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Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
7 years ago

As a wood burner, I would love a GMO tree for biomass, that grows quickly. It would be nice if a particular hardwood would grow in say, 1/2 the time. I would love a GMO Oak Tree that is harvest ready in 5 years 🙂

Linnea Cooper
Linnea Cooper
7 years ago

Another concern about GMO that I never hear about is that they are all cloned. This means no genetic diversity and your entire crop is essentially the same plant. What happens when a disease or other pest shows up and your crop is suseptible?

Southpaw Ben
Southpaw Ben
7 years ago

Thanks Jack for the advice!
We have a barn on the pasture, and I had planned on brooding them in there until they got big enough to pasture full-time, though I like your idea for brooding on pasture. We had an Amish guy who was using our pasture last year for cows, and he left his electric fence charger and plenty of the plastic hot wire, so I think I might do your idea of 16×16 cattle panels with chicken wire and a hotline around the outside, and maybe build a crude goose house out of some 2×4’s and ply wood and add it to one end and use it as the handle for moving the whole contraption.
Southpaw Ben

Jason Cavanaugh
Jason Cavanaugh
7 years ago

The podcast won’t play for me on the iPhone app or on the website. All my other podcasts play fine. This just started happening yesterday. Any ideas? Please help. I’m jonesing for some jack.

Jason Cavanaugh
Jason Cavanaugh
7 years ago

Thanks Jack. That worked. I thought maybe the NSA wanted me to not learn about self sufficiency since the Adam Carolla podcast still worked. Lol

7 years ago

Mailman here. I don’t agree with this but it’s how the USPS maintains it’s monopoly on mail service.

Mailboxes are considered Federal property under Title 18, United States Code, Section 1705. They are used only for the receiving of US Mail. Anything that goes in the box needs to have proper postage.

Sometimes businesses will place flyers in mailboxes all over town. Those flyers are pulled and a bill is sent to the business in question. Once paid the flyers are delivered.

In the case of a UPS, FedEx or Amazon package I personally wouldn’t care, but other carriers might.

7 years ago

Hello Jack…
Great show. How about a facebook share of the Nat Geo video of the Bramberg Ranch. I would love to share it with my friends. I would do it myself but my phone will not allow.

PA Prepper
PA Prepper
7 years ago

Annual plant turned into perennial. Interesting implications.


Jim Grapes
Jim Grapes
7 years ago

I’ve been using the John Suscovich tractor a month now, here are some things to consider:
1) My birds rush the door at feeding time, they even tend to jump through the door. It’s hard to get inside to feed them without stepping on them. I tend to push them out of the way with my foot. Not optimal I think.
2) The feed tray hanging in the center prevents me from standing under the peak height. I still need to hunch over inside and I’m not tall.
3) If you gou inside to feed prior to moving in the morning you’re going to be walking on a layer of chicken manure. This also happens if the tractor has been sitting more than an hour.
4) You probably want the rear wheels to syick out rather than in so the wheels don’t roll through manure and pick up a layer all around it. I hated installing and removing poopy wheels.