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James smith
James smith
11 years ago

Jack, the two NSA links you shared are parodies.

11 years ago

I haven’t listened to the episode yet. but the NSA’s website listed in your links (http://nsa.gov1.info/data/index.html) is a parody site. it is not the real NSA site. From the bottom of the site, you can see this:

“This is a parody of nsa.gov and has not been approved, endorsed, or authorized by the National Security Agency or by any other U.S. Government agency.
Much of this content was derived from news media, privacy groups, and government websites. Links to these sites are posted on the left-sidebars of each page. “

11 years ago
Reply to  dafoink

Relevant article that is beyond a little scary if it isn’t a fabrication:


11 years ago

was going to mention that you are linking to a parody NSA site… dafoink beat me. Not defending NSA or their new data center… but you are going to want top-notch info on here… not some parody. Thanks for keeping us informed Jack

Carrie B
Carrie B
11 years ago

Haven’t fired up the podcast yet, and see that the links go to a non-gov site.
Regardless, we know that they’re logging every phone call.
The FBI admitted that it’s building a database using social media sites just a few months ago.
In the late 90’s we knew that the government was building a database using the Carnivore program, and has gone on to use more sophisticated software.
The government has been building this database since 1997. (That they admit to, when Carnivore went live. It’s probably been far, far longer than that.)

When a computer can build such a detailed database of your life: your emails, your phone calls, your purchases, your internet browsing, your online conversations, your emails to friends and family… then that computer can create a pattern of how you operate. How you react, what decisions you make.

Using this pattern, it can predict with close accuracy what you’re most likely to do in any given situation. Based on your interests and compared with others of the same interests, it can predict what you’ll be doing in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years down the road.

A computer that can predict what you will do and how you will act, is a computer that will flag you based on what it thinks are the actions you will take.

If a computer predicts with 99% accuracy that you’re going to commit a terrorist act within the next week, or the next month, don’t you think you’d have a squad of federal agents kicking in your door and taking you in for questioning?

What we have here, folks, is the beginnings of a computer system that prior to this moment, only existed in the sci-fi annals of movie history: Minority Report.

What we thought 11 years ago was preposterous and shocking is now live, in color, and present in your lifetime.

Carrie B
Carrie B
11 years ago
Reply to  Carrie B

*Two thumbs up*
Well done on the retraction, Jack.

I still stand by my statement, based on what we know for sure.

11 years ago

Another good example of normalcy bias is believing an NSA parody site is real ):

11 years ago

Have they got access to all of the computer cameras and audio mic’s that are built into all note pads and external web cameras ????????? any way to check that info ?

11 years ago

Im sure you’ve seen this video but if not check it out. Its an interview with the guy who came forward about the NSA. Found it on the guardian website.
Feels like a movie I’ve watched! 😉

11 years ago

RE: Teacher Disciplined for Advising Students of their Rights

The important thing to note is the difference in how the teacher was treated the different times he taught about the 5th amendment. When done as part of the bill of rights section in class – no one cared or noticed. BUT when he taught them the meaning of the 5th amendment when it mattered – THEN it was an issue.

Talk about a teachable moment – doesn’t get any better than that.

The Solar Druid
The Solar Druid
11 years ago

Intelligence committee member Mark Udall, who has previously warned in broad terms about the scale of government snooping, said: “This sort of widescale surveillance should concern all of us and is the kind of government overreach I’ve said Americans would find shocking.” Former vice-president Al Gore described the “secret blanket surveillance” as “obscenely outrageous”.

The Verizon order was made under the provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Fisa) as amended by the Patriot Act of 2001, passed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. But one of the authors of the Patriot Act, Republican congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, said he was troubled by the Guardian revelations. He said that he had written to the attorney general, Eric Holder, questioning whether “US constitutional rights were secure”.

He said: “I do not believe the broadly drafted Fisa order is consistent with the requirements of the Patriot Act. Seizing phone records of millions of innocent people is excessive and Un-American.”

” I say if you have a Verizon phone plan, It’s time for a change ! This will let them in Washington D.C., Know that we won’t stand by & willingly let them SPY on us & claim Terroristic Threat Management ! I would recommend a safe phone plan that dosen’t require you to sign you first born away on a Manditory 2 yr. contract, Go Metro PCS, T-Mobile, or Virgin Mobile they all have the latest smart phones & most everything that the big 2yr. contarct companies have but you pay a monthly fee with a cancel anytime policy.
Furthermore; it went on to state the following ,

But such metadata can provide authorities with vast knowledge about a caller’s identity. Particularly when cross-checked against other public records, the metadata can reveal someone’s name, address, driver’s licence, credit history, social security number and more. Government analysts would be able to work out whether the relationship between two people was ongoing, occasional or a one-off.

” The disclosure has reignited longstanding debates in the US over the proper extent of the government’s Domestic Spying Powers. ”

This is the FIRST step to putting US Citizens in Concentration Camps like our Goverment did to Japanesse-Americans during World-War 2, & called it a SAFTEY MESSURE ONLY ! which lasted yrs. We’re heading down a slippery path to our own Destruction if we let them get away with this, without at least some sort of CA$H $TATEMENT being made. THAT WE WILL NOT $TAND BY & BE $PYed UPON by our own Goverenment !

11 years ago

what concerns me besides the actual collection of the data is the security of the data. How does the government protect this database? Who has access to this data? And how secure is it so that it wont accidentally get leaked to criminals who could use this data for extortion and other purposes (not that the government isn’t criminal either).

no system is completely secure. we have seen incidents where companies like UPS have lost laptops containing databases of social security information in the past. how do we know that the US government is any better? They are collecting the data. but how safe is that data from getting out in the wild?

11 years ago
Reply to  dafoink

If it is personal, don’t let it be electronic and unencrypted at the same time. This isn’t new. All that has changed is you know about it now.

11 years ago
Reply to  dafoink

@InBox485: the issue is that there is unencrypted data that would be collected to. Like who you are sending emails to and other things that might sound not very interesting, but in bulk, could be used for any number of purposes yet undiscovered. Things that you might think of as innocent now, could come back to bite you later on. Think about being a teenager and going to a protest or rally that might not be that popular when you get older. Now apply that to the digital world.

The issue is that the government is collecting massive amounts of information about all of us and warehousing it in a central location that can be compromised. Compromised by hackers, whistle blowers that grab all the data and release it, or incompetence (ie. leaving a laptop logged in to the database where it could get lose in the wild)

11 years ago
Reply to  dafoink

Just to be clear, I’m not even a little okay with the crap going on. The fact this crap hasn’t resulted in literal tarring and feathering followed by firing squads proves just how screwed we are.

All I’m saying is that it isn’t new. The only thing new is that a) the main stream media isn’t blacking it out and insulting anybody talking about it, and b) you have for the first time exact details of what has been collected and retained during the last 10 years. NSA has had the ability to tap anything anywhere, but retention has been a whole different story.

As for what people could see 15 years ago, I can say that 15 years ago I saw this happening in my life time. I was only 15 at the time, but it made as much sense then as it does now. And what has yet to come is the real reason this crap is so unacceptable. The Nazi purge started with repugnant policies, then rolled the courts over. Guess what’s next?

As for solutions (somebody always asks), look on the back of the TSP silver coin. You’ll see an ant. Not just any ant, but a fire ant from Austin Texas. Take the fire ant approach. They won’t travel miles away to bite somebody just because they deserve it. They build their nest with 100% disregard for what others think of it, and if you screw with them, they will coordinate, get in place, then jack your ass up all at once, then go away.

With all this crap going on, I’m having a harder time faulting that whole July 4th march on all state capitols thing by the day, but the solution isn’t chasing down assholes. It is doing what you know to be right, and defending it in the smartest way possible.

11 years ago


Thank you for the admission and correction, As though you do not consider yourself a Journalist, I applaud your professionalism and candor.

btw http://blogs.fas.org/secrecy/ by Steven Aftergood may be of interest. He did and has done a lot of good reporting over the years.

Thanks again,


bloody rich
bloody rich
11 years ago

maybe the parody site is really put out by the NSA to discredit NSA critiques? 😉

11 years ago

Thanks for the honesty Jack. If you haven’t heard of it, WOT is a very useful browser add-on for spotting official or trusted sites before you even suspect them. It helped me alot. Will listen to the show tonight.

11 years ago

So the XBox One is always on and online, is constantly monitoring video and audio, and is sensitive enough to interpret your pulse rate and facial expressions. M$ says this information is just for game-play but the algorithms will undoubtedly be sent back to M$. It will be used to ensure only users that are paid up can use services. Wonder how long it will take for the govt. to determine they need to have all that info as well.

Warren Puckett
Warren Puckett
11 years ago

I don’t know Jack, you spend so much time referencing the wrong sight, I think I would erase that part or rerecord it. I know you did the disclaimer, but I wouldn’t leave it up. Stuff like that has a way of coming back and bitting you in the ass. Good job on owning up to the mistake. Just some advice.

11 years ago

Here’s an article on Colorado splitting into 2 states, it seems the rural folks are fed up with the liberals that moved to Denver, just wondering if you have heard anything on this?

Thanks for all you do!

11 years ago
Reply to  Shannon

Read up on what it takes to split a state, and you will see why it WON’T happen unless CO succeeds from the federal government first or the counties succeeded individually. It won’t happen in CO, OR, CA, WA, NY, or any of the other states being held hostage by one or two urban black holes.

11 years ago
Reply to  InBox485

I read up on what it takes along time ago and I know they probably won’t pull it off but just the fact that they are talking about it is an eye opener.
To say it won’t or can’t happen is short sighted, it has happened at least 4 times before, although the last time was in 1863 when West Virginia split from Virginia

11 years ago
Reply to  InBox485

If you read up on what it takes, then you would know that final approval comes from the federal government. The Senate currently consists of 100 people. If I’m short sighted, please tell me what the circumstances would be that would result in a majority of those 100 power fetish freaks voting a new state into creation when the very foundation of that state would dilute their power by adding two more senators to the Senate, and have both those senators come from a state so adverse to government control that they were able to overcome the state level obstacles to separating from the parasitical portion of their state.

It is about as likely as Rick Perry declaring secession from the US. It is just talk, nothing more. If states start opting out of the federal government or the federal government just implodes on itself, then all bets are off, and I’d be shocked if the state map of the western US even remotely resembles what it does now by the time any sort of federal government was reformed. Until then, it is just talk.

11 years ago
Reply to  InBox485

If you read my statement I also said it was unlikely they could pull it off and I never said you were short sighted, I only said to say it can’t or won’t happen is short sighted seeing as how it has happened before, I’m not trying to be an asshole I was just making a point no need to get so defensive

11 years ago
Reply to  InBox485

Sorry if I came off the wrong way (text and all). I know you weren’t trying to be an ass and neither was I. Cheers?

11 years ago
Reply to  InBox485

Cheers Brother!

11 years ago

So what would I do if I want to know your views on the NSA? Listen to this podcast or wait for something else?


11 years ago

So what are the best places to get “ancient” wheat or wheat flour? I don’t see anywhere on the MSB page where that might be possible, but I may be missing something.

11 years ago

Hey Jack,

You missed the real usefulness of gun buy backs. They are usually no questions asked so criminals use them to get rid of guns used crimes and therefore the police themselves destroy the evidence.

Great policy, ain’t it?

Kern Lunde
Kern Lunde
11 years ago

Jack, I really admire your integrity! Regarding the MSB special, is that offer also good for renewals?

11 years ago

Jack: Kudos on error correction. NSA: Big Brother Loves You — Big Brother is Watching You!

11 years ago

The following in no way diminishes Jack’s comments regarding the clownery associated with John Dryden’s “censure” because he reminded his students of their rights. But in terms of accuracy, Batavia is in Illinois, just west of Chicago, not New York. Not a whole lot of difference I suppose.

Susan Cotrill
Susan Cotrill
11 years ago

Hey, We all screw up every so often, you wouldn’t be human if your never did.

BTW here is a REAL smoking gun on drones. It was done on the PBS program NOVA about the drones the US Government are using, showing just how much details they really show. It will make you cringe and increase any paranoid thoughts you have about them.

Here is the link:


Norcal Mike
Norcal Mike
11 years ago
Reply to  Susan Cotrill

Holy smokes! That’s pretty cool technology – too bad it be used to feed our endless appetite for destruction. One MILLION TB per day? And it tracks hundreds of moving objects on the screen at once. Just think, you could be a inside a targeting… err tracking box next time you’re walking through a parking lot.

Art P.
Art P.
11 years ago


There is another example of toy gun “buybacks”.

11 years ago

Another solution, outside of the state, is to use bitcoin for as many financial transactions as you can. The fight for internet privacy is like the fight for economic freedom; the federal government can control the federal reserve or demand information from providers like Verizon, but it’s nothing a little bit of encryption can’t circumvent. The power is completely ours. The entirety of our online communication and economic transactions can be securely encrypted if we want it to be. It’s our choice and they can’t take that away.

11 years ago

Peace News Now (youtube) put some solutions on a vodcast not too long ago. Basically start using things that use cryptography and open source p2p. If we try and get more and more people using them then we won’t have these problems. There is BitCoin (I don’t know how good that is since the ledger is open for all to see, so I would think it would be easy to figure out your account), Bit Message (for e-mails), Android software that encrypts your phone conversations. GNU project has up for works a Skype like phone system that is open source p2p and encrypted. I think donated to these projects would help them gain more steam and make them more viable.

Jack, did you see my two posts on the other “I Screwed” post on some solid sources for how we are being “spied” on by the government? There was the phone call one and then the tracking of students.

Norcal Mike
Norcal Mike
11 years ago

Good on you, Jack, for owning this mistake. Loyal listeners remember what you’ve said. Also last fall we received this warning about NSA data collection (not a Rick Roll, I promise – though it’s tempting…):


11 years ago

I have to admit…the NSA parody website was well done. Very well done. Somebody (private WHOIS registration, meh) put tons of thought into this…it’s obvious they know A LOT about this stuff. I have no doubt a lot or all of what’s on there is true. Yikes.

Norcal Mike
Norcal Mike
11 years ago

Jack, I’m glad you came back to the wheat modification. This article completes the picture: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/2012/02/wheat-is-not-genetically-modified/

In the words of Dr. William Davis “Modern wheat has been hybridized…, backcrossed…, and hybridized with non-wheat plants (to introduce entirely unique genes). There are also chemical-, gamma-, and x-ray mutagenesis, i.e., the use of obnoxious stimuli to induce mutations that can then be propagated in offpspring. This is how BASF’s Clearfield wheat was created, for example, by exposing the seeds and embryos to the industrial chemical, sodium azide, that is highly toxic to humans.”

So they made a bunch of mutant wheat with energy waves and nasty chemicals until they came upon strains that maximized yields and made for efficient harvesting (dwarf wheat). The history of modern wheat is detailed in Dr. Davis’ book Wheat Belly.

11 years ago

Sorry to pile on, but this episode is cursed. If you go to the link you gave for Andrea Bowers Blog, she corrected her blog facts.

“The amount of gluten in each grain was increased 4 fold. (my apologies this was previously reported as to the 4th power. Corrected 6/15/2013)”

Monsanto still sucks!!


11 years ago

Despite the parody thing, this was a damn good episode. They are in all likelihood doing all of that sh!t anyway. It’s unfortunate now after about a month that the whole NSA stink, IRS scandal, and Benghazi seem to all be blowing over. Obama truly is a slippery character – he must have promised his presstitute friends something in exchange for resuming their bias. Sigh.