Episode-2422- Listener Feedback for 4-15-19
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Today on The Survival Podcast I answer your questions on organic fruit growing, real estate, taxes, wicking beds, pistol caliber carbines, permaculture, debt and more.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- Developing a natural spraying program for your fruit trees
- How to deal with an inherited property
- California is going tax crazy, what is the lesson to take from it
- Proper drainage of a wicking bed
- Is Ruger’s new PC Carbine in 40 S&W a Sub 2000 Killer
- Understanding the role of support species in a food forest
- Staying motivated on the long path to debt freedom
Resources for today’s show…
- Follow Life With Jack on Instagram
- TSP Facebook Group
- Join the Members Brigade
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- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- The Granddaddy’s Gun Club
- Binance.com
- Biltong for Breakfast
- Find Your TSP Facebook Group for Your State
- Dirt Doctor Fruit Tree Program
- California Is Going Tax Crazy
- Rob Bobs Wicking Barrels
- Ruger’s PC Carbine
- 1/2″ Bulkhead
- Hey, Won’t You Play, Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song – BJ Thomas
Sponsors of the Day
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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I used to have an original PC4 Ruger carbine. The gun was so fun to shoot and great in every way except…the trigger was the longest, blockiest, strangest thing I had ever pulled. Shot awesome after about 5 rounds, but I had it next to my bed as my home defense gun and the first 5 or so I jerked it bad and was all over the place. Since I had it next to my bed I just couldn’t feel good about it for defense and traded it.
Hopefully they fixed that on the new models. My Sub2k shoots the same every time and i’m not replacing it!
Interesting and honest critique. If they didn’t fix it given it is a ruger there should be a butt ton of drop in options to correct it. Still you hate to NEED to do a new trigger in a brand new gun. I like to do triggers to make stuff better but don’t think it should be necessary. Gonna try to find someone to let me shoot one.
I just want to say solid show Jack, thanks