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Justin McMillan
Justin McMillan
4 years ago

My dad lives beside two teachers in rural Kentucky. They told him the surveys indicated 30% of parents plan to keep their kids home this fall. The test drive analogy was spot on! I tried it myself in recent weeks by tutoring my uncle’s grandson who is 12. He is probably in the bottom 10% of his class and lives 700 miles away. My uncle spent an hour on the phone with me last week thanking me and telling me how surprised they have been with this experiment.

I have zero training in childhood education. I do have 4 years of experience training medical personnel for a medical device company. Our daughter is only two years old. This CoVid experiment has shown me that I want to do this for her. My wife wants private school for her, and I’ve got three years to change her mind. By that point, she’ll be too far ahead of the other kindergarteners to warrant daycare services.

Penny McLoughlin
Penny McLoughlin
4 years ago

Dr. Mercola has been promoting the use of vitamin D (D3) along with K2 for quite a while and has research studies in the below article that show reduced severity of illness and hospitalization with even nominal blood levels of vitamin D (greater than 30).


He’s also posted articles on the safety of K2 supplementation. It flushes through the body quickly, similar to vitamin C. Studies have never found an amount that would cause any toxicity.

Magnesium aupplementation of about 400 mg per day has been shown to enhance the rate at which blood levels of vitamin D improve with D3 supplementation.

I love Dr. Mercola’s articles because most of his points are well referenced with links to the actual reseach studies.

4 years ago

I recommend indoor tanning during the winter as another alternative for getting sufficient Vitamin D levels.

I started on Vitamin D supplementation more than ten years ago.  While it did cure some chronic pain I’d been getting in my neck and back during the winter, it also made my skin super itchy.

Back in the winter of 2016-2017 I experimented with indoor tanning and no vitamin D supplementation.  I would indoor tan once a week for 10-15 minutes.  I used the tanning bed with the highest UVB rays, which is actually the cheapest. The tanning salon markets the high-UVA beds as “bronzing” while marketing the high-UVB beds as “burning”. With a military discount it only costs $5/session and it’s a nice, relaxing experience … kind of like getting a massage.

Anyways, during that winter the neck and back pain never developed.  At the end of winter I tested my D levels and they were 37.7 (I forget the units).  I stopped the indoor tanning in April in favor of lying out in the sun at least once a week.  At the end of that summer (2017) my D levels were 35.5.  So the tanning was comparable to getting real sun and while those levels aren’t super-high, they are sufficient.

I’ve been doing the winter indoor tanning ever since.

Btw, I’m a Caucasian who tans well and I live at about 39 deg. N latitude.

4 years ago

Jack, I’ve been taking vitamin D daily for over 10 years ever since listening to the tech podcast Security Now by Steve Gibson & Leo LaPorte. Steve, like you dives deep into a subject he’s interested in and was compelled by what he found out about vitamin D and its health benefits to share with their listeners. Here’s a link to his show notes with detailed info & links to back it up. You might want to peruse before your show about “D”. I think you’ll find it helpful. https://www.grc.com/health/vitamin-d.htm

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
4 years ago

Brent in PEI here.  I use to struggle with working for Govt and opposing excess Govt.  I’m going to be 57 next month and I’m transitioning.  I work for the Dept. of Health as a Data Analyst, it’s a huge database, over 6000 tables, of which I am familiar with about 400, it’s hard on the head.  I’ve been working with Oracle Databases for 30 years.  I have a good team and they realize I don’t have the mental horsepower I did twelve years ago when I joined the team.  So I am in a mentor role now, and I generally do the one off problems (break/fix) than starting with larger projects.  Prior to that I was an independent I.T consultant.  The way I’ve reconciled that is: “Well at least I’m getting some of my tax money back”.  Working in my favour is that I have stashed away a good chunk of cash, I’ve had no mortgage for fifteen years and I’m driving a 2008 Rav4 with 93k miles on it.  And since I’m working from home now, I may stay on until 62 and keep the Rav for a few more years;  and to top it off we are getting Fibre to the home in the next month in my rural area, so contracting again is back on the table, albeit less hours.  So good take on the caller’s situation.  Tick Tock!

Alex Shrugged
4 years ago

Jack… “Utopia” is Latin meaning “NO PLACE.” People seem to think that it is spelled “Eutopia” which means “GOOD PLACE.” Also, Utopia depends upon a SLAVE UNDERCLASS.

The book “Utopia” was written by Sir Thomas Moore and published in 1516. It is the story of a little island where everything is perfect. Two slaves are assigned to every household. The slaves were taken in battle, or were criminals. Wealth is scorned. No privacy is allowed so that citizens can correct each other. You can guess the rest.

The USSR praised Sir Thomas Moore for his vision of communism., BUT, in fact, Utopia is a satire. That is why he entitled it Utopia. There is no such place, and should not be.

Alex Shrugged