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Tom Stelene
Tom Stelene
8 years ago

I’d like to throw in my 2 cents on the rifle questions.

Maybe Tim would be interested in an AR in 6.5mm Grendel or 6.8mm SPC as a hunting and tactical rifle. It’s light, can take big game, and can have flip-up sights and either a red-dot or a QD-mounted scope. Unfortunately, they are oddball cartridges and magazines.

As for Bob’s Rem. 76 carbine, I just have to say I think it would make a helluva hunting gun for deer on up to moose in wooded and semi-open terrain if chambered in .338 Fed. It wouldn’t kick hard and has a good selection of bullets for taking any big game at practical ranges. That would be one slick rifle.

Alex Shrugged
8 years ago

Regarding the natural tendency for people to regiment themselves, you can’t get rid of it. You can only be aware and watchful for it and try your best to resist.

Personally, I practice resistance by standing the wrong way in an elevator. People usually laugh at me, but exactly why they are laughing I cannot say. It does help me, though.

There is a story of a Rabbi who ran a seminary. He knew after they graduated that their communities would come to them to resolve controversies. But if the people are coming to the Rabbi to resolve a problem it is likely that they couldn’t resolve it themselves without pissing off half the community so they come to the Rabbi and let HIM piss off half the community! (See how that goes?)

So… to prepare a student, the Rabbi would send him to the hardware store to buy eggs. The people would point and laugh at the poor fellow. Then the Rabbi would send the same student to the grocer to buy wood and nails. Again the people would point and laugh at such a foolish boy who didn’t know the difference between a grocery store and a hardware store.

By this method he made a student callous to laughter and the opinion of his fellows, so that he could make the right decisions without worrying about people criticizing at him or laughing.

Two books to read regarding this tenancy to want to fit in are…

“The Wave” by Todd Strasser. – This is a novel based on an experiment conducted by a California High School teacher who wanted to demonstrate to his class how an otherwise intelligent and sophisticated group of people (namely the German people) could be herded into supporting (or acquiescing to) the horrific things done to fellow human beings during World War 2.

The other book is philosophy of sorts, written by a longshoreman…

“True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements” by Eric Hoffer. – His analysis of how mass movements work is spot on, and frankly frightening. If this book doesn’t piss you off, you are not paying attention.

Alex Shrugged

Richard Hauser
Richard Hauser
8 years ago
Reply to  Alex Shrugged

Here is another interesting look at how people react to social pressure: http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/03-the-big-man-cant-shoot
I found it really interesting even though I don’t care at all about basketball.

8 years ago

I am in the “Millenial” generation and I do play video games and a few other millennial stereotypes and you sometimes like to beat the horse on how millennials feel self-entitled and whatever else you say. Finally this you said if you listen to this show you might now be that though. This made all the Millenial rants all better.

Alex Shrugged
8 years ago

My daughter-in-law is just barely a Millennial and she is a teacher for Millennials. In comparison to what she has told me, Jack has been holding back a little.

Alex Shrugged

8 years ago

On the yoga bag thing, it reminds me of something I’ve talked about before – using a beat up old SpongeBob or Hello Kitty diaper bag creatively spattered with yellow ochre acrylic paint (close color match for the “by product” of a kid with a stomach bug), for a bug out bag instead of some fancy MOLLE getup. Which do you think would get stolen first?

8 years ago

Thinking the 760/7600 would make a better hybrid than Springfield M1A……just sayin’…

8 years ago

OK Jack you said it so lets here a show about the 30-06.
I agree with you on this cartridge.

8 years ago

Another option for the rifle is an ar in 25 Sharps. Google it, they are getting very good efficiency out of it. Be careful scoping an air gun. Many are notorious for destroying good optics. It has to do with the backwards recoil impulse of many air guns.

Christopher Flynn
Christopher Flynn
8 years ago

To comment on the yoga bag, one thing that some people recommend for people living in NJ is to use a toolbox to transport your guns. Of course, in NJ, you were more likely to get hassled by the cops going to/from the range but it was a good way to be incognito.

Glad to be out of NJ!