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5 years ago

One of my favorite things about the Ark team is their active project updates. Not just a general roadmap, here’s the projects we’re working on and here’s how far we’ve come in a percentage value:


I wish more projects did this, and have pitched this model to other development teams. After all, how many times can a team say SOON?!


Jack, you said you switched delegates from the Foundry to Ark World(?), was that strictly based on payout or for another reason? I honestly haven’t checked the delegate list in months.

5 years ago

I have the same question.  I remember listening to the interview with the Foundry guy.  I picked up some ark and voted for thefoundry.  Been with them ever since.  Listening to this episode, I thought the same thing “Why did Jack switch?  What’s the  rationale?  Am I missing something?”

Looking at the delegates list, both are pretty close in rank, identical in payout, but the fees seem to favor thefoundry  @ .005 vs .03 for arkworld.  Of course, you’d have to have a shit-ton of ark for either fee rate to even register on the mouse-fart scale.

The Foundry (37) puts out quite a bit of information and seems very active in promoting the Ark ecosystem:



Arkworld (40)… not much info:



Now that I think about it, I don’t know if I ever heard Jack say that he was actually voting for thefoundry.  I just assumed.  I’m still with them, and don’t have any plans to change for now.

5 years ago

Jack, I’d love it if you and the Harris spent an episode brainstorming ways to make life uncomfortable for cockroaches and two-legged varmints. That’s always a fun mental exercise.

5 years ago

I was raised by people like Carlton described. Yay me. They dont care about lights like streetlights they are so gypsy-brazen it just gives them light to work by. However motion sensing lights and cameras well thats was uncomfortable to them. The cockroach metaphor is pretty solid.