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Joel Nisly
Joel Nisly
5 years ago

Winter sowing traditionally is what you described in this episode.  Online it now can also refer to the milk jug mini greenhouse system popularized by WinterSown.org and their Facebook group: http://wintersown.org/wseo1/How_to_Winter_Sow.html

In my experience it works best for perennial and hardy annual flowers and herbs.

Baker Creek now has a bulk seed website: https://www.heirloomseeds.com/

steven c sparks
steven c sparks
5 years ago

Mustard Family is brassica not brassia

5 years ago

Since you mentioned concrete beds, but didn’t mention modular precast concrete, I thought you might enjoy this youtube video on diy precast concrete garden beds:




Not cast in place so you can move them, and still won’t rot.