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Rick Skoumal
Rick Skoumal
8 years ago

Greeting from the western front of Colorado. Thanks Jack for the song of the day. It has been a while. 12 years old back in BR,La when this came out. I’ve used that song for a plethora of questions from people about “when do you think ‘they’ are going to…” I sing back “In the year 2525…” Have a blessed day…enjoying the new format.

8 years ago

Jack is right again…

Just read an article from my e-mail website (they put news articles where you log in) because I signed up for the economic term e-mails.

And surprise surprise politicians are already pushing for more laws. The”best” part is where they say that nations aren’t enough to stop this and we need more international centralized authorities.

I hate it when Jack is right….

PS: Link (in German!) http://www.gmx.net/magazine/politik/panama-papers/datenleck-briefkastenfirmen-wichtigsten-news-panama-papers-31472500

Bobby Davis
Bobby Davis
8 years ago

Jack, I’m interested in your take on this video from WeAreChange about the Panama Papers. “Panama Papers Psyop, Complete Inside Job by Real Elites ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHY3ncyrNUA&feature=em-uploademail

8 years ago

Gen Y and Millennials actually overlap. Gen Y does have a period prior to what is considered the Millennial generation. http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/03/here-is-when-each-generation-begins-and-ends-according-to-facts/359589/

The next generation is TBD. I bet we could make a fun acronym game out of it. Maybe just Gen S for Gen Screwed. btw I’m from the early years of the Millennial gen

8 years ago

What vs Why, Thanks Jack once again you’ve put things into perspective. I guess after listening to you for so long I should have thought of it myself. “It DEPENDS”. So this could be boiled down to Strategic vs Tactical reasoning.
Knowing when to switch between the two is the key!

8 years ago

What is the planting time for sunchokes in Zone 8?

clayton jacobs
8 years ago

These are the exact sunchokes I ordered a couple of weeks ago!

8 years ago

Just fyi, Oikos’ website went down shortly after this aired and still isn’t back up yet. Bummer.

8 years ago

Haha, thanks but my safari won’t connect. Guess I need to update something. Go figure.

8 years ago

I ordered a pound of the Red Fuseau Sunchokes linked above; received them yesterday. The problem: The total was less than one pound using my digital scale and weighing them immediately out of the package–14 7/8 oz. I sent a message to the seller on Amazon last night and have not gotten a reply yet (says it might take 2 business days). As I mentioned in the email to them via Amazon–if the price was $5 per pound it wouldn’t be such a big deal, but it costs a total of more than $20 with shipping. Not happy.

8 years ago
Reply to  txgal

I’m feeling impatient since they haven’t replied to me. I’m planning to return for a refund.

8 years ago
Reply to  txgal

No, I have NOT grown them before, but I did pay for a pound and that is what I expected. If I would have paid less than full price, I’m sure they would have their ass bent about me not paying the full price. Guess it depends which side of the transaction you are on.

Thanks anyway.