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Jose Garcia
8 years ago

Comfrey in Spanish is Consuelda and for the longest time it’s been used as a bone setter for animals. The etymology of the word Con (together) Suelda (weld).

Unentitled Millennial
8 years ago

If you want to feel a slight bit better about millennials and guns, I’m friends with a girl, 21 years old, who has bright pink dyed hair and a nose ring, who is a proud owner of an AR and a Glock. She’s an EMT. And a badass.

But you’re right, my generation is for the most part very pathetic when it comes to guns. And about everything else.

Chris Fox
Chris Fox
8 years ago

Going to try out that massdam puller. All I ever used were the cheap ones. Wranglerstar had a video awhile ago about the more power puller by Wyeth Scott. Damn thing is built like a tank and costs as much. I nearly had a heart attack paying that much for a come along. Worth every penny



8 years ago

If you have a screw point for pulling your car out, check your tire change kit. My old Jetta, Civic, and current vehicle all have the eye hooks in the styrofoam mold that holds the crappy jack in the center of the spare.

Josh C
Josh C
8 years ago


Loved the show. I know that you know what you are doing when recovering vehicles but I think it is worth going over a few safety aspects especially when doing it alone. Ie not pulling the car downhill towards a tree in neutral with no one at the wheel. I’d really hate to hear of a first timer getting run over or crash their car. Just thought it’d be worth a quick mention.


Alex Pope
Alex Pope
8 years ago

There must have been a group of happy birds next to your office today.

8 years ago

Education industry.. I like it! Maybe it should be coined ‘the education industrial complex’.

Going Galt
Going Galt
8 years ago

I have the 2-ton Maasdam come-along you referenced. You’re right it is important to figure out how to use the thing before relying on it in an emergency. I only used mine once, and not to pull a car out (it was to move a giant log that was placed intentionally by my neighbor across the logging road to prevent riff-raff from venturing down the road… but it stopped me also and I own the land!) It took me an hour of fiddling with it as bugs bit me before I eventually managed to figure out how to make it work. And, I probably can’t repeat that again and will have to go figure it out again. (Note to self: learn how to actually use the come-along I purchased.) It did work though… I moved the log enough that I could get by it. Also worth noting, if the tow strap is put around a tree, this thing pulls hard enough that it could also pull the tree down onto the vehicle you’re trying to unstuck. That didn’t happen to me, but I could see it shifting the whole root ball and the ground was rising up. Yikes. And, that was the largest tree around thanks to recent logging activity so its not as if I had many other options for securing the other end.

Bill Weaver
Bill Weaver
8 years ago

Jack I hate to say but I can show you Amish with Autism. I have a lot of Amish friends here in PA. They hide children like that back. With any handicap for that matter. There are some that are now bring handicap children out into the public but there are alot that still don’t let anyone know they have a child with a problem.

8 years ago
Reply to  Bill Weaver

My two children were not identified as ASD until 15 and 13 years old.

8 years ago

Thoughts one the remote property outdoor kitchen.

If you made a small closet like area with the cinder block walls and put a drain in the floor you could have a shower stall at other times you could have composting toilet. You could hang tarps to close off an area instead of walls would just depend on the sensibilities of the group.

This video shows how to make a solar shower out of a 2.5 gallon carboy. Same principle could be used for a sink. I knew a guy that had a bigger one setup above a sink in his garage to wash up after working on cars.


Jeff Carpenter
Jeff Carpenter
8 years ago

Jack, I completely agreed with your comments regarding the 2nd Amendment and the “20 year factor.” I have had this exact thought about conservatism as a whole while looking at the demographics of a number of certain gatherings and interest. For instance, I stepped up to learn about HAM radio for emergency communications (Got my technicians license) and whenever I go to a radio or community preparedness event it is OVERWHELMINGLY people who are over 50 years old. The same experience if you go to a conservative political gathering. Also, many of the houses of worship are the same (Especially if they are conservative) but they have the phenomenon of being predominately female as well. There seems to be very few males between 18-35 engaged in any truly spiritual discipline at all, of any faith other than Islam. Spirituality itself has become too much of an intellectual pursuit for millennials it seems, especially the males.
The only thing that liberals have to do is wait 20 years and all those pesky conservatives will be history (Literally)
Making it more difficult to realize (How short the fuse is of this demographic bomb) is that we who are in our early 50s don’t really see ourselves as the “Last generation” but in many ways I believe we are.

Jeff Carpenter
Jeff Carpenter
8 years ago

I understand. I also have some thoughts on the church thing, but to the larger point, I think each of the examples above (And certainly there are others) are all activities that require self discipline (ie. Conservative) and time, and being engaged with a community of others involved in the same path, which by association lends itself to accountability (If only implied)….Self Disciple, time/effort, and accountability are all things which, in combination, would seem to be anathema to the younger generation. Essentially, all the components of a quality apprenticeship, in any discipline, are rebuffed. The only exception to this aversion that I can see is sports. Sports have become the “New Religion” promoted by the government schools. Especially as sports, and all things related, can be leveraged for additional profit and social control.

Jeff Carpenter
Jeff Carpenter
8 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Carpenter

I’m not sure what is amusing about making a correlation between conservatism and self discipline. Especially since my impression of your views (Do correct me if I am wrong, and every label comes with side baggage) is that you are quite “libertarianish/conservative” in your views, in that you would lean towards as much self government as possible (ie Self Discipline) and with that less government (Again self governed/disciplined) as well as all the implications that surround taking responsibility for your own actions.

All of this seems very conservative to me. It is the preferred small government vs. large government ideal that is at the backbone of conservatism. Standing on the ideals of private property, liberty, and freedom; Private property being the cornerstone of freedom. If you don’t control your own time, talents and energy, that is essentially the definition of slavery.

As far as the “Blue laws” you refer to. There are some Historical Aspects to consider as well as some Principle Aspects to consider. (Below is not written as a treatise of defense but of explanation…)

1. HISTORICAL ASPECT: At the time that most of these laws were written, the overwhelming majority of the American public adhered to, or at least recognized and operated under, a Judeo-Christian worldview. The original intent was to accommodate the fact that since the majority of society desired to honor Sunday – being the traditional Sabbath (One day of rest in seven) of the early Christian church (Distinct from the Jewish Saturday due to the resurrection day of Christ.) these laws were created to facilitate that. No one was forced to worship/believe but that framework indeed mirrored the majority’s lifestyle. Yes, time and the majority has changed. Interestingly enough, in Michigan the Unions dictate that car dealerships not operate on the weekends.

2. PRINCIPLE ASPECT: While the concept of one day of rest in seven has been shown to be beneficial to optimal human performance, production and health, the concept of forcing the Sabbath, or belief at all, on others is NOT part of the teachings of Christ or the Bible. *The point being, you cannot judge ANY philosophy or religion by its heretics.* In the same way as if someone claimed the label “Regenerative Agriculture” to describe their landscaping practices but utilized methods completely contrary and foreign to the original/orthodox concept. Heretical to Regenerative Agriculture. No, God did not say that you cannot drink beer or buy a car or hunt on Sunday. Those are things done in the name of Christianity that are in conflict with the actual teachings. Heretical.
It is often said that you cannot legislate morality. However, all laws are/were somebody’s morality. If one’s law, or standard, is only of or from themselves (Subjective) it is mere opinion and of no greater or lesser value than the next person’s. (Hitler did what was right in his own eyes.) If one’s standard is from without, outside of themselves (Objective) then the question goes to where/who does that law come from etc.

Jeff Carpenter
Jeff Carpenter
8 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Carpenter

I certainly did not intend to insult you. As I said previously, all labels come with “Side Baggage” from how they have been used previously. I meant “Conservative” in the best sense.

I am a little taken aback by the tone in which your comment reads. I have written with respect and the sincere intent to have honest dialogue. Comments like “Your Ramble” and “keep your rules to the people that believe as you do.” Come off as pretty aggressive for someone whose “…only true morality is the principle of non aggression.”

Would I be speaking too aggressively if I quoted you in saying “Those words are but masks to hide which way one wishes to trample the liberty of another.”?

I like a lot of the things and ideas that you present on your podcast and wish I had more time to listen than I do, but clearly there are areas that we see differently and that is expected and ok. But you are coming off with a bit of your own flavor of “Religious zeal” while implying the casting of stones.

I believe this is the first time that we have had a conversation, certainly of this length. Can we “Restart” so to speak, as I don’t wish to be adversarial and is seems that somehow I have come across as that way to you. I understand you to be an intelligent man and I do not discount your opinion.

Jeff Carpenter
Jeff Carpenter
8 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Carpenter

It does not seem that you caught my statement “…not written as a treatise of defense but of explanation…”

I did not say that I, or even Christianity, condoned the “Blue Laws”. In fact I pointed out that they are primarily contradictions. You seem to often assume that I, or anyone else of faith are responsible for these things that are mostly vestiges America’s past culture.

The last thing I am is any resemblance to a millennial “Safe spacer” and I am not offended in the least by your opinion. I was just observing how vehemently (Read: sounds angry) your comments appear regarding the topic.

I think you and I agree much more than we disagree. (Skipping over the existential basis for morality for the moment) and I completely agree with your statement…

“Many of us are about tired of people compelling us to live other than the way we choose, telling us when we can shop, what plants we can and can’t own, who we can and can’t do business with, how much money we must pay because we are productive or own property. There is a limit, I do hope it isn’t reached because the results won’t be pretty.”

A few questions…

Perhaps you have covered this in a podcast that I have not heard…

Anarchy. 1 a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.

Assuming you are referring to a desire for definition “C”, who in your utopia determines what is “Harmful” and who enforces violations? Especially if all morality is subjective, justice will also be subjective. (How big of an offense was it and what should be the punishment?) These are the things of generational tribal warfare.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Carpenter

I’m sorry brother, but I find the broadbrush descriptions and your view of the modern American experience for people of the Christian faith to be exaggerated at best and certainly outdated. Actual modern day events (Not left over out dated laws) have Christians being the ones who are being hauled into courts, losing their business, having heavy fines levied against, property ceased. The power to control their own time talents, and energies (Freedoms) are being stripped away daily, often without due process, and the scarlet letter “Bigot” ACCUSATION being the only evidence. State forced labor is what you purport to be against! Your perceived Christian “enemies” are the only people that it is socially acceptable to persecute.

The articles regarding Anarchy read like a really bad NPR transcript where the inconvenient “Details” are skated over, and unsubstantiated assumptions are presented as obvious realities.

The fact remains that regardless anyone’s custom, self described, hyphenated version/label of “Civilized Society”, individual people, in their desire to serve self, violate others or are violated by others because humans are flawed. Though they themselves know what “Ought or ought-not” to be done, they act contrary to that even in their own eyes. To assume that ANY other human, or group of humans (State OR religious) is going to flawlessly administer this is a fantasy. (Even the creation of “Rules” is subject to this fact let alone the enforcement.) You extend every possible grace to the fantasy and none to the reality (Which you are correct is definitely not close to flawless.) This does not allow for an honest assessment or debate.

Your version of “Anarchy” as described indeed would also have a state and it would also be subject to human failings, greed, power lust etc just like any other administration.
We can debate what powers a state should or should not have, how it should be administered, and what should the checks and balances be, consequences etc – But your redefined “Anarchy” is just another state by another name.

It dies from it’s original definition and becomes another state by a thousand qualifications.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Carpenter

Really? “ …lack of knowledge displayed” ? You are not being intellectually honest.

When confronted with obvious issues in a simple article and scenario that you presented you want to dodge with condescension.

Moreover, you are being an absolute hypocrite by glibly spouting “As for Christians hauled into court, basically most of it is over blown nonsense.” AFTER repeatedly bellowing absolutist statements like…

“I absolutely 100% consider it immoral when one group assaults the freedoms and liberty of another group. I don’t care why.”

“…the taking of property or liberty from any individual who is harming no one is ALWAYS WRONG, the end. “

“Many of us are about tired of people compelling us to live other than the way we choose… who we can and can’t do business with”

Maybe you should have qualified these statements with “Unless it is a group that I have issues with.” (Regardless if the issues are broad-brushing whole people groups)

You are obviously letting personal prejudices render it impossible for you to maintain a consistent position. That’s being generous. The arrogance, with which you present the hypocrisy, just showcases your anger. Yeah, I’m done with this one too.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Carpenter

Too bad that no one has commented about the CDC

Interesting that Christianity is a patriarchal conservative run religion that is very popular with women as it goes and many women naturally tend towards liberalism. There’s a yin/yang thing there probably

Islam has gotten Steffan Molenue inspired to say some favorable things about the Christian religion which I would not have expected from him a few years ago ..

Trends in religion come and go throughout history so who knows if some sort of revival won’t happen in 2o years .. no way to predict exactly.
A revival in Christianity is an ideal response to islamic invasion

8 years ago
Reply to  surfivor

though any revival in religion is likely to be unique in some ways from any previous movements

8 years ago
Reply to  surfivor

A church being a container is often thought of as female – the mother church ..

8 years ago

I’m listening to the book The 5th Wave. In it the main character who is 16 shot a rabbit with an M16 and blew it to pieces. Later she fired it and it kicked hard. Obviously the author had never fired one and assumed it was very powerful. Now young readers will assume the same.

8 years ago

Jack that segment on millennials and gun ownership/2nd amendment would have been a good video. I would like to share it with some friends (morons).

8 years ago

I love the topic of Homeschooling and how to handle dropping from 2 incomes to 1. My wife left her job to stay home and eventually she decided to get into Network Marketing (basically selling products and signing up other people to also sell products). Instead of opening storefronts to sell their products, the company pays generous commissions to anyone that signs up.

I’m not here to spam, but she’s been doing it 8 or 9 months now and is making almost enough to be equivalent to a full time salary. http://www.Lyndsayworks.com