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Matthew in Gooseneck, Ga
Matthew in Gooseneck, Ga
9 years ago

7LEn I have not listened yet. I am about to. Just a thought. The Paris attacks have me re thinking my edc. Instead of the micro 380 or Compact 9mm. I think I will be carrying a full size 9mm with extra magazines.
Anyone else have the same thoughts?

9 years ago

Well I sure hope it isn’t Rubio or Cruz. . .both are ineligible and the GOP is destroying the Constitution by letting them run under their banner.

9 years ago

They are ineligible. Emerich De Vattel in his compilation of natural law called THE LAW OF NATIONS, a reference work used extensively by the constitutional authors per Benjamin Franklin, defined ‘natural born citizen’ as a person born on the soil and of citizen parents. Obama, Jindal, Rubio and Cruz are all ineligible to be POTUS. I’ve been at this for over 7 years and while I won’t likely win, I am right.


9 years ago
Reply to  prsmith

“All three were U.S. citizens at birth and therefore are natural born citizens.”. . .Always the key that what is to follow is propagandist crap. That is not true.

You are right that I will not win, Jack, even though I should. Did you know that there have been eight attempts to change the definition of ‘natural born citizen’?

And by the way, I would love it if you would tell me what it was I said that is nonsense – preferably without a link to an opinion piece.

9 years ago
Reply to  prsmith

I hate to belabor the point but you could have learned a lot had you read the comments below that article you sourced.

I’ve been at this for 7+ years now. As you say, I likely won’t win however if an ineligible candidate is nominated/selected for 2nd seat, we will live another 4 to 8 years under the socialists. I understand that that isn’t terribly relevant to you but I have grandchildren I’m trying to protect.

No, everyone should change their minds because they don’t know the facts. Your attitude surprises me. You’ve always been so level headed and willing to learn new things.

9 years ago
Reply to  prsmith

I bring jus soli into nothing. The fathers of all four men (Obama included) were not US citizens when they were born. They are ineligible. I’ve said enough. I will repeat – choose wisely, our future depends on it and with that I retire from the field.

9 years ago


Great show again, thanks for all the effort. Kill that coyote, soon. It’s funny how you said this Paris event will be used to whip up some fresh fear to take control as my neighbor who is a stone cold democrat asked me about buying an AR-15. That is frickin crazy fear as he is a former California resident. So, I’m going to school him and take him to the gun show and maybe he’ll listen to me or not. He is my ham radio Elmer so, turn about is fair play with the learning aspect. This show and so many of your recent shows have really struck a chord with me and my current situation and really been a positive force in my family life.

By the way, I did my final bee hive inspection for the year and married a weak hive with a strong one and pinched my queen from the weak hive and transfered all of the good frames to the strong colony and did the newspaper trick as described by Michael Jordan. I was kinda sad about having to kill her off and did try to give her away but there were no takers. If left alone, I know that the weak hive would have never made it through the winter here even though it’s zone 6. Sometimes “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.” (Spock) I probably messed up that quote.

Northern Virginia
MSB Member
Ham radio operator, General class

Michael Jordan "The bee Whisperer
Reply to  JimM1911A1

Hey man, so how did it work out. I do the same with my weaker hives. you have to be sustainable. It is a form of agriculture. If you have photos, I love to see them. keep up the good work and I hope I was help.


9 years ago


Everything appears to be going well. We had our first frost a few days ago and it will be warm on Thursday so I will monitor them. I hadn’t planned to do a proper inspection as it’s been breezy and cold and I don’t want to chill any remaining brood. You were a great help, I have used the newspaper trick in the past but I added water to it this time. Now you have me thinking that I should go in to take a look if the temps are above 60. I feel pretty good about my accomplishments of splitting twice and making 2 mated queens. That’s a first for me.

In October, I removed my bottom super from each hive cuz they were empty and moved the super with the most bees into the top position with a full box of capped honey and pollen as the bottom box. So now I have 3 supers of 10 frames each and at least 20 frames covered with bees and brood. I will have Fondant ready to go in January just in case I get a nice warm day for a quick drop in.

I look forward to splitting each hive in the spring and have a double layer nuc box ready to go. The Hive top feeder from Brushy mountain seems to work great if you keep it topped off while feeding. When I let it go dry, I did find about 25 dead bees in the bottom under the float. It’s a tricky but effective feeder.

Anyway, thanks so much for being part of this community.

9 years ago

I know how serious this episode is, I think I know how serious the times are with or without the Paris attack. But the Paris attack has rattled people.

I was rattled too at first, then I was trying to figure out what else was going on that we weren’t supposed to notice; I haven’t heard of anything yet. I’m not numb or uncaring, but I do know I have no influence, no matter how broke my heart is.

I can however build a bucket fodder system like you showed us in the video The 20 Dollar Barley Fodder System, https://youtu.be/KbJwbnSrdT0.

I am experimenting with annual Rye grass, Barley, and a few sunflower seeds to feed to my brothers two meat cattle. He is having trouble finding hay that has enough nutrition this year, and is resorting to the best mix he can find locally; but isn’t what he wants.

My little fodder system may not totally replace the protein mix he can get, but it may reduce it, so there isn’t so much of the junk he doesn’t want in his beef.

Thank you, Jack for your help.


PS: Now Buddy has two set’s of wings. But I’m sorry for how you have to feel as you wander all the places she used to be.

Virtual Hug’s to you Jack.

Jose Garcia
9 years ago

Sorry about your birds, Jack.

9 years ago


9 years ago

That song gave me chills.

Richard Hauser
Richard Hauser
9 years ago
Reply to  dustin

Me too, the show was great, but the song struck deeper. The fact that the song is almost 30 years old shows things haven’t changed a bit.

9 years ago

With the rock situation I’d consider a snare / cable restraint. You could even make a temporary crawl under spot at the fence and most likely he’d go right through it. If you have rock that close you could possibly use a masonry bit and anchor straight to the rock. Just some ideas.

Have you had a chance to use the dog proof trap from down at Nick’s yet?

9 years ago

From a former PA trapper now living in TX, try drilling a 3/8 hole and use a drop-in anchor for your trap stake/anchor. I understand the soil isn’t deep enough for a drag. Good luck.

9 years ago
Reply to  PaCoTx


Just tryin to help and think outside the box. Drilling anchors worked in my limestone in Austin for my kids playhouse where I couldn’t dig to pour a footer, but I understand. A few hundred miles makes a difference.

Saw you got the S.O.B.


9 years ago
Reply to  cooper

i agree. its difficult when there are so many domestic animals nearby. That would be pretty fun to call him in vs. trapping it. However, there is something about outsmarting them with a trap that is very fulfilling. sounds like a good job for the ole .223

9 years ago

Jack, there aren’t many other people who tell it like it is, but if you want to listen to another person who makes their living from their podcast from saying things the listeners don’t always agree with, check out Dan Carlin – Common Sense (his history podcast is top notch, too). I think you and he would have a very interesting conversation, actually, if you ever had him on. He’s been doing it for years, too.

9 years ago

Once again, great show.

I’ve told a few friends of mine, who aren’t full-on zombiefied by the media, to beware the trap set for them.

You made mention that you had Fox news on mute, and I have always sworn that if you really want to see through the BS, watch the news on mute. Just take in the images. Watch the imagery, but remember what they’re trying to do to you, sell to you, and what they’re trying to tell you to think.

It’s almost like seeing behind the curtain. You’ll soon find yourself catching them in their tricks on brainwashing the public and selling opinion as fact, and giving the sheep their daily does of thoughts du jour.

9 years ago

What’s the website name please? the fightingthe machine.com the findingthemachine.com does not work.

9 years ago

Jack, what’s your % of chance that this happens here in the US in the next x months / years?

BTW, you’re right – Use this attack to increase gov power in the end.- yep, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Malls, star wars, holiday parades???

9 years ago

A large scale attack like Paris happening here in a gun-free state like LA, San Fran, NYC, DC, Seattle, Chicago, etc.

9 years ago
Reply to  Happy MGTOW

All true. Thanks.

I was thinking about schools too. Remember Chechen, Beslen school. Something like that happens here and you will see this the next day (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhtuMrMVJDk), except insert current POTUS. And the rest as they say will be history. Enter WWIII. God help us.

Oh yea, TPTB will also use that as a way to take more of our liberties away too, as you and others said.

9 years ago

BTW Jack,

IMO, none of what you say will matter (but you’re right -intellectually/factually) WHEN this happens here. Nothing.

And you’re right – you’re pissing me off (emotionally) as your inclined to do some of the time.

9 years ago

And Jack,

You are getting me to think. Thanks. and thanks much.

It’s a WIP.

9 years ago

This guys view is similar to Jack’s view.


9 years ago
Reply to  Happy MGTOW

In reply to Perry below:

Check out these video on Demographic Winter – Perry’s onto something.


9 years ago

This is really serious globally, in a way that is different from the typical “invasions” that modern wars have showed us previously.

Europe is totally going to cease to exist as we know it from this point forward, as there is NO WAY to reverse what is going to happen ethnically first…then politically, architecturally, culturally, etc…then finally historically. EVER. You can’t separate the various ingredients of a cake after they are all mixed…especially once it’s baked!

I think we are going to see lots of refugees here in the US soon…and many of them will be not the refugees we see on TV, but EUROPEANS leaving their own home countries trying to salvage a life they once had!


jeff nw ohio
jeff nw ohio
9 years ago

Trapping is a much needed survival skill not only for predators but also for those pesky omnivores and herbivores too, like rabbits, possums, raccoons, moles, voles and mice. I love my conibear traps, took care of my ground hogs that invaded my yard for the first time. Live traps baited with sunflower seeds with or without peanut butter work great for voles and mice.

So sorry to hear about buddy, too bad that your dogs didn’t recognize the presence of that coyote. Kinda confused of why they didn’t notice him and keep him out.
In my conversations with people that I work with, I try to remind them that our leaders decided to invade and destroyed Iraq on a fabricated lie, WMD, yea right. How many innocent Iraq’s died and look at what the conditions that country’s population has to live in now. I cannot believe that there hasn’t been more revenge from people that have suffered from our country’s actions in the middle east.

9 years ago

Jack’s probably not gonna like this but IMO Denninger’s right:


9 years ago

BTW Jack you’re right on, “never let a crisis go to waste.” Read this article. It’s filled with gov’s asking/demanding and geting much more increased power.


9 years ago

Unfrortunately none of your information about our involvement in the Middle East or what can legally be done about the refugees was new information. However, I don’t think I am uniquely educated in this area and that others are aware of these facts. I would like to say however I don’t agree with your isolationist policy. As a world power we are politically and fincachally entangled with this region and that will not change as long as it has resource worth expoilting. I do think our weak foreign policies in the region is due to our weak public interest in nation building. One answer maybe that nations we defeat become Amerian protectoriets that are intended for colonization and eventually states. So yes to stabilize the region we may need to further homogenize them. While this is not a culturally sensitive answer it is the answer the Roman Empire used. Allow the conquered to become citizens.

9 years ago

Not sure if you watch Reid’s videos Lack, but this one is pretty good on the subject.


I know you have interviewed Patriot Nurse, who he dates.

9 years ago

Hey Jack,
I consider you a person who has risen and who’s been effective in change for the good. Have you ever done a show specifically about events or people imposed upon you to defeat you in your rise? Or a show interviewing those who have suffered attacks from up on high because they are of the kind who’ve risen to effect change for the good? Like what skills and actions have they taken to cope, and to not be defeated? I think experience of those dealing with such could be empowering, encouraging, in many ways. We need many to rise in such leadership. Thank you for being courageous and bold like you are.

9 years ago
Reply to  Gerri

Also, I see the current NDAA wording (which assumes American refugee conditions will come into existence if you ask me) as policy and procedure fitting into the UNs way of “resettling” “refugees,” and so my current thoughts wonder if allowing the UN High Commission on Refugees selection decisions in refugee groups from wherever they choose, then headquartering which Nation will accept and resettle each group, and being coordinated with so many Departments in the US, (i.e. Bureau of Population, Refugees, Migration (PRM) in the Department of State, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), offices within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) within DHS), well it seems probable 10,000 Syrian Refugees (who could be resettled in the Middle East for $12,000+ less/refugee than the cost of resettlement in the U.S.) these type events are some kind of Training or Practice for moving more out of than into our borders. I know you say election doesn’t matter to you, and I’m bout the same, but Rand Paul is the only one I know who has suggested the NDAA be reversed. Plus if you read books and research on how the State, fusing toward One United Nations, has used mass migration then you know it is not for the equitable rights of common people, etc. Hope I typed this to where it makes sense of what I wish were not. In fact, if the NDAA wasn’t worded the way it is; if it had not had the specific revisions that it has in recent times; I wouldn’t be as suspicious.

9 years ago
Reply to  Gerri

And: This info pertains, I think, because everyone gonna be crying out about ID on everyone with the Refugee and Immigrant Issues, etc. http://www.naturalnews.com/052061_biometric_identification_United_Nations_global_elite.html

9 years ago
Reply to  Gerri

OK. Sorry to use “Natural News” as resource. How about the actual United Nations as a resource? United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has been using their New Biometrics System, exampled in this article (from search done on UN site) from June 2015: UNHCR’s new biometrics system helps verify 110,000 Myanmar refugees in Thailand. http://www.unhcr.org/55926d646.html

9 years ago
Reply to  Gerri

I may have not worded myself correctly, I mean was up late and tired when I made my comments. I certainly was not having fears, FYI. I got my idea from your exact words regarding government “only needs to control those rising who are capable of change for the good.” You said it. Ok. “Control.” How is this done? Whatever the “Controlling” involves is what I was talking about. Now, I’ve always admired your words on finding the loopholes, for instance, “If ya can’t sell eggs, sell the cartons, and give away the eggs for free.” So, this an example of getting thru what gets put upon people from “on high.” My god, I really think you’ve been extraordinarily harsh toward me. But I still like ya.

9 years ago
Reply to  Gerri

Oh, BTW, I’ve been out in the woods several times this past week harvesting Native Pecans, and wondering why we don’t just let nature do its thing a lot more for our food supply. Have a wonderful day! I’m going to.

9 years ago
Reply to  Gerri

Ok. I get what you are sayin’ as far as response goes. Yes, you can say whatever you have to say, and so can I. I’m not butt hurt. I’m just sayin’ it honest from me to you, as you are to me. We have Liberty that way, thankfully. I know how ya are, and I like you. I just don’t believe you’re right about me. After all I know myself better than you do. And I don’t judge you. I take you as you are. Plus I stand up for myself. Your comments have not harmed me in any way. I always self-reflect though, and so I evaluate what you have to say about me personally. There is a difference between me personally and the rest you lump together as diseased. And I will point that out with anyone. I do not belong in a box. I believe in Individuality. Which I have heard you say you do to. So anyway, everyone has fears, even you. To deny fear is to heighten fear. I know what fear is. If you really knew me you would know just how I have pushed thru fears. So if I tell you my words in this thread regarding the UN, or the White House, or things like that, are not from fear, they are not. What the F can I do as one person about these Institutions? Not a GD thing. But fear at a personal and familial protection level, yes, I have had my fears, this is a normal survival mechanism in we humans, and I have many times stood up thru them, shaking and trembling, and not having the right words to appease my opponent, but nonetheless I triumphed out of pure determination and perseverance and courage. My skin is thick in many areas. I don’t have to convince you. I don’t know you. You don’t know me. This is your show. And I respect that. I just had to say what I had to say. And that is it. I have no need to say anymore. You have a persona to maintain… Thank you for all you spur folks on to do. But as for me, I have my own internal flame which spurs me. Good Luck Jack.

Gerri Lynne
Gerri Lynne
9 years ago

First, I am not a man. I am a 51 year old female. I raised 4 sons into productive men. I have 14 grandchildren on my list so far. Second, I am not religious, and I do not go about ringing the bells of end times. Third, I am not afraid. I have no control over what Big Institutions in our world are doing. What happens happens. I can only do what I can do right where I am at. Fourth, the United Nations exists. Our involvement with it threatens the foundation of our United States. “In the Cause of Peace” is a book written by the UN’s first Secretary General, Trygve Lie, and is very telling from my perspective as to its global plans. The UN reminds me of the Crown we revolted against in order to start a new nation, our nation, the United States. It is true that Americans may rise for good, and it is possible that in doing this broadly the plans of the UN could be thwarted. Yet, it is also possible we find ourselves like the Native Americans who were in these United States first. I guess you have no interest in being aware of an enemy? You would rather take my sincere gesture of sharing what stood out in my brain, and say you are just being honest to tell me that I am what I am not? Whatever. I do not have to say things exactly in your words to have something significant to contribute. Nonetheless, I’ll let you believe what you wish, while I just get back to my homestead stuff here. Perhaps you need a media break yourself. I do not need to be disrespected with your honesty. I’ll still listen to ya. Maybe finally decide to be a member. But as far as this discussion, I do not think its getting anywhere beneficial right now between us.