Episode-2574- Listener Feedback – The Gardening Edition
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Today on The Survival Podcast I answer your questions on everything gardening. I am gonna toss you guys a small curve ball today. Rather than a typical feedback show largely driven by email I posted a request for content on my facebook page and the TSP facebook page this weekend asking for gardening questions. The response was great. I plan to do a series of themed feedback shows in the coming months. Likely it will be about every other week with typical email response shows in between. But this is a great reason to join the TSP Facebook Forum Group if you have not yet done so.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- Quote of the day – “All the world’s problems can be solved in a garden” ~ Geoff Lawton
- Questions from the book of faces
- Dealing with white powdery mildew
- Dealing with squash bugs and growing bigger carrots
- Muscadine grapes dropping off the vine early
- A productive privacy screen “fedge” (and thorny options too)
- Setting up a cheap hydro system with adjustable distance lights
- Gnats living in container plant soils
- Dealing with excessive water retention in garden soil
- Indoor seed starting vs. winter sowing and how kratky hydro fits into this
- Preparing 1/4th of an acre now for gardening this spring
- Best seed catalogs to order from and why
- Control of root knot nematodes
- Best direct sow cold weather crops
- Trouble getting nasturtiums to grow
- Keeping cats out of the garden
- Best automated irrigation solution when you have to travel a lot
- Media for growing tomatoes with “fishless aquaponics” ie Hydro
- Planting a wind brake to deal with chemical overspray
- Growing great peppers
- Does a hydroponic system need to run continuously
- When you have mulched and tarped should you do any tilling in spring
- Making gardening easier for older folks or anyone with mobility issues
- The basics of tree planting
- Gardening after a fire – Thoughts on Australia
- Easiest set and forget garden plants
- How much microclimate can you really create in a garden
- Partial shade and potatoes
- Keeping voles out of your garden
- Gardens and electric fences in sandy soils
- Best material to build raised beds with
- How to select the right varieties for your location
- What is more practical to just buy local vs. grow your own
- Crops that do well in partial shade
- My top 3-5 easiest food crops
- DIY Greenhouses, the good, bad and ugly
- Best options for renters and temporary gardens
- Raise beds vs. growing in conventional rows
- Starting seeds for hydro and getting zero germination
- Will a permaculture background practically guarantee you a job at a gardening center
- Does it make sense to buy a wood chipper, especially a 2,000 dollar one
- How to sell customers on going organic in a garden maintence business
Resources for today’s show…
- Follow Life With Jack on Instagram
- TSP Facebook Group
- Join the Members Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- Don’t Bring Me Down – ELO
Sponsors of the Day
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Winter sowing traditionally is what you described in this episode. Online it now can also refer to the milk jug mini greenhouse system popularized by WinterSown.org and their Facebook group: http://wintersown.org/wseo1/How_to_Winter_Sow.html
In my experience it works best for perennial and hardy annual flowers and herbs.
Baker Creek now has a bulk seed website: https://www.heirloomseeds.com/
Mustard Family is brassica not brassia
Since you mentioned concrete beds, but didn’t mention modular precast concrete, I thought you might enjoy this youtube video on diy precast concrete garden beds:
Not cast in place so you can move them, and still won’t rot.