Extreme Delays in Email and Support Responses
I am about to disconnect the Satellite modem and begin loading the last of our items along with our pets into our two trucks. Within an hour Dorothy and I will be on the road. We do maintain an apartment with our son in the Arlington area but it is about an hour from our new house. Likely we will get down there once every other day to respond to emails. This will be our situation until some time on Wednesday the 30th.
I do plan to try to put up an episode for Monday and Tuesday next week, one may be recorded on the drive we are about to make, sort of a throwback to the Jetta TDI days for long time listeners.
The big thing is any thing you send me that is highly detailed in the next few days is likely best delayed for about a week, until we get settled in. We will handle all tech support emails in as timely a manner as possible but please excuse the delays during our relocation.
I will also be checking in on zello at times during the commute should be at random spots between say 10 Am to 4PM central time today. Until later, Jack out.
Best of luck, moving for a prepper is a special flavor of suck.
Congrats, Jack! Really excited for you guys! Can’t wait to see what comes of the new homestead!
Good luck with the move. I wouldn’t know where to start moving all my preps!
Since its a throwback to the Jetta days, will there be an Assclown of the day/week/month/year?
Good luck and congratulations!
“sort of a throwback to the Jetta TDI days for long time listeners.” <–This is good, I liked those old Frisco-Dallas rush hour commute episodes.
You’ll be in my prayers, on the road and as you settle.
You are making Texas a better place to live.
I just may join you down there one day.
Safe travels Jack and Dorothy! Looking forward to hear how it all goes and having you back on the air. Godspeed!
Have a safe trip!
Safe travels!
I hope that your ride is un-eventful.
Two is one,One is none
Three sets you FREE!
Enjoy the trip the best you can and may this be your last move.
Godspeed and be safe
Safe journey to you and the whole family. Hope to catch you on Zello.
When you said “moving” and “prepper” together, I threw up a little.
OK, I admit I have not been listening to the podcast for quite sometime, though I do read some of the things Jack sends out.
Am I right in assuming that they are moving back to TX? Confused…
OK, found a post from Jack explaining they were looking for larger property in TX. http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/episode-924-lessons-learned-on-the-arkansas-homestead
no need to reply – I get it now.
Warm wishes and safe travels Jack & Dorothy!!!
You and Dorothy have my prayers for safe travel and a good move.
We understand the delay on the shows; put it out of your mind. We’ll be here when you get back, dude. We know The Survival Podcast will be better than ever!
God speed Hon and take all the time you need. I feel for you we are doing a similar trip except we’re going North.
Love all that you do!
Good luck to you and Dorothy with the move back to Texas, Jack. Moving sucks. Too bad Arkansas didn’t work out for you. I think I would like Texas better anyway. – Sidney
Have a safe drive. Hope this works out and is all you want it to be.
Safe travels, and best wishes for your new home.
May our Lord Bless & Protect you & yours on Your Journey & may you fine the happiness your seeking.
Be safe on the road, best of luck! We just moved to Hawaii from Arlington. Hope to ask you some questions about living in the Pacific so far from the mainland some day. God Speed! Cheese & Holly
Safe trip!
Jack been alongtime follower since the jetta days just want to say thanks and good luck to you and dorthy. Sitting in my 89dodge p u here in ontario canada. Ina snow storm using wi fi .
Travel Safe, We’ll be here when you get settled.
Welcome back to Texas. I live 60 minutes from Arlington also, in Hood County.
Hey Jack
Have a safe trip! Question: have you thought about having guest hosts do your podcast when you can’t?
I’d volunteer for a shift. Being a strong gun control advocate but still a prepper, I’d bring a different flavor to the show.
It’d be more of a ‘big tent’ approach to the Survival Podcast.
And who knows, maybe you have a lot of anti-gun fans out there (like me).
Lemme know
Are you serious?
I would not let you with in 20 feet of my mic!
Thank you Jack
Haha, I would help out as well. I too have a face for radio!
I was prepared for this. I stored “Spirkos” in memory cards to listen to in case of a TSP emergency. You see, Jack always tells up to be prepared for likely events first. So, I immediately began stock piling almost 900 “Spirkos”. All my neighbors are screwed!
Congratulation. On your new homested jack and dorthy God sp eed
Welcome to the neighborhood! I am fortunate enough to live fairly close to Eagle Mountain Lake. 🙂
If there’s no DSL run to your place, I know the local high speed wireless 411. Email me if’n you have interfering tree’s. A friend and I are capable in installing Rohn 25 towers.
Hope to hook up sometime.
glad to have you a little bit closer to us out in Arizona:)… even if it is still a 1000 miles away. Looking forward to hearing podcasts and seeing pictures of the new homestead!
I’m looking forward to the “throw back” jetta style episode. Those were so fun to listen to, you never knew what to expect. I also miss the ass clown segment!
God speed
Hey Jack
Good luck on the move!! I thought maybe a half episode on moving as a prepper.
Good Luck with your new home!!!
I need a podcast!! Need a quick fix to my Spirkos withdraw. I’m slipping and becoming more of a yuppie each day!! Help Jack