Episode-2354- Listener Feedback for 1-7-19
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Today on The Survival Podcast I take your questions on cell phones, the government shut down, spreading preparedness, dogs, life skills, aquaponics, silver, eggs, cooking and more.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- Thoughts on over use of cell phones and not being the pot calling the kettle black
- Why I don’t give a fiddlers fart about the “government shut down”
- Getting others on board, why its great but why you should focus mostly on YOU
- Of grinders, bones and feeding dogs rabbits
- More on making excel a life skill along with the algebra people actually use
- Why you should not over think a pump for a small aquaponics system
- How to leave silver to your heirs
- Is eating eggs frequently safe to do, is there a such thing as too many eggs
- Why I now cook almost exclusively with carbon steel cookware
Resources for today’s show…
- Follow Life With Jack on Instagram
- TSP Facebook Group
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- TspAz.com
- The Granddaddy’s Gun Club
- Bullhead Fishing Forum – A new little site I started
- Binance.com
- Biltong for Breakfast
- Find Your TSP Facebook Group for Your State
- Raw and Natural Food for Dogs – by Lew Olson
- Small pump I have had good results with
- Another small pump with a bit more power
- John Willis’ New Podcast
- The Dance – Garth Brooks
Sponsors of the Day
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Regarding cell phones at meals. I lost my mom last may. Your (well, Mrs Spirko’s I guess) comment about wishing for just one more dinner conversation with mom really hit home. If I’m at a fast food joint getting a quick bite alone, I might browse the news or something on the phone, but if I’m with someone, especially family, the phone stays in my pocket, period, always.
That song always gets to me. I got to see Garth live in Central Park many years ago. What an experience!!
We have gotten rid of all our pans except SSteel and cast iron but have recently gotten into griddle cooking on a Blackstone cold rolled steel 28″ griddle.
Jack, have you ever looked into these at all?
I wanted a griddle but having just built my dream outdoor kitchen I didn’t want something else taking up space. Also given I just put in an awesome Weber 6 burner Genesis it seemed sort of redundant to have more heat sources. So I went with a Little Griddle GQ230. It covers 4 of my 6 burners, so I still have some grill space, gets plenty fricken hot, and when not in use it sits on top of my pot rack out of the way. https://amzn.to/2Fnu4ll
If you have a high end grill these things are awesome and the small one is now only 46 bucks. If you have a cheap grill though they just won’t get up to temp for you.
Happy New Year, Jack! Back in the excellent “Richest Man in Babylon” episode (~8/16/18), you said investing in whole life is the worst thing ever. Could you elaborate? I was seriously considering it after Liberty Forum but that episode and a job loss (on the same day!) de-prioritized the idea.
Anyone try a wok on a rocket stove? I think it would result in great “Wok-chi” but haven’t tried it. Would cast iron or carbon steel be best? Thanks!
Life insurance is life insurance, you should get as much as you can for as little as possible and you do that with TERM. Investing is investing, it isn’t insurance. For some very high net worth individuals whole life is part of a strategy to leave money to heirs without the death tax, for anything else it is the fucking devil.
Price whole, price term, invest the difference. Get 20-30 year term or even term to 90 (which I have) and in 20-30 years the investments will be so significant you won’t give a fuck about life insurance.
You will find the only informed people that defend whole life, also sell it.
I haven’t listened to the episode yet. But wanted to comment on Excel. I’ve written apps in spreadsheets and it is great. Sure they aren’t as good as a real app. But it gets me most of the way there. I use google sheets now days just because of the query operator and being online. I know Excel is online too but I need the ctrl+<down arrow> to quickly navigate the spreadsheet and a few years ago Excel didn’t have that capability.
I recently created an app in google sheets that tracks soccer players (there were 13 girls on my team) during games, what positions they played, and how many times they played. It was great for making sure that everyone got to play in different positions and got to play about the same amount.
I’ve actually written a quite complex application in Excel which exports data to HTML files. The company I wrote it for is still using it for their clients after about 6 years now. It really should have been done in JavaScript with a proper back end. But I was cheap for the company and creating apps in Excel is extremely easy. Again, not ideal and not always super user friendly. But when your other developers are tide up working on other projects and resources are scarce Excel can be a great tool to create prototypes/bridges for applications. And, as a personal tool, to create great custom apps.
Another option for small pumps is Harbor Freight. I have a typical IBC system (top 10″ cut off and flipped on top for a growbed) with an additional bed beside it (old bathtub). I have one HF 264 gph feeding each bed and the flow is just about perfect. I usually run a constant flood system but will sometimes run a bell siphon or timed flood and drain. If one pump plugs/dies, it’s likely that the other still runs so there’s always water circulating and aerating as it falls back into the tank.
I pick these pumps up when they are on sale for around $17 and they last quite a long time (1-2 years). The axle that the rotor spins on will eventually wear clear through but I just cut new ones out of a length of stainless TIG welding rod. Eventually the rotor gets pretty worn also so I just drop a new pump in. Never have had an electrical failure on one.
Regarding wills and leaving things anonymously to your heirs.
Having recently had to go through the probate process. Upon your death, your will needs to be filed with the court and becomes a public record. Anybody who wants to, can go to the courthouse and read it.
If you want something to be anonymous, do it like Jack said in the episode or you can get advice on creating a trust and have your heirs inherit from the trust which will not become public record.