Episode-1091- Listener Feedback for 3-18-13
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Today on The Survival Podcast we discuss theft by tax, food sovereignty, Lights Out as a movie, the rouge hoe, no till gardens, woody beds, composting and more.
Yes it’s Monday so it is time for another round of your feedback, questions and commentary sent to jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Emails On
- A new kind of “tax” the really is theft! Coming to American some day?
- Bankrupt city of Harrisburg bulldozes a garden space that was being leased from them
- A garden lesson – just because you see a bug doesn’t make him the villain
- A new TSP video and the Rouge Hoe kicks ass!
- Follow up on Jessica Hudson’s fight in Michigan
- Understanding state economies and their unfunded obligations
- A big announcement from David Crawford author of Lights Out
- Composting citrus peals, yes it is okay to do it
- Thoughts on mcorrhizal fungi booster products, jury is out but I like the idea
Resources for Today’s Show…
- Members Support Brigade
- 13Skills.com
- Join Our Forum
- TSP Mint
- TSP Gear
- WalkingToFreedom
- Western Botanicals – (sponsor of the day)
- Harvest Eating – (sponsor of the day)
- RT Video with the Segment on Cyprus Tax Theft in It
- Basically this is a Property Tax on Money
- Article on Bulldozing a Community Garden in Harrisburg
- Harrisburg Bulldozes a Community Garden – With the Video I Played on Air
- Google Maps View of the Supposed Overgrown Garden
- Contact Info for the City of Harrisburg Thugs that Blame a Garden for Crime
- The Rogue Hoe – I LOVE THIS THING!
- MycoGrow™: Mycorrhizal Fungi for Healthy Gardens – For info only I haven’t tried it yet.
- Light’s Out by David Crawford – To Become a Series of Films
- My Latest Video on Contour Based Wood Core Gardens
- Help the Hudson Family in Michigan
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
First in Michigan, now they are trying to get rid of people’s chickens in Virginia. It’s just getting a little bit ridiculous.
I know 22 is a big number, but as long as neighbors are okay with them, who cares.
Looks like EU banking “Tax” could be their way of taking Russian “hot” money with little care of the collateral damage to the Cypriots.
There’s a local mycorrhizal fungi industry where I’m at and a farm that did tests with seeding and transplants. The difference with the control was minimum, sometimes even none at all. Depending on the cost of the fungi it might not be worth it for big scale production.
That said, If you’ve got poor quality soil it may be a good idea to try these products out. I’ve heard that a good soil or compost already has lots of beneficial fungi and from there they multiply and quickly equal that in which we add with the mycorrhizal product.
Just to be clear, the tax / theft story is referring to Cyprus, not Crete. All of the larger points that Jack is making still ring true, but if you’re searching for more info, you’ll need to google a “Cyprus” bailout, not a “Crete” bailout.
How the hell did I screw that up?
When an episode has at least three “bitch!” bombs in it you know there is going to be some passion… and some collateral damage.
Great show!
Because you’re human, and you do admit when you screw up. And that’s one reason why we like you partner!
Haha – probably the same way that I’ve screwed it up for a number of years. Whenever I read old Greek mythology, or any writings from the great era of Greek culture, Cyprus was another one of those big important islands, just like Crete.
However, last year when I started reading about Cyprus banking issues, I kept on wondering why they dont just mention Cyprus and Greece in the same breadth. It did not make any sense! So I did a little homework and found out that Cyprus is its little own sovereign nation (I had no idea).
At least you knew that there was at least *one* little sovereign country down there (though you thought it was Crete instead of Cyprus). You’re a better man than I though, because until a year ago I thought all of those islands were still part of one big Greek empire.
Regardless, I think your points on the subject were spot-on, Jack. This is a very sad example of savers being punished during a country’s economic turmoil.
So I was telling my wife about that tonight after hearing it on the podcast but for some reason I kept thinking why am I saying Crete and not Cypress… now I know! I had seen the news articles on it but I guess Crete just stuck in my head from the podcast. Not like my wife listened to me anyways so it really didn’t matter 🙂
Good to see your comments on MycoGrow. We’ve tested it and used for several years and have been selling it for a couple of years. We’ve been very happy with it, especially in helping to establish an initial population in new beds or re-establish it in older, fallow ones. Many of our customers have seen positive results with it, but I’d like to see what your experiences are. Let me know and I’m happy to send you some.
I have spoken of my daughter here recently. She is in Illinois, thinks she deserves her union everything. But she has a problem. I’m her mother and a few drops of me did trickle through. The principal of the school called a meeting regarding all of the financial issues and said that some teachers may be losing their jobs. My daughter chimed in and asked why everyone couldn’t just take a pay cut to prevent this from happening. She was totally BLACK BALLED. No one would speak to her. When she went to the lunch room and sat down, anyone near her would move to the other side of the room. She was totally scorned for her logical suggestion. She finally started eating her lunch in her classroom just to avoid the drama.
Jack, just wanted to second your comment on turmeric. I took an unexpected trip down some stairs and hurt my knee. When it finally recovered enough to lift weights again, couldn’t do it without major knee pain/soreness. Only changes I’ve made is adding turmeric to my morning eggs. That and time and my knee feels great. And if I go about a week, week and a half without it, the soreness does start coming back.
Also, I find it so damn sad that communities is Pennsilvania and Michigan are being so tyrannical. I grew up about 30 miles from San Francisco. And now, until I graduate college and bail out of CA, I live in SF. There are cummunity gardens in every suburb. There are several in SF. As restrictive as gun laws here can be, there is a huge hunting and sportsman culture. Hell, there’s even a skeet shooting range out over a lake within SF city boundaries. It’s really sad. This state could be so amazing. I hate the idea of leaving it. Grew up with all of my family, and it is still this way, within a 50-mile radius and would love to raise my future kids that way in an area where I have generations of family history. But unless enough people wake up and get the unions, pensions, and taxes under control…I’m gone.
Looks like we cant access the page to donate to Jessica any more?
It would appear unfortunately that her website’s bandwidth has been eaten up by probably an extreme (unexpected) increase in traffic. It is likely that she either pays very little for her blog or nothing at all, which isn’t surprising.
Perhaps she should be contacted and perhaps funding for the blog to be put up is necessary?
I got the same thing. Message said she used up her monthly bandwidth.
A friend has informed her on her FB page.
She has been notified via her FB page.
She upgraded her website and is back on line.
Donate away!
She’s already at 55% of her goal. A lot of TSP shoutouts on her page!
On Cyprus..
Cyprus is an EU member, which means they can’t ‘print their way to freedom’. Instead, they have to appease their master.. I mean the EU aristocracy, before they receive their welfare check. (Think feudal lord appeasing the king.. guess who gets the shaft, that’s right.. the peasants).
The US/Fed aristocracy instead of being two separate groups is just one.. so before you get too smug about ‘that can’t happen here’.. the M1 Money Supply increase by.. wait for it.. 11.7%
So I guess that ‘tax’ in Cyprus wasn’t so bad. 😉
I’ve read several opinions around the web (which I tend to agree with) that Cyprus, much like Greece, is a ‘test case’ to see just how much our owner.. I mean ‘governments’ can get away with without triggering an overthrow or revolution.
And don’t bother buying the ‘its all Russian drug dealer money’ BS.. (seriously.. stop believing this crap).. if anyone was really concerned about drug money BofA and HSBC execs would be on trial, fined or jailed (P.S. the head of ‘our’ ‘justice department’ has said that charging them might ‘destabilize’ the global economy.. so he ain’t going to do it). This is standard blame the victim crap (the rape victim was ‘asking for it’).
On Harrisburg..
LEOs, military, sheepdogs.. don’t be the ‘thugs’ that keep these clowns in power. There power comes from your application of force. If its wrong its wrong, I don’t care if its ‘legal’.
(I realize all of this is totally preaching to the choir on this forum)
My awesome wife got me a rogue hoe as a birthday present. Absolutely one of the best, most useful tools i own now.
Been using it today to plant seeds!
I saw the video and now I *must* have one.
Group buy?
MSB Discount?
Jack, two things:
re: pill bugs and dead bean sprouts / gardens cause crime
You’re dead on about this. It’s as common as nails. The media seems to be a terrible offender in this case.
re: your accent
Not picking or making fun here, but I’ve noticed that when you get a fire under your kettle, the “southren” kind of distills right out of your accent. It’s like you’re Texan when you’re mellow and PA when you’re riled.
Just something I notice pretty regularly.
How does your boom theneeeeeennnnnn bust scenario deal with the fact/idea that Karl Denninger is putting forth: As of now ~ 85% of tax revenues are spent on interest on the debt, Social Security and Health Care spending. In two years (MAX) that # will be 100%+. (Probably) before then the market will figure this out and force the fed gov to stop ALL deficit spending overnight.
Interested to hear yours and others thoughts on this.
Karl’s blog can be found and should be daily reading at http://market-ticker.org/
Karl has posted a minimum of 6 “its over now” posts in the last 4 years. I no longer consider his predictions worth commenting on. I love his work but he is the guy that thinks cancer kills in a week.
Ok. Fair enough.
KD also said in the spring of 2012 that (paraphrase, but pretty darn close to a quote) ~There is no way they can kick the can to the 2012 election~ He expected the market to call this bluff before then with a spike in interest rates and a stock market crash before the election.
You mentioned that you couldn’t comment on whether banks in Cyprus were closed. Just to clarify, yes the Cypriot government declared Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th “Bank Holidays” which to translate Euro-speak means “banks are closed, no transactions in or out”.
The last news I heard was that the bank holiday will extend to Thursday 21st.
Readers should know that these Bank Holidays always seem to be announced after Friday close of business and involve the next Monday and days following.
For what it’s worth department if you are planning transactions.
Thanks Jack for getting back to me Great show too
If you really want to get upset, listen to the idiocy of the person complaining about the garden in Harrisburg: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/09/video_two_sides_to_the_harrisb.html
People aren’t this self righteous, right…?
A friend of mine recently moved to Harrisburg and I just sent him the article and his immediate response was:
A guy with a metal detector could have checked for guns in the beds, a bulldozer didn’t need to do it.
I told him that maybe he should run for city council himself!
I liked this letter to the editor. http://www.pennlive.com/letters/index.ssf/2012/10/city_council_president_abused.html
“…But maybe there is a silver lining in this unfortunate event. We might now have a one-stop shop for anyone with a concern in the city. If you suspect drugs or guns somewhere, don’t call the police, call Ms. Williams. You see a mouse, call her. Weeds too tall, you know who to call. ..”
I’d love to think people followed up on that and called her every time they saw a mouse. 😀
I am running a post of my own in my humble blog to try to assist in the efforts. We are actually making the post tomorrow and I will be doing a drawing to include all my readers that donate.
the video in the link you posted for the community garden being buldozed
here is another link