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Sam Williams
Sam Williams
8 years ago

Secret cure: crystalized ginger. Pretty hot but, helps with congestion, inflammation, and upset stomach.

8 years ago

Iron sites on 22. My dad’s hunting rifle has scope rings that raise the scope and u can see the iron sites under the scope.

Derek M
8 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

I have a 22 with this. The rings are a bit more fragile than a normal scope mount, but I’ve only ever had an issue once. They’re handy to have.

8 years ago

Just looked it up it’s called see-thru scope rings.

8 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

I’m guessing the 22 in question without iron sites was most likely a Ruger 10/22 I-Tac.

8 years ago

Jack, you mentioned persimmon mead. Can you tell me how you did it? Got loads of wild persimmons at my in-laws property and I want to make made with them, but I’m not sure on the procedure.

8 years ago

Jack, I have been mostly ignoring the DAPL news because it is outside my sphere of influence. But, when this protest first started I found as you did that none of the land was “owned” by the tribe protesting.

However, I thought I remember hearing that the land the pipeline was being put in on was on land “owned” by the Army Corps of Engineers. As you know the federal government is not allowed to own land outside of D.C. and Forts and Ports. So from that angle I was “in spirit” in support of the DAPL protesters, as I was in support of the Bundys for protesting the BLM.

Is this not the case? Is all DAPL land privately owned, with voluntary easements granted?

8 years ago

I’ve never met anyone with Fibromyalgia that wasn’t a morbidly obese middle aged woman with a poor lifestyle.

My mom has spent the last 20 years trying to convince me that bad knees run in the family and it’s not her fault her knees are bad. My mom is a morbidly obese middle aged woman.

When I got pregnant I blew up like a balloon, gaining 80 pounds. And you know what? My knees hurt. But now that I’ve lost the weight my knees are fine.

I would bet large sums of money that Fibromyalgia could be “Cured” by dropping the standard American diet.

8 years ago
Reply to  Shak

Thanks Jack,

All fibro suffers I have met are thin. This may depend on area of the country. If the local cousine makes it easy to put on weight, and you cant do much physical due to the fibro, then some people would put on weight. Again, in the coastal CA region, fibro suffers are thin.

8 years ago

Yep, I was diagnoses with Fibromyalgia many years ago, and then the second opinion dr I saw agreed that I fit that discriptor, but that there were different underlying reasons. Mine is Lyme disease, and treating that did result in a huge syptom improvement.

I was unhealthily skinny also for many years, not now : ) While not obese, I got enough of me healthy to be able to easily be able to put on weight again, like any other woman of my age

8 years ago

While not exactly a putty, with a welder and some skill, you can fix pretty much anything metal.

Although the skills to weld a rifle, not to mention either not fixing heat treating, or not messing it up, is out of the realm for most people.

8 years ago

Great song selection as usual Jack! Aside from the eye-opening, life-changing advice you’ve given me from your shows, you’ve really given me a lot of great music to appreciate too.
Wanted to add interesting take by Tupac on his reinterpretation of Hornsby’s “The Way It Is” I’ve always appreciated.

Tupac – Verse from “Changes”
We gotta make a change…
It’s time for us as a people to start makin’ some changes.
Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live
and let’s change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.

And still I see no changes. Can’t a brother get a little peace?
There’s war on the streets and the war in the Middle East.
Instead of war on poverty,
they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.

A lot of insightful stuff in the song from 1992. Needless to say, the song does contain explicit lyrics.

John Menrring
John Menrring
8 years ago

Jack, Stay off the politics – I come to you for NOT that.

We already know your meme / POV . – libertarian anarchist.

8 years ago

Well to start with, about the apology, it’s unnecessary because even though some shows lately have only been worth 17.6 cents per episode this one was worth over 19.2 and since I got the MSB on sale I won’t complain too much.

About the protests if the so called “native” Americans don’t like it, they can go back to Asia where they came from. They were immigrants just like we were, they just walked East earlier than we sailed West.

For the guy with no savings, having savings can pay better than nearly any another investment. It let’s you take advantage of opportunities you would otherwise miss and not fall into traps you would otherwise not be able to avoid. For example, several years ago our water heater died. Without having any savings I would have had to go buy another regular unit, put it on a card and pay interest on it. By having savings, I had a tankless gas installed for about $2800 cash. It just so happens that the city had significant rebates and the fed had huge tax credits available for these upgrades. Enough that once all that came back, the water heater only cost me about $50 after tax time and I am still saving about $30 a month on the utilities. Having savings paid back a $2800 investment in less than a year and continues to save me $360 a year which goes into, you guessed it, more savings. This does not include the savings on interest. If nothing else, the peace of mind that comes along with not living paycheck to paycheck is worth way more than the temporary pain of saving the first few thousand. Once you get to that point, turning it into ten then twenty thousand is easy because the ability to spend more in the short term allows you to spend much less in the long term.

8 years ago

Hey Jack, big fan. Love to listen to gain some perspective. I’m wondering if you can offer any direction where you found the Standing Rock info. All I’ve found is on the SayAnything blog and a little blurb on dakotaaccesapipeline.net. I’ve seen some aerial drone photos and there’s no other line visible. I know you are busy but would love the help. I don’t usually have issue finding this info but am having a heck of a time digging it up. Thanks again.

8 years ago

Jack, do you have a link you can provide explaining how the pipeline is crossing under the river? I’ve looked and looked, but can’t find the details you gave in the show.

Paleo Prepper Rex
Paleo Prepper Rex
8 years ago

I hate having used ADD meds on our son. We tried them sparingly, eventually he had to leave the school system early, get a GED and started full time in the food industry at 17. He has been on his own for 3 years now doing what he loves as a chef. Guess what, he’s an ESTP. My ESTP brother was the same way, leaving school early, and has been successful as an entrepreneur for 30 years.

8 years ago

Another parent of a child with ADD here, and yes, you’re damn right that parents of kids with ADD/ADHD will comment on these shows! I enjoy The Survival Podcast greatly, and I appreciate the discussion of ADD to a point — but I’m not going to listen to weekly guilt trips about medicating my son if that’s where we’re going with this. Like the above poster I hate doing it, but it’s getting him through the school day. We tried coffee the other day and I got an email from the teacher right away and now she’s checking up to see if he’s taking a pill every day, he is. He’s on a low dose and I hope to wean him off it as he grows. We also see a therapist. I am considering shifting to home schooling, it is not an easy decision to make . My kid is not the same as young Jack, every kid is different. We are honestly trying to help our son. If we’re talking ADD as “epidemic” then let’s not waste all our time bitching and whining about it, let’s talk about raising great kids of all types — because *that* is helpful! Some of the shows on parenting have been inspirational and among the very best episodes. I’d like to hear more of that.

8 years ago

What about, “help you live a better life if times get tough or even if they don’t”? If ADHD is going to be a recurring show topic, go for it, but I’m hoping for more practical information that we can use rather than a rant about how terrible things are.
Hope you’re feeling better this week.

8 years ago

Be careful you’re not letting parents of “normal kids” get a superiority trip by putting my kid’s situation down. It’s your job to help everybody do better.

8 years ago
Reply to  K.

I think you should be careful of having a victim complex —

8 years ago

Looks like Hillary got that gift handed to her from the FBI in the 11th hour like you were mentioning Jack. The FBI cleared her for the 2nd time, and the market went up 300 points immediately afterwards.

Garden Gnome
8 years ago

Great show, especially appreciated the first two segments

8 years ago

Hey Jack just wanted to chime in on the 22 so maybe other listeners would be able to watch out as well. Remington makes most of their model 597 as scope only 22 in standard and heavy barrel. They throw a cheap scope on it so they can sell them cheaper.

8 years ago

Yeah I understand that, I just wanted to give the heads up to people that may be looking at them… I used to sell them at a Dunhams sports store and I had sold them before to people that didn’t realize there weren’t sites on them. They just saw the price which at the time sold for $179-279 depending on advertised sales at the time… I actually had to start pointing out the fact that there weren’t open sites on them because people just assumed all 22s had them, just as you said you didn’t know of any. Thanks Jack for everything you do.