
Episode-1721- Listener Feedback for 2-1-16 — 26 Comments

  1. Jack,

    Your new youtube series made me think about another youtube series you were going to start before Christmas, about beginner prepping. Did you ever get a chance make those? I never saw anything posted about them, so I just thought I’d ask.

  2. Talking about over-trusting doctors reminds me of a situation my fiancée and I went through a couple years ago. She has endometriosis, a chronic condition for about 25% of girls and women, where uterine cells grow outside the uterus and on other organs. It’s characterized by abnormally painful cycles and infertility in some cases.
    In her journey to cope, we ended up at a doctor who put her on hormone therapy, that would mimic menopause (no libido, hot flashes, mood swings, infertility etc.) As mid-20-year-olds, we were hesitant to try it, but went along with it anyway.
    It was a total failure. My fiancée and I were both miserable; it greatly strained our relationship; it was totally ineffective; and, two years later, she is still experiencing menopausal symptoms. It’s a hell of a thing to know you’ll likely never have your own children.
    I don’t tell this story to get sympathy; we willingly went along with this incompetent doc, so it’s our onus. I just want to echo the plea to ALWAYS question your doctor, and to absolutely reject everything you aren’t comfortable doing.

    • Have you tried any diet changes? Countless of women have healed their bodies from PCOS, endometriosis, and other hormonal issues with a paleo/traditional diet. Good fats, vitamin d, a, and K2.

      Not trying to be preachy, but switching my diet was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life and I wish other women knew they could solve a lot of fertility issues with diet.

      • We did a little diet experimentation at the onset, and you’re right: when we cut soy and grains out of our diets she did markedly better. We don’t do paleo, though we talk about it a lot. Maybe we’ll get it to stick one of these days 😀

  3. Jack thanks for everything I’ve learned from you and the organization (or, more properly, collective intelligence ) you’ve enabled.

    I have been a regular listener to your show for the past seven years, and have encouraged friends and family to do the same…though I think that most weren’t ready for it, or I didn’t convey it the right way.

    “Close” every day. Don’t be afraid to fail. Get shit done. Always move forward….and learn how to lead.

    Grandparents – you know what they can do to influence a kid. I learned the basics of sweating pipes and attaching gas lines years ago while helping my grandfather hook up a new water heater back in the early 80’s. It took about two hours, but I took it and ran with it…and I converted my parent’s range and wall oven from electric to gas a few years later. I dated a woman who has a pretty good following in her garden group….learned from her grandparents. My wife’s true calling seems to be art, and she was inspired by her grandfather, who merely did it as an aside by making mosaics out of broken china and building park benches out of used oil cans. Little things, but they mattered.

    As far as “being yourself” goes, you might want to treat that like handling a gun. There are times and places where you have to know your target and what may lie beyond it…

  4. Jack,

    Thank you for your medication segment. I have such a hard time with doctors.

    Seeing other people do a thing or do a thing faster, is a great inspiration, it really is helpful.


  5. Seriously thank you for these episodes with stories about how it is possible. And the tick-tock kick in the ass. They are important.

    I have a lot of days where life seems so futile for so many reasons, I feel like just blowing my fucking brains out would be a better option than fighting a losing battle for 50 more years.

    These are like a spark of hope re-igniting the fire inside.

    Just gotta keep fighting.

    Thank you.

  6. I loved your rant at the end of segment on medication.
    Several kinds of people in the world people who know shit, people who talk shit, people who do shit and people who don’t know shit about shit. Too funny!

  7. I wonder if the mainstream view of education isn’t causing much of the trouble around us today. The notion that we adults tell children from such a young age – usually 3-5 years old – what they “need to know”.

    People go from 3-18 being told what to read, what to study, what matters. There seems to be no room for kids to figure out what they are interested in and excited about.

    My 9 year old son decided he wanted to learn to play piano and asked my mom to teach him (she taught private lessons for over 30 years). A month into these weekly lessons she was shocked at how great he was, how quickly he progressed. She said he was easily the best she had ever taught. I said to her that he was probably her first student that was truly there because he really wanted to be. She’d never considered that.

    My 3 sons have never been schooled and they are all bright and curious with varied interests. If I suggest anything that they don’t find interesting they are quick to remind me that I’ve always told them that they are responsible for the kind of people they become.

    They understand that all of their choices have natural consequences and they are the creators of their own lives. I’m letting them be who they are and doing my best to model personal responsibility and self-determination. A nice side-effect is that we all actually like each other and enjoy hanging out together. How many parents can say that about a 10, 13, or 15 year old kid?

    Maybe everyone should relax a bit and allow life to be enjoyable –

    • I think you can change “I wonder if the mainstream view of education isn’t causing” above, to simply “The mainstream view of education is causing”.

      Nothing to wonder about you just nailed a major truth.

  8. Re: the part about an extra $60 from artichoke (or extra cash from anything you do)

    This really is true, and totally illustrates the beauty of gardening. If I’m already outside doing something for fun anyway, why not make a little extra scratch, right? A mix of hobbies is great but sometimes I think people need to change what their definition of “fun” is. Instead of watching TV maybe head outside and look at a tree for awhile or throw some seeds in the ground. Just my thoughts 🙂

  9. The tick tick part, I felt like you were speaking directly to me. You’re description of the person who had worked hard and isn’t happy described me pretty well. Since listening to the show for the last 2 years, I’ve attempted a few things to get myself out of the day to day funk of working a job I’m not happy with. Todays episode have me renewed optimism. I really appreciate the kick in the ass. Thanks Jack

  10. Jack,

    Good show. In regards to the end part about children and technology…I agree with everything you said. But I wanted to add some caveats. I’ve been working with young children and their families for 12 years. I’m a daycare provider so I spend more time with a child than their parents do. I can tell the difference between a child who sits in front of the television all weekend and a child who plays outside and helps his parents all weekend without actually asking him or the parents. The tv kids have delayed speech, impulse issues, even some anti-social, sociopathic behaviors. Some don’t even want to walk up a slight hill, their bodies aren’t capable! Young children need to MOVE their bodies. A human body is not just a brain, we also have bodies that were meant to move, almost constantly. I know you didn’t necessarily comment on television, but I think this applies to screen time in general. I think a lot of people that think homeschool think learning from a computer. I think this is just as misguided as sitting in a desk all day looking at outdated text books. Children must move and play.

    I’m not a technophobe, but I do have real concerns about what all this screen time will do to developing brains. I think it’s well known that people that don’t move (exercise, walk, run, pull weeds, whatever) develop disease. And part of survival is having a sharp mind but also a capable body. And that starts at birth. Sitting in front of a tv cannot and never will develop a whole human being.

    I will be starting my family in a few months. I will be unschooling. When they reach a certain age, I will introduce advanced technology of all kinds. My husband works in automation so I know he will be interested in teaching his children how to write programs or whatever. But you better believe that will be balanced by endless hours of outside time, planting gardens and trees, cooking, cleaning, building fires, shelters, on and on. And of course, lots of play, because that’s allow children learn.

    Again, I know you weren’t advocating to not move or be outside, but I just felt the need to say these things. Technology is here to stay, I get that, but it shouldn’t mean that we let our bodies atrophy either. I know you know this, Work, hard work, is good!

    • As much technology as my grandkids have in their lives, the first week of each month is a no technology week. No computer, no movies, etc.

  11. Hey Jack, I am interested in the link to the holder for the smart phone and the bluetooth remote.

  12. What am I doing with my extra day this leap year? I’m closing on my own three and a half acre homestead where I can start my own permaculture based nursery business!

  13. Hey Jack – I really appreciated the part that you did on the “misery of success” for some people. I think it really has a lot to do with the fact that most of us end up just going down the path that others push us in life. And I see myself as a prime example in this regard.

    I had the combined fortune and misfortune of growing up right next door to my grandparents. I say it like that because, while I definitely learned the value of hard work from my grandfather, I also heard incessantly from him about every single mistake I made doing anything, and how things I wanted to do “wouldn’t work.” Hell, there are still times today (I’m 42) that he brings up a mistake I made playing baseball when I was 14 or 15. I didn’t realize until the past 5 years or so how much this had affected me, when I came to the conclusion that I had developed such a fear of failing (or maybe that was actually a cold comfort in failure) that it basically stopped me from trying anything, and if I tried and failed I expected that I would never hear the end of it. Not only that, the constant reminders of failure conditioned me to focus on all the things I did wrong, to the point that I actually expected that they would go wrong.

    Now I don’t say this to give some kind of sob story or throw blame on my grandfather. Truth be told, I’ve achieved a fair degree of success in life according to the metrics of our society — an engineering degree and license, a six-figure income, a wonderful family, etc. — even if it was gained by following a path that other people recommended for me and I’m currently working to change. Rather, it’s to highlight how important the work is that you do here, especially the idea that we’re all accountable for our own lives AND we’re all talented and capable of doing great things.

    It’s easy for someone like me to look at the business success you have had, or to look at the work of permaculture pioneers like Geoff Lawton, Ben Falk, etc. and feel that is all beyond me, that I’m just not as talented or capable. But when you talk about how each one of us has the talents to be successful and GET THE LIFE WE REALLY WANT, when I read through the comments on the blog, when I see what so many other people are doing on the Regenerative Agriculture group to kick ass… it gives me the motivation to go out there and do the same. It makes me realize that all the people on Regen Ag, all of the high-profile people doing amazing things such as yourself, are really just regular people who have found their passion and that drives them to make the life they really want. In other words, you’re all people like me, and if you all can do it then I can do it, and WE ALL DESERVE THE LIFE WE WANT!

    Thanks for making this show every day and keeping it real. That’s what makes it so inspiring.

  14. Jack,

    Comment on the Ruger Single Six. It’s a great gun. My dad had one when I was a kid, but I’m sure he sold it for whatever reason. I purchased mine as soon as I turned 21. Yes I’ve had one since 1991. All modern Ruger Single action pistols use the patented transfer saftey bar system. It is impossible for the hammer to strike a round without first having it cocked, then with the trigger pulled. The pulling of the trigger raises the safety bar with then the hammer strikes and then goes into the firing pin.

    No worries on carrying all rounds live in a cylinder. Same goes for all New Model Rugers. I also have a Super Blackhawk .44mag and it uses the same.

    Caution, you can find older pre-1973 that do not have that feature. In that case only have the hammer on an empty chamber.

    FYI: US3777384 * May 5, 1972 Dec 11, 1973 Sturm Ruger & Co Mechanism for single action firearm

  15. Ruger Single Six Part II.

    Also don’t forget that the single six can fire .22 cb caps, .22shorts, .22longs, and .22 long rifle as well as .22 mag with the convert able cylinder.

    .22 shorts are fairly quiet rounds, since they are subsonic.

    Secondly, Ruger makes a Sp101 in .22 that is an awesome training gun for double action. I’ve wanted one of those for a long time, but other guns have gotten in the way.

  16. Jack, just getting around to listening to this episode today, the people that are getting mixed results from bantams as surrogate quail mothers would be better suited to use a hen already proven as a good mother. When I was young we used banty’s as momma hens for everything, but they had to prove themselves, they’re like most other chicken breeds, some make better mothers than others, I would think with so many of the bantam breeds involved with poultry shows these days it would make more important to prove the mothering qualities before entrusting one to a brood of quail chicks. I would also recommend allowing a hen to raise a brood or two of her own chicks to gain some experience before using her as a surrogate. If a person can get their hands on some of the old game breeds, they tend to be good momma hens also.

  17. Hey Jack, and everybody in the TSP community. Love the thoughts about doctors/modern medicine. Makes me wonder if a method could be developed, much like the critical thinking method you have illustrated, for people to follow when seeing doctors in any field. Basically I’m thinking there could be a set of questions you ask yourself and/or the doctor to determine whether or not they and their diagnoses are worthwhile. I’m not necessarily talking about away to ignore serious medical conditions, rather, a way to know if you should seek someone else to help you. A way to cut through the bullshit. Thoughts, anyone?