Fan Picks & Clips – Weekly Top Moments on TSPC
So as many of you know I have been encouraging folks to use the app. It has worked well and TSPC has routinely ranked in the top 5 podcasts on the fountain charts. In fact this week we hit the top of the charts.
That is great and thanks to all who support us via Podcasting 2.0 but I have pushed Fountain far more for how much more interactive it is than any other app. While it still does have bugs popping up at times it does so much and people can even earn a few sats just by using it.
Likely though the coolest feature is “clips”. Users can make clips via listening to and trimming audio for basic users or via text transcripts for Fountain Premium members. Premium is only 2.99 a month and if you like making clips the transcripts for doing it is likely worth the cost alone.
Anyway I realized many of you were making excellent clips of the show. Better yet it isn’t what I think is best it is what you YOU think is best. Also when you make clips other Fountain users can like them and tip you small amount of bitcoin. So when I see a clip, I like the clip and I see quite a few people tipped the creator I know it is a really great clip.
Are you starting to see why I love Fountain so much now?
Anyway once anyone makes a clip it can also be exported as a small flash video. Then uploaded anywhere like say YouTube. So this is what I will do each week from now on. I will select the clips I think are great and the ones that are well tipped and export them and upload them to TSPC’s YouTube channel. Each video will have a link in the notes to the episode it is from.
This should allow folks that may be miss a show or two any given week to just pull up the playlist for the week and let it roll. The first one is already done, you can find it here.
Then each weekend, usually on Sunday I will publish a quick article here on the TSPC site and link to and embed the playlist. I will add a small blurb to the daily mail so each week’s daily mail will have a link to the priors weeks “Picks & Clips”. You will always be able to find them all in the Picks & Clips page here on the TSPC website. Cool huh?
The big thing I love about this is it puts you the audience in control of the project. People are doing it anyway but now may be more people will do it, more will get involved and more people will share the clips. People ask all the time, “can you break out that x minutes from episode y”. With Fountain anyone can and we can build a library of what you think are the best of the best.
Now you can share that “one part” with your friend that really needs to hear it. And the clips do not have to be from this weeks shows, just made this week. One of the best clips in this weeks list is from a rewind from a few weeks back another one is from an episode over a year old. No problem, if the clip is good and it was made this week it gets considered.
While I will consider any clips every week and I have no limit on how many I may include here are best practices for me to include them and I think best practices to earn tips on Fountain too…
- Unless there really is a need for them to be longer, clips of 2-5 minutes seem to do best.
- Use a good descriptive title as to what the clip is about, more people will check it out that way
- Use good hash tags you can have three a clip, just use some key words that ID the main idea
Now most times when I use a clip I am going to hit that like button a time, may be two, sometimes three if I really love it. The like defaults to 10 sats but I have adjusted mine up to 25 so I am usually paying 25-75 sats when I use your clip. V4V SHOULD GO BOTH WAYS is how I feel. So if you are not yet using Fountain, consider downloading it and being part of this new project.