Episode-2451- Listener Feedback for 6-3-19
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Today on The Survival Podcast I answer your questions on community, vehicle accidents, business, gardening, productivity, flooding, dealing with neighbors, generators and more.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- The Weekly community revitalization segment – Thoughts on MeetUp Groups
- Please Call the JERK Line and be part of episode 2500
- What happened this weekend, well, the shit hit the fence
- Ways to streamline an online business
- How the straw bale garden is going
- Ways to jump start personal productivity
- I am a jerk again and the danger of flooding
- Dealing with a neighbors invading cats and the lesson of a green pool
- An update on the Sportsman 1000 Generator and a warranty issue
- My preferred sprayers for fertility spraying
Resources for today’s show…
- Follow Life With Jack on Instagram
- TSP Facebook Group
- Join the Members Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- The Granddaddy’s Gun Club
- Biltong for Breakfast
- Find Your TSP Facebook Group for Your State
- Article on Death Due to a Flood Mentioned Today
- Orbit Enforcer Sprinkler
- Solo 475-B Sprayer
- 1 Gallon Sprayer
- 1/2 Gallon Sprayer
- Cold Harbor on SongFacts.com
- Cold Harbor – The Outlaws
Sponsors of the Day
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Another point in the straw bale economics, many are maxed out on garden space. I have 12 straw bales on my concrete patio.
A neighbor has 20 on his driveway, which is where e has best sun.
You know a lot like container gardens or aquaponics that is a totally valid point I will include it in my next video.
I heard a term that I like for the difference between ‘productivity’ & ‘activity’.
Action Faking.
Really drives it home for me. Am I being productive, or am I ‘action faking’. Is this action actually taking me towards the goal, or is it just making me FEEL like I’m doing something.