Episode-1726- Listener Feedback for 2-8-16
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Today on the Survival Podcast I take your emails on education, taxes, deceptive charities, freedom vs. fear, tree and seed selection, deciding to move or stay and more.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Emails On
- MITs Dean to create new university with no lectures or class rooms
- The Khols Cares Charity is actually funding the marketing of vaccines
- Fast growing trees to screen out neighbors
- A LEO tells us how TSP has transformed his life and how he does his job
- Do people fear freedom or do they fear its responsibilities
- A new inexpensive source of glass one gallon jugs
- Planting hardy non edible banana for shade and mulch
- Seeding behind a chicken tractor
- How to make a decision in regard to moving
- How a federal gas tax is problematic explained via the minimum wage
- How automation is changing road construction
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- The Year 1726
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TSP Gear
- PermaEthos.com
- AgriTrue.com
- GenForward
- MIT Dean Takes Leave to Start New University Without Lectures or Classrooms
- Khols Cares Charity Funds Vaccine Marketing
- Uline Glass Jugs
- 10 Ways from Around the World to Cook With Banana Leaf
- Rosa Rugusa
- White House Seeking New Oil Tax
Sponsors of the day
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
Also remember we have an expert council that can answer you questions. If you have a question send it to jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with TSPC Epert in the subject line. Ask your question in one to two sentences so it is clear then provide any additional details. Make sure to tell me what council member the question is for. You Meet the Expert Council at this Link.
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On ‘Royal Empress Tree’ the genus is Paulownia. Tomentosa is a bit more spreading with lower total height, Elongata is more vertical and a bit quicker growing to height.
Tomentosa is known to be a bit invasive with the spread of its seeds, Elongata not so much.
All Paulownia produce huge quantities of massive leaves for mulch. It’s also often intercropped with grains to improve production in Asia.
They’ve also got massively deep taproots and should become drought hardy after a few years.
On a side note, Uline walked to freedom from Illinois to Wisconsin several years ago
Your stance on alimony, Jack, is not taking into consideration all cases.
I.e. A long term marriage (33 years) where the wife stayed home to raise the children (4), foregoing college education and outside employment as a mutual decision between husband and wife. Wife supported husband in his recreational ventures and career advancement with the caveat that “til death do us part” meant just that.
But he gets bored and seeks a divorce, leaving the wife to seek employment after having been out of the job market for decades. An older female in these circumstances will never be able to achieve a salary even close to his.
Here, alimony is warranted.
-The Wife
You just described 1/10th of 1% of modern divorces, if that.
Im assuming this is not a hypothetical discussion, but will continue as if it were… And know now that I’m not hypothetically defending the piece of garbage that broke his oath to you.
Oaths can be broken… so can bones 🙂 .
“A long term marriage (33 years) where the wife stayed home to raise the children (4), foregoing college education* and outside employment as a mutual decision between husband and wife.”
There were several mutual decisions made. But thats not my point.
Were the 4 children home schooled?
Was the entire estate in the divorce?
In 33 years of being a stay at home spouse… Did the individual (wife)?
– Cook
– Clean the home
– Administer medicine or care for any human (child, elderly, incapacitated) not capable of caring for themselves
– Care for any animals or family pets
– Handle the shopping duties
– Pay bills / balance check book
My point is that all those skills can be leveraged, very successfully, even though the person may feel like since they have no college or professional education they have no skills.
Look im not being an insensitive dick, my mother in law is in her late 50’s just got the final letter for her divorce 2 days before Christmas. After 35 years, raised 2 kids (one faliure to launch), helped raise 2 grand kids in house (of failure to launch child), was a “professional” dental assistant and chose not to keep up with her professional training and now drives a school bus.
She is struggling, hard, to make it… in texas… so no alimony. We (family and friends) make sure she doesnt go without… and no stupid judge court ordered us to do it.
Let me add if the above happens even without alimony the wife is going to take 50% OR MORE of the marital estate. Her half of what she built.
Sorry if a marriage ends the obligation ends.
The scenario laid out of the man that just gets bored and divorces a woman after 35 years is why alimony was started, a good case can be made with it. However it is a law from the 50s, it is now the teens of a new century.
Sorry I know of way too many divorces to buy into this where the woman cheated, got caught, still got alimony, shacks up with the new boyfriend and never gets married to avoid losing the support money.
Frankly the US court system is not the place to dissolve a marriage, it pretty much destroys any hope or a decent divorce.
On one gallon bottles. I picked up a case (4) of these on Friday in Carrollton Texas at Dallas Homebrew the price is $5.99 ea. https://www.finevinewines.com/XPListDet1.asp?MM_PartNumber=5190A
For all size Glass containers jars,jugs etc check out Fillmorecontainer.com
Thanks that is a great resource, gallon carboys come out to 2.50. Need to check shipping but anyway I would totally bottle my still meads in these, http://www.fillmorecontainer.com/16-oz-Amber-Boston-Round-Glass-Bottles-P6076.aspx compared to 32 dollars a case for swing tops.
Oh wow, this place seems to be where the organic [non-alcoholic] apple cider in Fred Meyer’s healthfood section gets their gallon jugs from.
One thing to think about in regards to planting trees for screen is habitat. A tree that could add nicely to a screen would be a tulip poplar. They grow 70 to 90 feet high with lower limbs 15 feet high. They are fast-growing, and the blooms are a great nectar source for honeybees. Leyland cypress offer a good place to rooster for guinea hens.
Nettles – they might be prickly but they are also Delicious. I am finishing up a batch of nettle soup for lunch today. I don’t know why more people don’t grow them. Delicious edible that takes care of itself. Not really bothered by insects usually and comes back every year. Super nutritious. Also makes a tasty tea.
Here’s a gourmet recipe for soup (hope it is okay to post this here).
Here’s a recipe for nettle risotto:
I could go on….
Having just returned from Cuba, your comments regarding the States will do what they have to to build/repair the roads without the Fed $$, well I stumbled across this…
Technology Disobedience.
People will just figure out how to get it done.