Episode-2112- Listener Feedback for 11-14-17
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Today on The Survival Podcast I take your questions social media, education, cooking, grinders, processed foods, permaculture, green houses, solar power, guns and more.
Remember to be on a show like this one just pick up your phone and call 866-65-THINK.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- Maintaining a social media presence without a ton of work
- More evidence the education industry is in a death spiral
- What I do when it comes to deep frying
- Choosing a grinder, adding fat and best grinding practices
- What specifically makes “processed foods” so bad for you
- Growing walnuts and the evil substance juglone, that ain’t so evil
- Will Green House Glass soon double as a PV solar panel
- Scoping a 30-30 without over spending or over scoping
- A reminder about Liberty Forum 2018
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- The Year 70
- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- The Granddaddy’s Gun Club
- Bullhead Fishing Forum – A new little site I started
- University of Wisconsin President Wants to Merge 2 and 4 Year Schools
- Lodge Cast Iron Wok
- Warring Pro MG105
- Cabela’s 1HP Grinder
- Coconut Oil Kills by AwakenWithJP
- Juglone Tolerant Plants Source One
- Juglone Tolerant Plants Source Two
- The Best Permaculture Guild for Walnuts
- How Green Houses May Generate Solar Energy
- Leupold 113863 VX-1 3×7 Scope
- Leupold 110794 VX-2 3×7 Scope
- Leupold 110819 VX-2 Ultralight 3×9 Scope
- Liberty Forum 2018 Tickets
- Something For Nothing – Rush
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Something for Nothing is my favorite RUSH song.
Another idea for the grinder is this. If your wife already has a KitchenAid mixer taking up precious room in the kitchen, just buy a grinder attachment for it. You already have a good 1HP motor and the grinder attachment is only about $40 on Amazon. I’ve had mine for several years now and put a lot of deer through it with no problems.
I second this suggestion. We have made a shit-ton of pet food (raw chicken) through ours.
Jack mentioned pre freezing items before grinding. We have to try this since the resulting texture of our ground chicken “sausage” is rather mushy.
Once you do it you will refuse to grind meat that isn’t mostly frozen ever again for the rest of your life. Especially soft meats like chicken.
Our walnuts tend to kill more plants from the shade than the juglone in my opinion. LOL
The husk has the highest concentration. Yet the Amish buyer I’ve sold nuts to puts the husks straight in a manure spreader and straight onto the pasture and has for years. From aerial views, I’ll say that pasture is greener than the one next to it. FWIW
So this episode 2112 is transposed as 2121, thought you’d want to know.
Awesome episode again.
Your bias against the school system is showing again. The public school system will never die. You know why? Because parents have to work and school is an already paid for baby-sitter. Schooling online doesn’t work for the average kid either because they play freaking games instead of “going to class” because their parents are out working or doing their own thing around the house.
And don’t forget about the built in social necessity of having sports teams. God forbid there isn’t a football, basket ball, or baseball team to root for. How else would we prove our town is better than the one across the way.
Yeah. Public schools will still be around way after both you and I are dead.
And BTW: A great scope for any 30-30 is the Leopold Scout Scope.
You sound like a New York Horse Stall Owner in 1901.
Hey it only took government schools 4 years to stifle my oldest child’s love of reading. So that’s a success.
And when she had a bloody nose today at the start of lunch they threw away her uneaten food, charged us for it, and when she said she was hungry they told her to eat when she gets home (7 hours later). Oh and the coat she bled on…they took it and lost it.
But our small town school does have a kick ass $5m football field or so I’ve heard.
Government schools aren’t good at anything they’re supposed to be good at. Imagine if the parents, instead of property owners, got the bill for the actual cost. It’d be done tomorrow.
Not the same Mike ad up there ^
“Not the same Mike ad up there ^”
LOL Obviously.
Oh and that scope has over 6 inches of eye relief making it useless without modification to most lever guns.
We’ll see and there are many aftermarket parts to make the scout scope fit. I just used rings on my Mossberg 464. I’m sure it will fit on the Marlins every bit as easy.
I haven’t heard the episode yet so please forgive my ignorance if this doesn’t fit the convo. The school system doesn’t have to die in order to be massively different. If parents were given the ability to direct the spending of their money or actually have it in hand, then money would encourage change that we like.
If the love for learning isn’t beaten out of kids at an early age, I think we’d all be pleasantly surprised at how much kids would seek out information. Anecdotal evidence but I loved computer games that taught me random facts about history and science as I played them. I also learned how to navigate myself around a keyboard and computer by trying to cheat in those games. Who’da thunk?
In some areas nearby, public schools were allowed to recruit students that weren’t actually going to the public school if the student was ‘in district’. That could happen but on a more often basis. Why not have the local school still have an excellent student team even though the kids are not actually sitting in that school’s seats during the day?
Thanks for the scope recommendations Jack!
My 30-30 is a Mossberg 44 (the non tactical one). Like a Winchester 1874, but has a tweak that throws the shells to the side so it can have a scope (which it is drilled for).
Thanks again.
Um you mean 464?
I work in a government school, if you value you Posterity get your children homeschooled! The best path to self discipline, intelligence, and success left to them.
At work they charge fifty dollars a year for all the supplies your child can waste.
Team sports are all circuses like the Roman circus distractions from life.
Comment on the air fryer, I have an air fryer and was skeptical at first of its usefulness but after we got it we used it multiple times everyday took all manner of different foods. I believe in a better and name would be countertop convection oven rather than air fryer. I think the term airfryer is gimmicky and does not really explain what the unit does.
I’ve cooked everything from homemade thick-cut fries to porterhouse steak.
The unit will also bake bread or other baked goods as well as make things that are partially fried like tater tots and jalapeno poppers or the like seem like they cooked in a fryer. You cannot batter something and cook it in the air fryer and achieving a fried food.
Although they do take up counter space I believe the 72 $100 price tag to be worth it and store mine in the garage when it’s not in use although that doesn’t happen too much as we use it at least once a day 5 days a week.
Brand of the unit I have is Avalon Bay