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6 years ago

On the firing for talking about pay thing. I’m not 100%, but I believe it is illegal by federal law to fire or punish employees for discussing their pay with eachother. Not saying I would talk about pay with a coworker, but just that I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to fire someone for doing so

6 years ago

Hey Jack, I’m enjoying the show thus far. I’m excited you emphasized that folks should make their own spreadsheets. Doing so makes you think your way through what you’re doing and why it makes sense in every fashion to do what you plan to do in real life with these monies; likewise you’re more likely to understand what this money means over time (and perhaps compound interest as you’ve mentioned before).

I use spreadsheets everyday for work, if you would like an inexpensive class check out the website Udemy.com (just one of many like Lynda, etc).

Every now and then they run massive sales where you can get a mastery (beginner to advanced) packaged class for as little as $10. I stock up every quarter or so on their classes, which range from computer programming to art.

Please check it out!

6 years ago


6 years ago

Interesting discussion on the fascism experiment. Very intriguing given the Trump fanatics in the present and his toying with white nationalism and declaration of himself as a nationalist.

6 years ago


*Thanks for the fix!

6 years ago

Very intriguing discussion on the fascism experiment. Particularly with the Trump fanatics and his toying with white nationalism and self-declaration as a nationalist himself.

Great advice about discussing salary. Never discuss it with fellow coworkers; maybe with fellow industry folks.

The best way to determine if you’re being paid well is to look up industry-wide salary surveys. For example, as an Urban and Transportation Planner, I am a member of the American Planning Association and they hold member-wide salary surveys across the discipline. These results serve as a baseline for negotiating my salary. I am also an engineer, so I should be paid more than them, etc. Just an idea.

Sokota Ireland
6 years ago

Rewinds would be great over the holiday break. It’s nice to hear some older shows that I may have missed (being a several year listener) and for new listeners, well, gives them a chance to hear some legacy shows as well.

6 years ago

They guy marketing that scavenger gun is the dude from Doomsday Preppers who shot his thumb off. He’s got a bunch of products geared toward survivalism and they all look hokey