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Nick in MNG
3 years ago

I thought that 0.7% improvement they cited was with areas doing BOTH mask mandates and lockdowns? Which if true, probably makes the case for masks even WORSE. As economically and socially damaging lockdowns are, I figure they would reduce spread at least a LITTLE BIT. So if that’s true, masks might help a lot less than 0.7%. Could even be negative, if a majority of people are using them wrong (from reckless behavior and a false sense of security).

At the outset there wasn’t proof masks would be a big help in this pandemic, but from a risk management perspective I saw it worth trying (as an individual choice, NOT as a mandate). If used primarily in high-risk environments or big crowds (or for someone who’s ACTUALLY SICK and needs to be out in public) there is almost no downside and possibly some upside, so either way one wouldn’t be any worse off. Over time the benefit-to-inconvenience/drawback ratio has kept dropping as no solid information has proven the case for masks with this outbreak, and there seems to be no benefit to preventing infection. There might be a case for masks in reducing the AMOUNT of virus getting in (so still getting sick but more likely for a better outcome) the proven treatments make that a minimal consideration in my mind even IF it ends up being the case. Not to mention the idiot brigade has turned masks from a tool to a magic talisman. So at this point I see no reason to voluntarily wear one unless “I” am sick in public or am spending a lot of time in a poorly-ventilated room with a sick & symptomatic person (and I’m doing neither). In this case, I didn’t gain anything but didn’t lose anything either, apart from the $15 I spent in January 2020 on a pack of N95 masks.

Using the same risk management approach with HCQ and Ivermectin and Quercetin w/zinc, there’s practically nil downside and maybe very significant upside, so even if they don’t work one is no worse off. In THIS case, all the quality information that has come out over time shows they DO help so risk management was well worth the $30-40 I spent to have Quercetin & zinc on hand. The vaccines on the other hand also have a potentially significant upside but an as-of-yet unknown level of medium-to-long-term side effects to the downside. Even before they became available we learned the virus wasn’t as bad as initially feared, so the risk management side of my brain said even if zinc ionophores ended up being not quite AS effective as a vaccines, the lack of downside made them a much better choice overall.

Any decent business owner or CEO (one not tied to Big Pharma anyway) worth their salt would likely have approached this doing something similar. Of course this method doesn’t make Big Pharma gobs of money, so bought-and-paid-for gov’t officials promote the Cult of Experts approach instead. We probably could have put the owner/manager of the local Arby’s or Dairy Queen chain in charge of pandemic policy instead of Fauci & company, and have had better results! Instead of that ridiculous “jab and a joint” promotion, we could have had “Ivermectin with Arby’s” or “HCQ with your DQ shake” and already been done with this nonsense… 🙂

Nick in MNG
3 years ago

Ah, ok then. Well then, the difference between 1.2% and 0.7% is just as insignificant as what I was thinking.

Masks weren’t necessarily a bad idea to try out as an experiment, but the mandates and magical thinking ended up making them a net negative whether or not there’s any benefit in them in the end. I take this all as a lesson that to never underestimate the immense idiocy of the herd (not to mention the MSM’s complete lack of integrity…)

Catskill Frank
Catskill Frank
3 years ago

Awesome podcast, as usual! Love Tim Toolman Cook’s word on trimmers. I have a 5hp gas-powered push trimmer that ate smaller strings. I’m up to .095 or .105 now and it eats small trees. I love it!

I’m looking at the Dewalt 60V 16″ chainsaw for my next buy…but the batteries are damn expensive; more than the chainsaw…lol.

One word on John Adams. He died on July 4th, 1826 at the age of 90. His last words were, “Thomas Jefferson still lives.” Sadly, Jefferson died 5 hours earlier on the same day at the age of 83.

Ben Franklin died in 1790.

All of them were great men who said great things!

Keep up the great work!

3 years ago

Old post, but fwiw, I have the DeWalt 20v trimmer, and I love it. I only just it residentially, but I don’t think I’ll ever go back to a gas model again.