed, because he’s had no bindweed in his pumpkin field for nine years. (Mattingly, 1985)” [11]

    Smothering: Use black plastic mulch or fabric weed barrier to knock back bindweed by removing the foliage, thus eventually starving the roots… This may take three to four years.

    Mechanical Control: According to ATTRA, The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, it’s necessary to repeatedly pull the top growth to deplete the roots’ energy reserves.

    Cancer Study:

    A study published in found “some new evidence on remarkable…activities” of Convolvulus arvensis in inhibiting cancer growth and leishmaniasis, an ulcerative skin disease which afflicts 12 million people in warm areas of the planet. [4] A separate study published in concluded that “[h]igh molecular mass extract [of Convolvulus arvensis] deserves further study as an anti-cancer agent.” [5] The American Cancer Society’s Cancer Survivor’s Network has a brief discussion of promising anti-cancer research with respect to Convolvulus arvensis. [6] A study on the effect of this plant’s dried extract found that it can be used as a natural food antioxidant. [7]

  4. Jack!

    Sorry to make you self conscious about using Tom (and mike) as your dummy’s or jerks in your stories. I asked about it cause I thought it was funny. Was glad to hear the story behind it and confirm it wasn’t all in my head. -don’t let me change your speech the way a few asshats got to effect Steven Harris. I miss his rants and raves about how stupid  some people’s ideas are.

    Ive met lots of Toms, most, including me were probably assholes.