
Episode-2208- Listener Feedback for 4-30-18 — 15 Comments

  1. One thing that we have done with my excess bacon grease is to make emergency candles out of it. We use a pint jar and a half inch wide lamp wick. We burned one for around twenty hours one time to test their longevity and it only used about a quarter inch of the candle.

  2. There’s a reason the Amish and Mennonites build their sawmill and butcher shop right near each other.  Carcass + sawdust + 2-3 years = fertilizer  (or: Waste+waste+time=$)

    When I worked at a confinement hog operation, we had a ring of old round hay bales where we would put the carcasses and afterbirth (High N) then cover with sawdust (High C + absorbent).  Layer up as needed.  Ours was 95% done from a tractor cab.  😉  After 2-3 years, it was spread on pasture.  Beautiful dirt.  Did not finish the biggest bones, but remaining bones were very soft and generally fell apart when they hit the beaters on the spreader.  Joel Salatin does basically the same thing and there are pictures and a video on U Tube if curious.

  3. Another use for Bacon Grease/Lard.

    Candles, however, the grease has a low melting point so you might want to mix with some paraffin. The paraffin is used to make the Bacon Fat/Lard harder.

  4. Regarding your comments on N. Korea, is this the precursor to the new Red Dawn move that just came out a few years ago?

    • Yea cuz Hollywood ever gets shit right, that movie was about as likely as ID4 happening.

  5. The funniest thing I have heard about for extra bacon grease is to make soap.  I’m sure my dog would like me even more if I used bacon soap.

    • I’m going to try a straight up confit with the bacon grease and chicken thighs as an experiment.

  6. On bones, we save as much as we can and burn them.  Bone Ash is a valuable soil amendment.  Left over bones from dinner, processed livestock, we even scavenge deer bones from the woods.  Keep those inputs on your property!  It’s easy.  When all is said and done your charcoal and coals are black and your burnt bones are white.  Easy to separate.

  7. Hi Jack,

    I always do a 1 gallon container for cider and carbonate in the same container.

    1. Dump in half a packet of the yellow champagne yeast (red star).

    2. Put on an airlock.

    3. When cider clears, put a cap on that bottle & place in the fridge for at least a week. The cider will still ferment & the bottle will be very hard.

    4. Transfer to other containers, I typically just pour from the original container and get a little bit of yeast at the end.

    Total process takes less than 5 minutes.

  8. Bacon grease: The best biscuits, and the flakiest piecrust for meat pies. Use cup for cup in a recipe calling for shortening or lard.


  9. The worst part about the curtailing free speech argument, so far, are the lawmakers cracking down on protesting across the country with, you guessed it, more laws.

  10. On using BSF to dispose of a hog carcass… I have a large protopod. I have attempted to dispose of ~160# dead hog with it. Even though the bin was well colonized with BSF at the time, blow-flies took over the pod. The result was the same, but it was a messy process. The volume of blow-fly maggots was about 2.5 gallons per day for several days.

    A more lasting bad effect was that the bin became colonized with American carrion beetles. I didn’t see a rebound of the BSF population afterwards for the rest of the season. I believe that the ACB larvae were eating the BSF. BSF will definitely eat meat, but be careful how much you add at any one time compared to vegetable/fruit waste.