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9 years ago

OMFG!!!! All I can say is thank you for the warning. So your brother does not have to be embarrassed in front of his friends when he throws a fit. Let him throw a fit. Oh I can’t even … ugh. Can’t stand this kind of crap.

Jorja Hernandez
Jorja Hernandez
9 years ago

Good lord, talk about unfit parents! Who are these morons?

9 years ago

You said a mouthful right from the start, “trust” especially those you think have your back is a very sticky situation. It’s an extremely painful ordeal. No easy way to deal with it.

9 years ago

Actually the Chicago situation is much worse. The state of Illinois used a law to trim pensions and Chicago rode the coattails.. The Illinois state constitution guaranteed pensions so Illinois lost, setting precedent for Chicago to get hosed.

9 years ago

Hi Jack,
I have a question that doesn’t relate to today topics, but was wondering;
What are your thoughts/concerns about the “Jade Helm 15” military exercise?

Thanks for all you do!

9 years ago
Reply to  Janet

Jack commented on that in a listener show a few weeks back.
(Quick search shows it as episode 1549)

If I recall correct, the main bullet points were:
–It’s a military training exercise; the military trains all the time
–If it were training for covert-martial-law or whatever the Joneses are saying, they probably wouldn’t have told you about it
–There are more important things to be concerned about in that realm
(like why does NOAA or DOEducation etc need armed special agents?)

If I got that wrong, Jack will hopefully correct me.

9 years ago

Now *I* can’t resist…

What my gen learned from GI Joe:
Knowing is half the battle.
…The other half is blowing shit up.

(…of course, that might be a bad learning moment…)

(My bad on the agencies bit; that was from a web article I’d recently seen.
….Your concern was general militarization of police?)

9 years ago

I *can* have an influence!

…I can’t recall for certain, but I want to think you’ve made that argument before–the nature of needing a ‘bad guy’–but the GI Joe analogy might be the best way to demonstrate it.

9 years ago

Love the million tree idea. I’ll post if I get something moving toward that goal.

9 years ago

I am excited by the challenge of planting 1M trees and have found several people I consider reliable who are also interested. I think MattinWisconsin’s handle is a good place to start, organize by state first then start working the details. If there is not one by then, I will start a forum topic tonight after the family is settled in for the night.

9 years ago

got a thread going, couldn’t find another one yet.


Butch Trail
Butch Trail
9 years ago

One additional point to consider for the Reserves. I retired from active duty in 2010, so my retirement pay started right away. On the day of my retirement I found out that when I became eligible for social security I would have to make a declaration to receive EITHER my retirement pay or social security, but I was not going to get both. This is based on what year you joined the military. I joined in 1989 so anyone after me will be effected.

For the Reserves, they do not draw any retirement pay till sometime in their sixties and my understanding is they will not be eligible for social security either, meaning they will work in the reserves for 20- 30 years only to get what ever the difference is between social security and their retirement.

National Guard is a State Retirement so they still get social security. Just something to consider.

Jason Bruns
9 years ago

Southpark did an episode where the Dog Whisperer comes to town to deal with Cartman. Interesting commentary coming from southpark.

I heard the This American Life episode. Narrcissistic child rearing will cause problems.


9 years ago
Reply to  Jason Bruns

That was funny.

9 years ago

As one of the permaethos founding members, I’d be willing to plant a hundred trees. I have already planted 200 trees and 280 shrubes along with many grapes and black berries.

It would be nice to get community together for the planting. Its a lot of work in my soil to plant that many trees unless they are 6 inch trees.

9 years ago

How about a 357 1911?


I know nothing about the manufacturer, but the concept is pretty cool.

9 years ago

Oh the sit at the table and eat your food or go to bed game! My mother as a child played that game with her mother. Years later I played that with both of my parents. You can guess who won. Many nights I went to bed hungry. But a lesson 30+ years I still remember.

David in MN
David in MN
9 years ago

There are two .357 automatics made (both in MN). The Desert Eagle gets all the glory but the Coonan is essentially a reworked 1911 to fire .357. I have extensive experience with one and it is a really cool gun.


9 years ago

You warned me that I may want to have aneurysm, and even that wasn’t enough warning! How anyone sat through that episode of ‘This American Life’ is beyond me. Just the little clips you played were unbelievable, and that talk she had with her 4 year old, oh my God! Putting more responsibility on her 4 year old than she, her husband, and her 7 year old were willing to take on combined, ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!

As I’ve mentioned on this blog before, I have a 2 year old, and there’s a lot of advice out there that basically says to lower your expectations. This absolutely drives me nuts, I’m amazed as to how perceptive he is, and how quickly he learns. I regularly do things with him, that most people would say are too high of expectations for a 5 or 6 year old, and there’s never a problem. But, this is why these ‘experts’ say that. Because they are used to dealing with parents who are not willing to take responsibility, not willing to be the adult, and therefore put it on their kid.
It is a 4 year old’s job to learn by playing and by doing, not to take responsibility for his 7 year old brother.

9 years ago

Thanks for the shout out toward the end there, Jack! Very cool talk on trophic cascades and what that means for the community.

As you mentioned, I’m pretty new to the show and to this community, I literally had never heard of Permaculture before finding your show, so the more I’m learning, the more patterns I see. Not just on this show, but in literally every walk of life.

9 years ago

The minds of little kids to the so-called ‘tween’ age boggle mine.
Their entire experience has been that EVERYTHING is on demand from food to entertainment.
YouTube is raising kids more than parents. Every kid has their own device in their face virtually all waking hours outside school. This is in addition to any collective TV/movie watching where each kid also has their personal device.
When I casually commented once about putting a lock on the pantry (after witnessing numerous pantry raids in one afternoon,) a parent told me with a straight face that it would constitute child abuse.

9 years ago

Jack your comment on becoming a firearm instructor and foregoing the military service hit the nail on the head. I am a firearm instructor and train other firearm instructors. While I was an Operator in the Army, it was as a construction equipment operator (no stealth backhoes or 5 ton dumps when I was in the service) and not a Special Forces Operator”.
I have found the focusing on teaching and working with regular, every day people, predominantly professionals is much more productive if you treat them like professionals and not Mall Ninja wantabes. We need more instructors that are willing to give the tacti-cool stuff a pass and help people learn what they need to know to be safe, protect themselves and their families and not get in trouble with the law when they do so.

Duane S
Duane S
9 years ago

Regarding a ups for backup. I have two that our IT department was getting rid of because they were “old”. I opened them up removed the batteries, went to Batteries Plus and got replacement batteries. Reinstalled the new batteries and now I two new ups units. Just keep an eye open for opportunities.

9 years ago

Horrible parenting, leadership or guidance period. Why would you ever want to reward bad behavior??? Just incredible.

(The New) Mike Cornwell

Living in a “rural area” I can attest to having a UPS. The power doesn’t always go out during the worst parts of the storms, sometimes the smallest rain storms will flick it off. This is a very irritating situation when working with desktops.

9 years ago

Quick tip on UPSes. Many people and companies toss them when they appear dead. But did you know most if not all will not turn on if the battery they are hooked up to is dead. I have revived about 2 750 watt modified sine and 3 3000 watt pure sine UPSes that a company was throwing out. All I had to do was ditch the old batteries and make my own battery bank. So basically with 150 in battery cost, I revived about $7000 in back up power equipment. I kept 2 and gave the others to family members. My setup powered my sump pump, refrigeration, and some lighting. I even ran the chick heat lamps with it!

9 years ago

I pledge to plant 500 productive trees on the day we go for the record.

9 years ago

For those who want to get started on cheap autumn olive, wouldn’t the real trick be seeds?

9 years ago

Jack, you have not talked about municipal defaults in a long time. Maybe a refresher for the new listeners would be a good idea. It was one of the biggest things that motivated me to take control of my own life.

9 years ago

So on the Pistol/Rifle angle, isn’t .45 Colt an option as well? Particularly at +P loads.

9 years ago

Two things Jack.

10mm carbine -http://www.mycarbine.com/content/thureon-defense-ga-carbine-0

We planted 500 fruit trees, and over 100 nut trees this year. We are in the process of developing our inhouse nursery now, and will be planting another 5,000 trees next year, and more the following year. Give me a shout when you want a tally for the record.

Chris H.
Chris H.
9 years ago

Hey Jack — two separate comments on this show…

First, regarding the segment from This American Life. You’re right, most parents have lost their damn minds in this day and age. I have a son who just turned 4 and a daughter who is about to turn 8. One of the most common phrases in our house is, “Suck it up, buttercup.” That, and the throwing of fits is not permitted in public. If our son starts throwing one, he’s given the option of either stopping the fit, going to his room on his own to continue the fit, or picked up and carried to his room to continue the fit. When our daughter has one of her over-emotional episodes, she gets sent to her room until she’s done as well. We drill it to them over and over again that acting like that in public is not acceptable, neither of their parents do it, so they don’t get to do is either. Since they’re kids we realize that sometimes having a fit for a little while actually helps them to calm down over the longer term, but that’s an activity that can only be carried out in their own rooms.

Second is regarding the “basic guaranteed income” — I was actually shocked when I heard you voice support for such an idea over a LONGER term, if it were tied to actually doing something productive. I immediately thought of John D. Liu’s “Green Gold” documentary, and what ultimately got the buy-in of the locals in the Loess Plateau restoration project and other similar projects in Ethiopia and other areas. Simply, they paid them. I could see something like this being pretty viable if it’s tied to people working in ecosystem restoration projects. It’s not really that far-fetched — it’s similar to the whole Civilian Conservation Corps effort in the 1930s. If you happen to read the letters of people who participated in that work (we have a NJ state park nearby that was largely built by the CCC), many of the people who participated expressed a sense of meaningful common purpose with others through their participation. I know that the conditions they lived in were pretty spartan back then and it would be pretty difficult to get a lot of today’s teacups to accept living like that, but it gives a clue as to what’s possible along those lines.

Thanks for another great show!

Jeremy G
Jeremy G
9 years ago

I stumbled across Rolling River Nursery while searching for Goumi plants, they were sold out. I ordered two Autumn Olives from them 3 weeks ago. Charlies Golden and Garnet. They arrived 4′ and 4’6″ tall. I was shocked and impressed with the size and health upon arrival. I hope your plants do well and thanks for sharing your knowledge and sources.

9 years ago

Dear God, I am glad I don’t watch tv anymore. I would have thrown my tv threw a window over that episode of parental f#$ktarditude.

Anyhow, about the multi role rifle and pistol ammo I have picked up the Mechtec carbine conversion for my XDm’s (have one in .45 and 9mm) I keep them in mine and my wife’s pack’s. The are simple to swap out and surprisingly efficient.


Though, I do agree that there isn’t really any good reason to limit yourself down to a mindset of “good enough” in a single weapon when you can, for a better price, have a “great” option for both self defense and hunting by getting weapons specifically purposed for your intended goal.

and others beat me to showing you the Coonan .357 1911

9 years ago

Per their website:

“Is it legal to convert the CCU back to the original pistol?

Yes. The BATFE recently published a ruling which clarifies this – here is the link: http://www.atf.gov/regulations-rulings/rulings/atf-rulings/atf-ruling-2011-4.pdf
There has been a lot of missinformation circulating to the effect that once the pistol lower has been asembled to a rifle configuration then converting back to the pistol constitutes ‘making a pistol from a rifle’ and thereby placing the pistol into the SBR (short barrelled rifle) class. Not so. Please see our Forum for even further clarification. It is the first post on the Forum so you don’t have to spend time trying to find it.”

My general understanding is that because the barrel is 16″ it doesn’t fall into the SBR issues and so it is basically equated to swapping a drop in trigger between you AR carbine and your AR pistol

9 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

I completely understand, but turn about is fair play. I had to sell one of my guns to pay for the little garden that a very vocal Texan decided to push me towards all while the wife and I are trying to pull together funds to get a physical property for our home business. So in the words of my 4 year old “neener neener.”

9 years ago

If I have the story straight, my grandparents did something along those lines… If you didn’t eat your dinner, it was your breakfast.

Of course, I’ll admit that I managed to avoid this, mostly, in my own childhood–probably as a reaction. (“No. I *don’t* want liver!” kind of thing.)

9 years ago

bread crumb trail idea:
<a href=”http://tspc.co”><img src=”http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/favicon.ico”></a>