If You Use Facebook, Consider Joining The Survival Podcast Facebook Forum
Over eight years I built up the TSP Facebook page to over 100,000 followers but there are two problems. One big problems is my TSP Page is just that my page. A place I can post stuff but you guys really can’t. It is a one way street and you guys know not only do I want to hear from you, I want you guys to hear from each other.
Next up is Facebook more and more is basically holding page owners like myself hostage and making us pay an advertising fee, TO REACH OUR OWN followers.
Yea, not oh you can pay x per person and reach all these additional people for a fee. Nope, more like if you want to reach the people who already said they want to follow you, you have to pay for it. For instance I just published today’s show, and they are calling my FB post about it “engaging” and prompting me to sponsor it, it is engaging it reached 200 of my 112,000 followers oh joy!
Greater joy? For just 400 dollars they will make sure about half my followers see it.
The solution?
Last year Aaron Bateen a long time listener started up The Survival Podcast Facebook Forum. Rather than a page this is a group, this means not just I can post there but you can too. You can talk to me and other community members. Right now it only has 2400 members but I often reach more people there than on my page with over 100,000 followers.
The big thing though again is it is more interactive and I really like that. So I will continue to post stuff to the page but if you use FB you really should join the group if you want to keep up to date with everything we have going on. Since Facebook doesn’t sell advertising to group owners they have no extortion to extract. Groups are run democratically with the posts that get more interaction getting more exposure.
Effective today all the TSP links to facebook are now going to the forum rather than the TSP Page on Facebook. Please join us there if you are a Facebook user.
Visit the TSP Facebook Forum Page Here
Side Note – Every time I post something like this, there are a few people all out of sorts. Why do you even bother with Facebook, why not just ignore them, they suck, it is wastebook, etc. Well Facebook is the third most popular site on line behind only google and youtube. I have thousands of followers that like it and want to communicate with me there. That is why I don’t ignore it, because I respect and value my listeners that like communicating with me there. Just as I value communicating with many of you via other means who choose not to use Facebook.
Very interesting stuff, and I must say this is actually informative about how their own attempts to monetize their platform is eating itself, at least for content creators that may make it worth actually using the platform.
And you know if they just did it like they used to and let me reach say 10-20K a week that didn’t already follow me for say a few hundred bucks, I would happily spend thousands with them annually.
I recently ran a campaign myself and I was definitely a bit mystified by the process.
I have been mulling about wondering if the only way to “reach” anybody using Facebook or similar marketing campaigns is writing absolutely obnoxious clickbait and inflammatory statements.
I am not sure if you’re in the position, or interested in running a binary test, but you could certainly test if facebook desires more low brow inflammatory material by releasing maybe two different versions of either the ad, or the actual article/content. One being your normal style, and another being so over the top its embarrassing.
Of course you’d potentially have to sacrifice personal morality for this…
Thus far, how would you describe the overall growth strategy that you have had for the show since the beginning? Almost purely word of mouth?
Facebook ads I have found to be 0% effective for converting people into customers. I’ve gotten all my customers through youtube reviews, email, cratejoy (my hosting platform that does marketing for us), word of mouth and TSP.
I’m pretty sure I’m just doing it wrong because GaryVee loves it….
HAH. GaryVee is kind of extreme in-it-of-itself and usually everything he says is controversial. (on purpose I would assume).
He certainly talks up facebook considerably.
Thanks for making a great podcast! Love your content and interviews.
More interactive, what a joke. You delete comments that you don’t like, even though you call this an open discussion. You are an absolute asshole to those that may disagree with even the smallest bit of differing opinion.
No jack, your site is not as interactive as you would like it because people are tired of your abusive bullshit.
Now, post that if you dare. If you want the real truth, create an honest poll to answer these statements and you will see the true reason for your lack of response.
What is funny is I don’t run the TSP forum, I don’t run the TSP Facebook forum either. So yea. Whatever dude. They are run by individuals that set them up on their own initiative.
Actually I am talking about your site Jack, but it really doesn’t matter because you really don’t care. You are so burnt out with this stuff, you find any reason to lose your cool.
The TSP forum is filled with comments similar to mine about guys that you have disrespected and been too ignorant to treat like a human being.
This podcast has gone downhill over the last few years, and it’s all about you poor attitude and toddler tantrums.
Take that however you want, I really don’t care.
Then why are you here, why are you commenting, if you don’t care? Have a great life man.