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Mike Centex
3 years ago

To add to Tim’s great advice, I’ve cleared a lot of acres of land and trails by hand and heavy equipment over the years. I recently bought the smallest Makita 18v battery powered chainsaw and it has been fantastic for clearing underbrush up to 2” in diameter. It runs on the same batteries as my power tools and it is super light but will slice through things like yaupon, and small trees quickly with low manual effort. I was really surprised at how much I use it now. It’s great for limbing larger fallen trees to make it easy to get in and cut up the trunk with my larger Stihl 18”. I’m amazed at the variety of battery powered tools from the top brands that are available now.

3 years ago

The bit about the 9 out of 10, and ‘not letting one’s mistakes demorilize oneself’ is excellent advice.

You would have made a fairly good school teacher had you decided to go to university, instead of going into the army & then business.